Intro to rapamycin

Hello everyone,

Rapamycin is an mTOR inhibitor. It has been used for years to prevent organ transplant rejection in humans, in part because mTOR inhibition also inhibits the immune system. 

mTOR is a pro-growth factor that is involved in cellular growth and protein synthesis. Its inhibition has been associated with longer lifespans in certain organisms (not yet humans). 

Rapamycin administration has been shown to extend the remaining lifespan of middle-aged mice, making it an interesting life-extension candidate for use in middle-aged humans. 

Has anyone tried rapamycin? What were the results? 

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  • Gentlemen, I was looking for the vendor list for Rapamycin. Can anyone point me to it?

    • Staffan Olsson I have posted a few times in this long thread. A pal had his sample apprehended by customs... and they did mass spectroscopy on it to ID the sample... pure Rapamycin. He did not get his product. I have had my serum levels tested several times when taking my self-compounded drug and levels were identical to same dose "rapamune". I trust the supplier. Can you search rapamycinon Alibaba in Europe...where in the past, dozens of suppliers come up... or has the site totally blocked pharma purchases? If you can't access that way... try a direct Email to "Sabrina" at Feel free to send a PM if you get stuck.

    • Steve Roedde Thank you for the advice, I will email "Sabrina" if needed.

  • Dr Jerry Morris out of Texas prescribes Rapamycin & Metformin online with telemedicine The doctors contact info is 1205 S white chapel blvd #215 southlake, TX 76092                              817-345–6141

      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Just a heads up, I think he's pretty expensive. 

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  • Dear all,

    Here is a great email to get:

    Exciting to me that is launching a human study on Rapamycin, as a patient of Dr.Green - although I can be only a health tourist in the US and I can't currently use the medicines.

    Best regards, Flavio

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    • Flavio Ferlitz Confused, are you saying you are a patient of Dr. Green but unable to buy or use the rapamycin he prescribes?

    • Fred Cloud Hi Fred, I don't know where you live, but in Europe I should find a doctor who agrees to prescribe me the same things, then perhaps I would be able to buy them at a pharmacy. They are very restrictive. I have tried to order to Austria - perhaps there was no prescription in the packet coming from outside the EU as well. I did order regularly via IAS with the NY prescription. However the response of the customs was a rather scary form to fill in. So I decided, when possible, to stay lengthy periods of time in the UK, where apparently ordering with the prescriptions I have is not a problem. If you ask Staffan Olson from Sweden about Dasatinib, you'll find he could not get that either. Lately both UK and US were not exactly advised places to go, but I'm vaccinated and I'm waiting for the right time window. Best. Flavio

  • For those living in Europe, can you not order from India?  I have had good service, but importing to USA has been easy

    • Ross Barker That's more or less the origin, but when it arrives at the Austrian customs they send you a form. You only have the right to import if you are in danger of impending death and the medicine is not available (it certainly would not, I don't believe any doctor would prescribe it if I had a US prescription -not valid here). Whatever one answers one is in danger of punishment under the criminal law. So one can only opt for long holidays in the US - or UK if you want to check practically if your vaccine works against the Indian variants.

      Just to round that one up, I have spoken over the phone to the customs about supplements coming from outside the EU. They said the law is very complex. Potentially anything that can help you can be defined as a medicine (no problem when it comes from inside the EU).

    • Flavio Ferlitz Are the Doctors in the EU sophisticated enough to prescribe supplements? I find here in USA, they will prescribe the offerings of Big Pharma, but if you need for example some Magnesium or Zinc, your out of luck and they won't even discuss if it is a wise investment or not, let alone more complex offerings such as Rapamycin. On this moment I am very frustrated with US Healthcare and planing to move to Europe this winter, Perhaps France, Healthcare is said to be #1 in the world, I have been unable to confirm if a Doctor might recommend even Magnesium or not?  I take a long list of Supplements daily. 

