High quality, affordable rapamycin (and other anti-aging meds)
Hi everyone. Many of you might not realize it, but IAS has made rapamycin available without a prescription. It is the best price I've ever seen (better even than what I saw in pharmacies in Mumbai a couple months ago).
If you go to:
and enter the code "research" you will see the option of buying rapamycin, as well as a selegiline, metformin, and a few other anti-aging meds.
IAS has committed to putting a certain fraction of the revenue (15% I believe) into research.
Because of irritating legal/regulatory challenges, IAS cannot accept credit/debit cards, so you have to pay via wire transfer (e-check is an additional option if you have a bank in the US, probably also Canada). My purchase experience was smooth and quick.
And by the way I've been on rapamycin – 5 mg with a fatty meal (30% better absorption than on empty stomach) once a week – for nearly two months now. Feel fine. Haven't tested my cholesterol yet but the oft-noted side-effect of glucoregulatory dysfunction has not made an appearance. In point of fact, my fasting and postprandial glucose numbers have gone down a touch.
Hi Brian,
I too have been on Rapamycin and Metformin since June 2018. I got my Rapamycin and Metformin from Dr. Allan Green in New York. I am retired and a full-time RV'er (motorhome) so I am able to travel to where doctors offices are in different states. My homebase is Florida.
I too take my rapamycin with a fatty meal as since January 2018 I have been on a no-sugar Ketogenic diet (the Whole30 diet is very similar). It is now August 2018 and I have lost 65 lbs., feel great and my lab work has been coming back remarkable. Dr. Green is impressed with my insulin resistance too. I think sugar has a lot to do with aging, the recent obesity epidemic, heart disease, cancer and alzheimers (Alzheimers is now called Type lll diabetes!).
In my on-line research I found that the body can survive on either glucose or fat. When the body uses up the glucose it starts burning fat. If the body is burning glucose and creating insulin, it cannot burn fat at the same time. This is why many people (including me) could not lose weight. I also found out that many cancers need glucose to survive. As I mentioned, regular cells can burn either glucose or fat for energy, BUT cancer can only burn glucose for energy and does not have the ablility to switch over to burning fat, thus the cancer dies.
I now eat healty fats, like coconut oil, olive oil, avacados and meats from grass fed cows and free range chickens, as the brain needs healthy fats to survive. And I try not to overload on too much protein as that too can have an adverse effect. Best to fill you plate with healthy dark leafy greens.
Hi Brian,
If anyone wants to get lab work without having to go to a physician, they can go on-line to www. health-tests-direct.com
Dr. Green gave me this website address. You do have to pay for the lab work yourself, but a good thing is that they are affiliated with two lab draw companies that have facilities in every State in the U.S. I like Quest labs and have used them twice.
Snowbird, thanks for sharing your experience. An amazing success story!
Rawin, first, I need to stress that this is an experimental protocol. And I don't want to be offering medical advice illegally. But the idea promulgated by Dr. Green and other physicians and researchers is that one should take rapamycin permanently – assuming one doesn't have any serious side-effects. But it's always important to test biomarkers before and at various points after to make sure it's helping.
Note that some researchers speculate that taking a break for a month or so every four to six months might not be a bad idea. But the truth is, no one knows. Our group is supporting research to try to get answers to the question of dosing. We should know more within a year or two.
Hi Braian and Rawin,
I just wanted to add that Dr. Green did not just prescribe my Rapamycin and Metformin. He continues to follow my progress. He gave me a treatment plan where he requests specific lab work (Fasting Blood Sugar, Insulin, HgA1c, Chemestry Panel, Lipid Panel, CBC) for one month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year, that I e-mail to him to evaluate. He also recomments certain supplements and exercise.
I had looked into buying overseas rapamycin, but I wonder about the quality and also whether the U.S. Post Office would confiscate the drug before it reached me. Also I prefer having a professional physician that has been familiar with this rapamycin antiaging therapy ( he even uses it himself) rather than going it alone. I like being able to correspond with him through e-mails (he responds back the same day!) should any adverse side-effects arrive.
So far my lab work from www.health-tests-direct.com requested by Dr. Green has shown good improvements. Dr. Green is happy with the results so far, and I have joined a gym to maintain muscle as I lose weight.
David, just a quick reply about the overseas source I recommended: the company has been in business for many years, and the quality is excellent. Life Extension would not have agreed to work with them had that not been the case.
And I have never heard of anyone in the US having a problem with shipments from them being intercepted.