Longevity Achieved

Recently received my results on my biological age. To my surprise, my biological age is 15. The process to get to this point was difficult. My formula has proven itself over and over. As a 51 year old man, it is interesting how many people have ignored and dismissed what I was seeking to accomplish. Longevity achieved. Age reversal with permanent effects. This process can be repeated and is one of a kind. Special thanks to all of my family members who supported me and those who took part in this accomplishment.

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    • Tarek G
    • gorillahead
    • 3 yrs ago
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    So u just posted this to gloat?   Without telling us what u did?  Really?

    Like 4
  • Just received your response. Wasn't expecting the abuse and put down. 

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Richard Brook 

      Congratulations, Richard!  And ignore those guys.  Computer-based messaging is a "hot" medium and offensive stuff easily creeps in by accident.  But I have two questions:

      1. How did you determine that your biological age is 15?  Horvath DNA methylation (the best way) or something based on bloodwork and/or biomarkers?
      2. What did you do to produce this impressive result?
      Like 2
    • JGC Thank you for the kind words. Horvath DNA methylation has not yet been performed for me. I'm working on it. The biomarkers and blood work consist of telomere testing and complete lab work. The telomere test results show 9.2 and a biological age of 15. The lab results are unremarkable and compare to a 13 year old.

      After 25 years of research, I implemented a compound combination targeting nine key areas that involve the aging process. Think of it as picking nine safes at the same time, in a certain sequence. 

    • JGC Incidentally, Fisetin was used in several of the regimens.

    • Richard Brook I am not sure if it was simply a put down just be abusive. Their point was, what was the point of you posting that?

      No need to be cryptic, you arent talking to novices. For you to not tell us what you are doing and instead use analogies it comes across as insulting or worse like you are trying to sell us something.

      Like 3
    • Fred Cloud to Fred's point, my comment below was a joke, because I thought your post was a joke or you were trolling.

      It was like joining a weight loss forum and saying you'd gone from 400lbs down to 5% bodyfat, with a "special formula" and then not mentioning the method, nor anything else that makes the claim sound remotely credible.

      If indeed you've cracked the aging problem - great! We're all ears to the process.

      Like 1
      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Richard Brook 

          I have a question for you, Richard.  What lab did your telomere length testing, how was it arranged, and how much did they charge?

          When we planned our ongoing self-test with Epitalon (AEDG), I had wanted to do before-and-after testing for telomere length (since the Epitalon peptide is claimed by the Russian peptide enthusiasts to lengthen telomeres), but I could not find a suitable lab.

      Like 1
    • JGC Had to find a local provider that offered the testing. The lab that did the testing has a link on their website to find a provider, ironically. The link is https://www.spectracell.com/

    • JGC Would be interested in communicating in a more private setting, seems you are very serious about your health and longevity. My email is Dr.Brook@EgaBiotech.com

    • Richard Brook Looking at the SpectraCell sample report, they seem to show only percentages and percentiles, not biological age or absolute telomere length in kbp.
      I agree that the enclosed chart looks misleading.

      So from your post above it should be interpreted as:
      Your Average Telomere Length: 9.2%
      Percentile relative to patient age and population: 15%

      It means that you have longer telomeres than 85% of the population at your age.

      Certainly stellar percentile readings but not equivalent to ones of a 15-year old.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Richard Brook 

          I looked at the SpectraCell website.  They do not say how much they charge for a simple test of telomere length, and they seem to want you to involve an MD when you place an order.  Both things are very off-putting, in my opinion.

      Like 1
    • @aribadabar, it looks like the telomere length percentile ranking corresponds to that of the average 30 year old. Pretty impressive. 

    • chuck stanley 

      Where did you get the chart on Short Telomere Syndromes? How does Short Telomere Syndromes Relate to Dr. Brook? You almost sound intelligent. Most people would think you know what your talking about, except it has nothing to do with Richard. Clearly his results show 9.20kb and we start at 10kb when born. If you can't accept that Richard accomplished age reversal, then just say that instead of getting an unrelated chart for an unrelated syndrome. Plus the doctor and Spectracell interpreted the result when presented. Are you a doctor educated in interpretation of Spectracell results? 

