Fisetin to Clear Senescent Cells

Following studies with mice that showed significant senolytic clearance of senescent cells following large doses of the readily available flavenoid supplement Fisetin,  my wife and I (ages 79 and 84) decided to try it.  We have just completed two sets of massive Fisetin doses.

We had Life Extension blood-work done in October before the start, and we will have more again next week to observe any changes.  The first set of Fisetin doses was on October 22-25 with 800 mg/day for three days followed by 600 mg on the fourth day, for a total of 4 g.  I didn't notice much in the way of effects.  Perhaps some reduction of small aches and pains and some increase in energy and mental acuity.

For the second set of doses done November 22-26, since we experienced no negative side effects in the first set we decided to increase the dosage a bit and to add 10 mg of BioPerine, a supplement that is reputed to magnify the effects and potency of flavenoids.  For five days starting on Thanksgiving we took 500 mg of Fisetin and 10 mg of BioPerine twice per day, for a total of 5 g of Fisetin.

This time. I did experience one negative side effect.  A few months ago, about 2 AM in the morning I awoke from a deep sleep and experienced a severe episode of vertigo.   I turned over in bed, and the the whole room seemed to tilt.  Suddenly, I didn't know which way was up.  I staggered to the bathroom and vomited.  The symptoms tapered off and disappeared in a few days, but it was a very distributing experience.

On the 2nd day of our 2nd Fisetin series, I experience a recurrence of that vertigo in the middle of the night, not as bad as my initial experience but still rather disturbing.  I tolerated this mild vertigo and continued the treatment.  My wife had no similar symptoms, and after my last dose I experienced no further vertigo symptoms.

On the positive side, following the second set of dosages I did feel very well, and very sharp and alert.  This past weekend I ran my Shetland Sheepdog Taliesin in an AKC Canine Agility Trial in Mt. Vernon, WA, and we did very well, qualifying in 7 runs out of 15 and getting various colored placement ribbons.  I was feeling quite sharp, and I even invented a new dog-handling technique that fixed an ongoing problem we were having.

Next week we will do the blood-work again, and I'll report any changes.

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  • Small update, I noticed today that I didn't have the minor ache in my injured hip joint that I've had since the Fisetin. Maybe that's a sign there has been some clear up this week.

    • Jack Black 

      Yesterday I had 40 mg/kg Fisetin Dr’s best brand. And this morning (after approx 15 hours) I had another dose of 40 mg/kg Fisetin . 3 hours after the fisetin I had a large dose of Thornes Quercetin + life extensions Theaflavins.


      Now almost 12 hours after the Q I feel good. I report back in a few days.


      (My weight is about 71-72 kg)

    • Staffan Olsson 

      This time I did not experience the same effects as I did when I had my first couple of senolytic treatments with fisetin. I still feel good and strong a few days after the session. But feeling good is not the same as I have gotten a beneficial effect. I keep fisetin on my list of intermittent treatments.


      There is also the possibility that my diminishing experience of fisetin is a result of “the law of diminishing returns”. In other words, I got the strongest effects from fisetin when my body never before had been exposed the senolytic  treatment with fisetin.  And at that time my body was in a state where it had plenty of senescent cells that  more easily were susceptible to treatments with Fisetin.


      With this logic my body need other senolytic agents.  This might be case since I the last year have experienced stronger effects from piperlongumine than from Fisetin.

    • Moonlitnight
    • Medical Writer working on age reversal for over 20 yrs
    • Moonlitnight
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Sorry this is OT, I want to add spermidine to my 3-monthly protocol. Does anyone have a source for Canadians? (Powder is preferable). Thanks so much.

    • garland
    • garland
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I've been looking everywhere has anybody heard whether the mayo study has been done on fisetin and what the results were? Everybody was waiting for the results they were supposed to come out in June.

    • Chris M
    • Chris_M
    • 2 yrs ago
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    This is the closest I can find.  Dr. Kirkland is speaking about senolytics.  Kirkland’s speech is mind blowing. Senescence spreads throughout your body? So senescent cells are like a disease. If you implant a mouse with senescent cells, it becomes frail and dies early. Wow. This changes my world view!

    Professor James Kirkland’s, on senolytics, starts at 42:20.

    Metformin - talk by Dr. Nir Barzilai starting at 1:33:09.

    Like 1
      • Dan Nave
      • Dan_Nave
      • 1 yr ago
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      Chris M The Professor looks like he could use a senolytic course...

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Chris M What were the two he mentioned being used in trials based on safety data?

      • Chris M
      • Chris_M
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael They are testing Fisetin and Dasatanib I believe.  Not together though.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Chris M Thank you! I couldn't understand him. lol

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 1 yr ago
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      Dan Nave 

          In a Q&A session that I viewed, Kirkland said that he did not personally do courses of senolytics because they had not been sufficiently tested on humans.  Judy Campesi has said more or less the same thing.  IMHO, they should put their senolytics where their mouth is.

      Like 2
      • Dan Nave
      • Dan_Nave
      • 1 yr ago
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      JGC I agree with you.  Their proscription of senolytic use seems a bit craven.

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