Intro to rapamycin

Hello everyone,

Rapamycin is an mTOR inhibitor. It has been used for years to prevent organ transplant rejection in humans, in part because mTOR inhibition also inhibits the immune system. 

mTOR is a pro-growth factor that is involved in cellular growth and protein synthesis. Its inhibition has been associated with longer lifespans in certain organisms (not yet humans). 

Rapamycin administration has been shown to extend the remaining lifespan of middle-aged mice, making it an interesting life-extension candidate for use in middle-aged humans. 

Has anyone tried rapamycin? What were the results? 

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  • Cross-posting from my self-experimentation

    Update on blood work after 3 months on Rapamycin and one D & Q treatment.

    For about 5 years now I've been getting poor results on kidney functions - low eGfr and high creatine. My grandfather and aunt both died of kidney disease, so i figured that was hereditary.

    My eGfr increased from averaging 52 to 89 and my Creatine dropped from 1.41 to 0.88

    I am ecstatic about these results! Didn't exercise much over the last 3 months either due to winter, so maybe able to improve.

    Using the Levine spreadsheet provided by others on this forum my predicted DNAage dropped from 63.5 with last years blood work to 51.3. Hopefully there is some validity to this! Best part is my predicted mortality risk dropped from 16.6% to 5.8% over the next 10 years

    Like 4
    • Paul Beauchemin You told  me your Kidneys  had  improved,  but  I didn't realize  the  Degree,  this  is awesome,  is it holding still  now  to  date?

      Like 1
    • Ross Barker getting new blood work Tuesday so hope so

      Like 3
    • Dale Duke
    • Dale_Duke
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I am 69 yrs. old and have taken rapamycin for seven months. After three months of 5 MG. Per week, Wow. My youthful energy returned, my prostate problem improved. Before rapamycin I was sleeping 12 hrs. a day, then sitting in a chair. After 3 months rapamycin joined a jazzercise class. God be my witness. 

    Like 9
  • Mark Thimineur Thanks. I was thinking it would need DMSO to carry the AKG.

  • That is also how long my jar lasts on upper face, front of neck, and top of hands twice a day... and occasionally very small amount on upper arms.

  • Are there any concerns regarding the side effects of excessive arginine, including triggering of cold sores or herpes, and balancing of arginine with lysine?

    • chuck stanley studies seem OK...

      Like 1
    • chuck stanley Arginine like other amino acids stimulates mTOR. But I can't judge if the mTOR stimulation from arginine will affect human physiology in a significant way. 


      L-Arginine Enhances Protein Synthesis by Phosphorylating mTOR (Thr 2446) in a Nitric Oxide-Dependent Manner in C2C12 Cells (

      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Staffan Olsson 

      Hi Staffan- Question: if Arginine stimulates mTor  and Rapamycin down regulates, aren’t these fighting each other? Does this imply that if your trying to get the benefits of Rapamycin, you should avoid Arginine? Your thoughts?

      Like 1
    • BobM I can only reason on the basis what I have learned. And based on what I have learned, Rapamycin is a very selective and strong inhibitor of mTOR. So my thoughts are that rapamycin blocks most of the effects from ingested proteins and amino acids. 

      Like 1
  • Has anyone seen benefits of rapamycin without weight loss?

    As most of us know, it's always important to control for the effects of calorie restriction (CR), since CR has such dramatic effects.


    • BrianMDelaney definitely - changed both egfr and creatinine levels - put both metrics in range for the first time in 5 years

      Like 3
    • @BrianMDelaney  

      Hello Brian. A 2019 article about many taking Rapa. came to mind. Many people use it. Same for Dasatinib and a few other treatments featuring as the first "steps" of the stair diagram of a possible path to healthy longevity from 2019 - which you described in Aging Matters. Strong funding is emerging lately, as highlighted by SENS and Forever Healthy. If it wasn't for COVID, it would be amazing if, with so many volunteers available - e.g. those in the article, and so many wishing for it - a proper human study (even not too large) doesn't start soon. It could benefit in the very least many participants to start with. Perhaps some could take individual medicines or supplements or older people could be in a study following a protocol over time.
      I do hope to hear of something happening very soon.

    • BrianMDelaney I have been on it for 8 months, no weight loss but it does make me feel much better and when it wears off after a week I start to feel worse. I am not sure why this is happening. The only thing I can think of is that it is acting a senomorph and putting my inflammation producing senescent cells to sleep for a week. I am going to test it by waiting until I feel bad at around 10 days and then take a round of senolytics to see if I get the same relief. Its strange most people say they feel nothing from taking rapamycin but I feel noticeably different. Maybe I have a lot of senescent cells?