    • Jonette Brook Since my post was a sincere compliment for Richard Brook's achievement, it is puzzling that you would reply with such hostile insulting sarcasm. Did you not read my post?  If so, you obviously didnt understand it. My apology for not making it easier for you to understand.  If you will follow the horizontal blue line on the chart, it  shows that a 51 year old in the 85th percentile of telomere length relative to his age and population has a telomere length that corresponds to the average of a 30 year old. The data, which is taken from aribadabar's reading of Richard's post,  perhaps you disagree with. Perhaps his percentile ranking was even better than aribadabar states. If so, then please so indicate that to be your grievance. My comment was a congratulation for an impressive result. He clearly doesnt fall in the category of Short Telomere Syndrome or Long Telomere Syndrome either. I had been hoping to hear more from Richard as to how he accomplished such an impressive reduction.  While you can expect there will be scrutiny from other readers on this forum, if you are just assuming that everyone is out to disbelieve him or that no one takes his results seriously, you are mistaken.

      Like 1
    • chuck stanley 

      Very impressive response. Yes, aribadabar really messed up Richard's results. 

  • so are you selling something? you were not given the respect you think you deserve by your cryptic posts. Snake oil salesmen employ the same techniques.

    Be candid and you will get lots of respect.

    Like 3
    • Paul Beauchemin 

      Not trying to sell anything, just sharing the accomplishment. Not sure if I want to go into detail every step of every process I went through. 

    • Paul Beauchemin will share some of the techniques later this evening. Hope you have a great day. 

  • Richard Brook , I too would like to hear details of your regimens, it sounds very promising.

    Like 1
    • Ross Barker definitely promising, however it was very difficult and many different things that are different from the main stream age reversal society. This weekend I will post several key processes for everyone to evaluate. 

    • Richard Brook I look forward to what you come up with. I have tried many things, but stopped short of testing so I don't really know the results, if as you say your results are positive, I could maybe now consider better testing, so many, Especially the Telemere tests seem of dubious credibility, I have not spent the money. 

      Like 1
  • In 1994 my health was in serious decline. My cholesterol was dangerously high. Heartburn and serious intestinal issues caused the need for surgery. The medication was worse than the symptoms. It was that moment I felt hopeless and thought that this can't be right. The medication was masking the symptoms and not addressing the root cause. There had to be a better way. I thought to myself that if I spend every waking minute learning how the body works, I could fix it. Starting with cholesterol, I learned everything about what causes it, the good and the bad cholesterol. So at that point sometime in mid 1995 made a life choice to go against what mainstream nutritionist said and change my life and eating habits. This is how it went: 

    No salt, pepper (yes table pepper, not to be confused with black pepper extract or pepperine.), sugar, butter, milk, cheese, msg, beef, pork, red sauces. 

    About a month later the gut and Heartburn problems went away. About 3 months later I was taken off all medications 💊.  The doctor said that the cholesterol medication was not need at this time and he would keep testing in the future. He said my intestinal track was looking good and to keep up what I was doing.

    In 1996 I stopped eating in the morning altogether and have maintained not eating until four hours after waking up. In 2016 it was announced on a lage scale that morning fasting helps with longevity and overall health. LOL. 

    In 1997, started researching dna and genetics. 

    More to follow soon. Please only respond if you have something intelligent to say. 

    Like 2
  • The older you get the less you should eat, at the same time, the harder it becomes to break life long bad habits, @64yo I find I do better eating one meal per day and even better eating one meal every 3 days, my Sofa-time heart rate goes from 80-90 down to 58-66, I get more energy and yes, Cholesterol  must improve as well, I didn't know about the pepper?  I look forward to the "More to follow" 

    Like 1
  • Richard is unable to reply or post comments on this forum. The administrator of this site has blocked him from being able to share his breakthrough accomplishment any further. You would think that the person who created this site would welcome evidence of age reversal. 

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