Fisetin to Clear Senescent Cells
Following studies with mice that showed significant senolytic clearance of senescent cells following large doses of the readily available flavenoid supplement Fisetin, my wife and I (ages 79 and 84) decided to try it. We have just completed two sets of massive Fisetin doses.
We had Life Extension blood-work done in October before the start, and we will have more again next week to observe any changes. The first set of Fisetin doses was on October 22-25 with 800 mg/day for three days followed by 600 mg on the fourth day, for a total of 4 g. I didn't notice much in the way of effects. Perhaps some reduction of small aches and pains and some increase in energy and mental acuity.
For the second set of doses done November 22-26, since we experienced no negative side effects in the first set we decided to increase the dosage a bit and to add 10 mg of BioPerine, a supplement that is reputed to magnify the effects and potency of flavenoids. For five days starting on Thanksgiving we took 500 mg of Fisetin and 10 mg of BioPerine twice per day, for a total of 5 g of Fisetin.
This time. I did experience one negative side effect. A few months ago, about 2 AM in the morning I awoke from a deep sleep and experienced a severe episode of vertigo. I turned over in bed, and the the whole room seemed to tilt. Suddenly, I didn't know which way was up. I staggered to the bathroom and vomited. The symptoms tapered off and disappeared in a few days, but it was a very distributing experience.
On the 2nd day of our 2nd Fisetin series, I experience a recurrence of that vertigo in the middle of the night, not as bad as my initial experience but still rather disturbing. I tolerated this mild vertigo and continued the treatment. My wife had no similar symptoms, and after my last dose I experienced no further vertigo symptoms.
On the positive side, following the second set of dosages I did feel very well, and very sharp and alert. This past weekend I ran my Shetland Sheepdog Taliesin in an AKC Canine Agility Trial in Mt. Vernon, WA, and we did very well, qualifying in 7 runs out of 15 and getting various colored placement ribbons. I was feeling quite sharp, and I even invented a new dog-handling technique that fixed an ongoing problem we were having.
Next week we will do the blood-work again, and I'll report any changes.
Thank you for the info. My understanding is the Fisetin should be taken with quercetin?
I have been taking only 100mg Fisetin + 500mg quercitin daily for about 2 weeks. Can't say I have noticed any changes. Except, I did have a short duration vagus nerve zinger that included a hot flash, dizziness, nausea, near faint, and SURPRISE! Lasted only 30 seconds or so but scared the heck out of me. It occurred on the 3rd day of my 5 day fast.
Would like to read more on dosage, duration, and results from others?
Bloodwork Results of Two Fisetin Sessions
As I stated in my first post on this topic, in the past two months my wife and I have taken two massive doses of Fisetin in an effort to clear our senescent cells. We did bloodwork arranged by Life Extension on October 22 before the first session and again on December 17 after the second session. Our goal was to determine if the Fisetin sessions had a measurable effect on our fitness, as measured by the bloodwork results. We analyzed our result values in three ways: (1) using the Aging AI website, (2) using the Young.AI website, and (3) using a calculation of Levine Phenotypic Age done with a spreadsheet that I have posted elsewhere on this site. I note that the Levine age is always close to the calendar age because the latter is one of its most important input factors. The table below summarizes the results:
Interestingly, following the Fisetin sessions my Aging AI age dropped by 8 years and my Young.AI age dropped by 3 years, but my Levine Phenotypic Age actually increased by 3 years. I think that this is because at the time of the second bloodwork I had a big bruise on my left leg from a collision with a chair in the dark a few days earlier. The inflammation from this bruise probably somewhat increased my c-reactive protein, my white blood cell count, and the blood geometry factors, all of which will increase the Levine age.
Therefore, my wife's numbers are probably more relevant. Her aging AI age dropped by 5 years, her Young.AI age dropped by 11 years, and her Levine age dropped by 1.4 years. My conclusion that the Fisetin sessions did have an observable (but not large) effect on our overall fitness, as reflected by the bloodwork.
Soon we will undertake two similar sessions with D+Q, and we will report any bloodwork changes after those.
JGC said:
...The table below summarizes the results: ..Thank you for sharing your results and also look forward to the D+Q tests!
In my case I have noticed large variations in the aging.ai results in time (~10 years) and always wondered how I can disentangle the effect from the error. v1.0 and v3.0 have also resp. an intrinsic MAE of 5.5 and 5.9 years. To understand a bit more I did try an ANOVA test which might show a little effect (only with v1.0) in lowering the aging.ai in recent years and I (would like to :-)) associate this to a regular use of metformin. Coincidence or not, I am also looking at senolytics and might try the new LEF formulation.
Good luck for your tests!
Fisetin vs. D+Q
My wife and I have been starting our new senolytic doses on the 22nd of the month. In October and November, we took large doses of Fisetin, as reported above.
Today at 10 AM on empty stomachs, we took 200 mg of Dasatinib, 2,400 mg of Quercetin, and 10 mg of BioPerine. I'll report any side effects that we observe.
We plan to repeat this in a week, on the 29th. After that, we'll do bloodwork yet again and report any changes.