Anti-Aging Self-Experiment with Epitalon (AEDG)

     There is a body of evidence, coming primarily from the publications of Vladimir Kh. Khavinson and his group at the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology (IB&G) in Moscow, indicating that administering short peptides (i.e., short amino acid chains too short to be considered proteins) can have significant anti-aging effects.  In particular, they report that administering the tetra-peptide Epitalon (amino acid sequence Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly or AEDG) has the effect of increasing telomere length and suggests some degree of epigenome reset.  Epitalon is the synthetic equivalent of the natural polypeptide Epithalamin, which is secreted by the pituitary gland.

     Therefore, I have decided to do the following self-experiment:  (1) do an EpiAging DNA methylation test (about $152/test) at the start, (2) take a whole bottle of Super-Nutrition's Epitalon (60 x 3 mg sublingual tablets for $149), taking one capsule under the tongue on 15 successive days/month for four months, and (3) then do another EpiAging DNA methylation test, and see if there is any evidence of a younger epigenetic profile.

    EpiAging's DNA methylation test has the advantage over some others that it is done with saliva and does not require a blood draw. (I would also, in principle, like to do telomere-length tests before and after taking the Epitalon, but SpectraCell is apparently the only game in town for telomere-length testing, seems to require the involvement of an MD, is expensive at $290/test, and requires a blood draw.)

    So far, I have the Epitalon on order, and the EpiAging DNAm test kit just arrived.  I’ll report results in a few months when they are available.

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  • Sounds like a great experiment. I have taken Epitalon a couple of times, not sure if it demethylates dna but I do know that it can activate telomerase, so perhaps the antiaging benefits come from telomere length enhancement versus DNA methylation age. 

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    • JOHN
    • JOHN.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have heard that the only way for Epitalon to work is through intramuscular injection and that it is destroyed by stomach acids in the gut. You would be better off trying the injections since most of the sublingual would be destroyed.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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          Epitalon is a quad-peptide that is just the kind of amino-acid complex that our digestive systems were designed to break up into individual amino acids.  Therefore, YES, Epitalon cannot be just swallowed as a pill.  However, the 3 mg  SuperNutrition Epitalon tablets that my wife and I have been taking since April 1 are sub-lingual.  That means that you put them under your tongue and keep them there until they dissolve.  The lower part of the tongue has a rich supply of blood vessels near the surface, and the relatively small Epitalon molecule can easily enter the bloodstream by this pathway.

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    • JOHN
    • JOHN.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I will be interested to hear about your results. 

    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 3 yrs ago
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        My wife and I just completed the first month our 4-month Epitalon self-test.  We took sublingual Epitalon from April 1-15, then restarted on May1-2 (yesterday and today).  We are both feeling well, but I cannot report any dramatic observed effects.

        However, there is a big surprise.  Today I received the age-estimate results from the DNAm tests done by EpiAging USA from saliva samples that we provided in late March, intended as a benchmark before we started the Epitalon test.

        Let me  begin by saying that two years ago, when I was 84.5 years old, Johnny Adams arranged for Zymo to measure my DNAm age, which turned out to be 84.8±0.8 years old (in other words, DNAm age = Calendar age, no big surprise).  The new result from EpiAging is that my DNAm age (before taking any Epitalon at all) is 63.1 years, as compared to my calendar age of 86.5.   My wife's measured DNAm age is 67.2 years, as compared to her calendar age of 81.5.  I'm amazed.  Here's my graph from EpiAging:


        It would appear that we've been doing something right.  Both of us take 3 mg/week of Rapamycin on Sundays, as well as daily evening doses of 700 mg of Spermadine, and 400 mg of GLA.  I've also been taking 1,000 mg/day of Metformin, plus a lot of other daily items including Pomegranate Extract, Berberine, Apigenin, Vitamin D, Lithium, and cyclodextrin-enhanced Resveratrol, Curcumin, CoC-10, and Melatonin.  My wife hates pills and has refused to join me in this pill night-cap ritual.  But anyhow, I was not expecting epigenetic reprogramming by 23 years to come from this.  If the EpiAging results are to be believed, epigenetic reprogramming seems to be possible by taking some of the above items, without resorting to plasma dilution, Katcher's Elixir, or the Yamanaka Factors.  I think I should probably get another Zymo test, to check the EpiAge result.

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  • JGC: I took an EpiAgeing USA  test  last fall and my biological age was 58 and I am 80. I question whether or not this saliva test is very precise. I had a number of difficulties in getting the test done and it had to be repeated. 

    It was substantially lower than the Levine calculation (~ 70  and  thanks for posting the method)  and lower than the AI 2 and 3. 