      Like 2
  • Gentlemen, I was looking for the vendor list for Rapamycin. Can anyone point me to it?

    • Gregory Stephens you could start with a search "buy rapamycin"

      Like 1
    • Gregory Stephens Just search on for "sirolimus". Then search out the different suppliers on to make sure they are not scam sites.

    • Brin Chikovski I used Indiamant, orded beginning of March.  It still has not arrived as of today, May 14th.  Hoping it's only a delay due to Covid closures.  Makes me nervous though.

      • djmichel
      • CDR Phx
      • djmichel
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Gregory Stephens Gregory, I have been using an India source for several years.  A few  of the products they have supplied are:  

      1. for my Covid emergency kit,  Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Doxycycline.

      2. For MTOR: Rapamycibn at 1mg tablets

      3. For senescent clearance:  Dasatinib 100mg Tabs

      All of these items have been supplied by Medimpex out of India.  I have found

      the best way to contact them is via email. which is:, My

      contact there is Soni Jain.  Be aware due to India money controls it is very difficult the

      pass payment to this company.  They are creative in getting their payment and

      sometimes I have to use Western Union to a second off shore company.  Dangerous

      yes ,  but the price is very good, and the products are real.  And they have never failed

      to deliver.  Typical delivery time is around 4-6 weeks.  I have not had any

      products tested.  But they do work.  Cost varies from time to time depending on

      quanity ordered, for example my last order a month ago of Dasatinib 100mg tabs.

      thirty tabs ( will last for 2 1/2 years, (  3 tabs every three months ), My cost was

      Dasatinib 100mg by dr.Reddys 30 pills 280 usd, which is 9.30 per pill for 100mg or

      approximately 28 dollar per treatment.  BTW Dr. Reddy is a great Indian pharma

      company.  Good reputation.  My last order of Rapamycin  was 300 usd for 120

      rapamycin 1mg which I use at 4mg per week.  

      Be aware prices vary and do change depending on availability.

      Like 3
    • Gregory Stephens I have successfully ordered rapamycin from China. 1 gram, 10 grams and 10 grams. I had my serum levels checked with the first two orders and they were identical to when I was taking rapamune. Cost ~$500 US for 10 grams. You must compound it with lactose as it is a powder. I do it so 1 gram of final product contains 2 miligrams of rapamycin.  5 mg is ~ 1 teaspoon with the lactose I had. No capsules required, Tastes fine.

      In Canada, the cost of 10 grams of "Rapamune" brand is ~$100,000! ($10 per 1 mg tablet). I used the Wuhan Hengheda Pharmaceutical company. If you find them on alibaba (hard) you can chat with "Sabrina", or contact them after searching on "". 

      • SD
      • charcoal_seashore.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde Hi Steve, interested in your "serum levels" testing. What exact lab test did you get? And what was your exact protocol for the week/day leading up to the test (how much do you take per week, when did you do your draw during the week), and exactly when did you draw blood after last rapa dosing? I've been taking 4 mg/week from (4 mg capsules) for a few months. I take it once per week. For my first serum test, I followed the grapefruit protocol referenced on this site. Took a whole grapefruit (entire fruit with pulp, not just juice) night before, drew my regular other markers panel at 8 am, then took another whole grapefruit right agfer (9am), then my 4 mg dose, and then drew blood at noon (3 hrs later). My serum level was only 2 ug/L. Based on all the literature I've read on serum levels of rapamycin (oral tablets or other), the level at 2-3 hr should have been much higher. There is quite a bit of individual variation in serum response. 

    • SD 

    • SD at the time, I was taking the Rapamycin daily (I take it to treat an autoimmune condition, not for life-extension). Trough levels are what is important to avoid toxicity, so I would have blood drawn on a morning before my daily dose. 

      Typically, for organ rejection trough levels between 6-15are considered safe. Mine were 2-2.8 I think peak levels would be significantly higher but of no interest to me. I have since increased my dose to 15 mg, once per week... and had the same levels before my weekly dose. A physician must order the test and it is not covered unless you are a transplant patient. It costs ~$30 at ”Lifelabs”. 

    • SD I think your levels seem low given the dose and test timing. I would be suspicious as to the actual Rapamycin content in your product. I’d expect a 2ng level somewhere around day 3-4 post 4 mg dose.... without grapefruit juice.... dropping to undetectable in a pre-dose trough state.

    • Steve Roedde Hi Steve. Have you had the Rapamycin from Wuhan Hengheda tested?


      PS: I am trying to etablish contact with Wuhan Hengheda. I have used the mail service on their homepage. But still no respons. .

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