    • @Ross Barker  

      In the UK they feel the US are at least 5 years ahead of them (you do find naturapathic doctors in the UK). In the US you enjoy the greates freedom and opportunities, about health, in the UK nearly so. The EU is restrictive on Anti-Aging but does have naturopath doctors who know their supplements, so does Australia - I saw quite a few in both places. In 2019 I saw dr. Green in NY because he covers the first steps of the Age Reversal Protocol emerged from RAADfest. He sent me to - there one can pay online for one's tests, then one gets them done e.g. by Quest or other labs. Until magic bullets come out of international partnering, that protocol is valid enough.
      For supplements and advice I also wrote and spoke to the Life Extension Advisory in Ft. Lauderdale. LEF has many yearly test kits (and a huge database of studies, magazines, protocols).
      There are so many Age Reversal groups everywhere promoting studies and mailing us sources of information. If you want naturopathic doctors from the Age Reversal Network, they are all over the US, listed on the website- even dr. Green (who is not one of them); the others won't necessarily cover the first essential steps of Age Reversal with their prescriptions - still about controlling TOR and Senescent Cells (this can do more than most supplements on older people and ultimately cut your supplements bill). And there would be also unrelated Naturopathic doctors everywhere in the US.
      I don't know everyting, but one thing is good standard medical care covered by Medicare, another one is the care by naturopathic doctors, and still another one is Age Reversal. That's in my experience at least

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  • Hi everyone. In one the the comments, someone mentioned a doctor in the Tampa area. I can't seem to find it when I scroll through. Can someone provide? Thank you in advance. 

    • MAC
    • MAC
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Been off this site for a while, went down a deep rapamycin rabbit hole. Just recently came out:

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    • Van
    • Van
    • 1 yr ago
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      I really believe that a persons age will affect the degree of improvement in skin. I follow Dr. Green's formulation.  It is stronger to really fade the liver spots caused by ageing.  300 grams Cetaphil cream, 135 mg. Rapa, 1 oz. propylene glycol, mixed thoroughly.  I apply nightly and do not wash off until shower around 10-11 next day.  Have done 3 batches and noticed significant fading of skin damage spots along with overall texture of skin.  I am 77 yo., with falling jowls and neck skin.  Have also noticed less sagging, possibly due to replacement of lost collagen.  I also have darken skin under eyes, which is less pronounced since using cream.  I apply to head, face and and upper arms and hands.

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      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 1 yr ago
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      Van I have questions.  Is your cream around a 0.04% concentration of rapamycin?  How long have you been using it and does there appear to be any increase in collagen to help with sagging?  And, do you have any particular way of mixing it.  Thanks.

      • Van
      • Van
      • 1 yr ago
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      Jay Orman I have powder so I put 135 mg into bowl, and add 10% of cream, mix very well, add another 10% and repeat until all 300 grams are mixed.  When 50% of cream is used, I add the Propanol.  Using for about 7 months, and yes I seem to have less sagging,  sun damage spots, disappear or are lightened, along with better texture of skin.  Dark bags under eyes also lightened.  So I will continue with mixture.  Never did the math, just followed Dr. Greens recipe.  Located on his website. 

    • Van Van, you haveto  solubilize rapa first in solvent!! I recommend Transuctol for dissloving the drug , in 3ml of Transuctol you can dissolve 100mg of Rapa if not more once you get a clear solution mix it in a cream base like Vanicream that can hold not use dmso will cause irritation 

    • Van Topical sirolimus 0.1% for treating cutaneous microcystic lymphatic malformations in children and adults (TOPICAL): protocol for a multicenter phase 2, within-person, randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled clinical trial | Trials | Full Text ( cream will be prepared by first solubilizing rapamycin in Transcutol®. Then, the mixture will be progressively added to Excipial® hydrocream. The formulation is 0.03 g rapamycin, 1.5 g Transcutol®, and QS 30 g Excipial® hydrocream, corresponding to a 0.1% concentration. The cream will be packaged in 30-mL aluminum tubes. The stability of this formulation was studied by high-performance liquid chromatography: the rapamycin concentration remained > 95% of the initial concentration for at least 85 days

    • Van
    • Van
    • 1 yr ago
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    I live in Europe, Transcutol® is not sold here.  Glycol is used in many cosmetics. I would not use DSMO.   I did forget to mention that I dissolved the rapa in glycol first, before mixing with cream.  Not argueing with anything you said. Also, the results are outstanding.

      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Van I just talked to dr green about using the dmso and he said that would work fine. I was hesitant at first because of the other ingredients but I use a small amount for mixing the rapa. 

    • Van Van, which Glycol are you referring to? is it  propylene glycol or glycerol or PEG 200, 400? Transuctol itself is a glycol.

      If you use these in creams ,there may be stability issues /you would need stability testing

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