    Like you I take a number of supplements but attributed the result, if it is accurate, to 25 years of fish oil with a daily EPA/DHA intake of 5.5 grams. I have no significant inflammation due to the fish oil which is one of the drivers of epigenetics.

    I am trying to decide whether or not to do a blood test from a different firm. 

    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Be careful with it. Took some over a period of two weeks from two different vendors and my face puffed up like the Joker in batman.  First vendor was P Sciences - sub injection. Second vendor sublingual.

    • Tkit
    • denis
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I'm from Russia. Here Khavinson is considered a charlatan. He created peptides for all diseases and sells them as a panacea. Be critical of his research.

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      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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          Thanks for the warning.  Khavinson does a lot of self-promotion, but he does seem to have journal publications presenting good results of administering his peptides.  However, none of these are in journals that I have ever hear of.

          The Epitalon that we have used was bought from SuperNutrition, not from Khavinson's sources (which involve animal glands).  We are half-way through our "experiment", having taken daily sublingual doses every morning on the 1st through 15th of April and May.  We have not noticed any "effects", either positive or negative from these.  However, it isn't clear that any effects are expected, since the intent of the experiment is to lengthen our telomeres.  In July, we will do more DNAme Age tests to see if there is any evidence of epigenetic reprogramming (none really expected).

    • i injected Epitalon for 10 days  and the one thing I noticed was my blood sugar improved dramatically . FYI, As for the Russian peptides we tried some for our daughter who has Addison’s disease which means adrenal failure and it instantly allowed her to lower her dose of cortisol. And if you read the reviews it seems  people think the peptides really work and they’re only complaint is the cost.

      Like 1
    • John Mcgough What dose did you use?

      I see various protocols mention 5mg for 10 days or 10mg for 10 days, but I couldnt tolerate more than 1-2mg as it gave me insomnia. Perhaps it was boosting my cortisol as you mentioned.

    • Fred Cloud 

      I think my dose  .was. 15 mL. Dr. Garcia in Vegas who is mentioned on this website obtained it for me and it came mixed with delivery instructions. 
      The reference to the cortisol  was for the adrenal Russian peptide my daughter is taking.

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    • Fred Cloud 

      by the way the protocol mentioned by the Russian peptide doctor is 10 mg three times a week for three weeks for Epitalon.

    • John Mcgough 15 mL ? How much actual epitalon was in each dose?

    • Fred Cloud we injected .15 each day for 30 days but I’m not sure if that was milliliters. That’s my guess

    • John Mcgough How many mg of epitalon were in that 15ml?

    • Fred Cloud here is the label.

    • John Mcgough ok, let me try to do the math here.

      Its 3,000mcg/ml strength, which if you convert to mg would be 3mg/ml and you are taking .15ml, so basically 15% of 3mg is 450mcg or almost half a milligram epitalon per dose. 

      Typically you see people recommending 5-10mg per day for 10 days. So yours is a very small dose. I do see some people using low doses like .5-1mg per day and just use it continously rather than a 10 day course.

      The Khavinson protocol is 10mg epithalon, administered 3 times a week for 3 weeks,  once yearly.

      You are taking about 5% of the 10mg dose, thats a pretty small dose comparatively.

      I could never take these high doses as it gave me insomnia and I felt like it was a failure. Its been a while since I have taken epitalon, I might do another round and experiment with these lower doses.

    • Fred Cloud we took it for 30 days if I remember correctly. Now you’re making me consider doing a larger dose since it’s so much smaller than the protocol. Even on the small dose I saw a result with my blood sugar control.

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    • Fred Cloud I believe I paid about $230 and I believe it was effective since I noticed my blood sugar is significantly better,

    • John Mcgough Yeah, that is great you got results. I am not suggesting it is worthless of a dose or that you should take a higher dose. I am just confused why your doctor chose the dose he did. You should ask him. Did the blood sugar changes persist after you finished the cycle? At that low of a dose, you may be able to take it long term, not sure though. Perhaps that is what the low dose was designed for?

    • Fred Cloud Those are the same questions I have and I emailed him with those questions.


      those are the same questions I have and I emailed him with those questions.


      Maybe I’m mistaken on the dosage. And I will find Out. 

    • Tkit must be good enough if putin himself uses them, while got acess to stem cells and everything else

  • Hi,


    are there any results fro taking the epithalon sublingually? Im thinking on starting to take it 3mg a day!  

    • Catarina Mateus i’m not aware of any results using this method. It’s so easy to inject sub cutaneous that I wouldn’t deviate from the methods that most use. That way it gets directly in the bloodstream and you know it has a better chance to work.


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