Resveratrol -- value, dose, source?

There is controversy over resveratrol, and its advocates.

What is the value of resveratrol as part of an age reversal supplement program?

One highly visible individual recommends Resveratrol that is:

98+% pure, from a legitimate seller.

Do you know of such a product?

Recommended dose is 1 teaspoon (1 gram) daily.  Is that a good dose?

Johnny Adams

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    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 5 yrs ago
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    JohnnyAdams I have seen this one recommended (I have no connection to this company). They claim 98% purity and highest bio-availability.  Some have suggested that the highly visible individual may be using this brand although that individual has a policy of not publicly mentioning brands.

    • David Hanson This company is also selling Fisetin in 500 mg capsules. I have never bought any of their products but I am glad that someone is bringing 500 mg capsules of Fisetin to market. 


      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Staffan Olsson 

      Careful!  Their caps are 250 mg, NOT 500 mg.  For some reason, these pill peddlers misrepresent their product by putting the "serving size" (500 mg) on the label instead of the capsule content (250 mg).  I really object to this deceptive practice.

      Like 3
    • JGC Thank you for bringing many attention to this. So obvious that it is deceptive. Now when I look at the pictures, non of them show the full label. 

  • I've been using the eSquared Nutrition 1000mg for a while, from Amazon, which is inexpensive. I don't know if it's any good, or whether the product is kept at the right temperature during shipment and storage. But, besides the expensive pharmaceutical grade products, I think they are all the same. What differs are their marketing slogans and unsubstantiated claims. I take resveratrol because David Sinclair says he does too. He knows better than I do. However, unlike him, I take it around noon. And, I add 50 mg of pterostilbene at 5 o'clock in the morning. Many reviews say that pterostilbene is equivalent to resveratrol, just more stable and potent. Others say these are completely different products. I gathered that taking both will not hurt me and increases my chances of getting all the benefits.

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      • Endless
      • Simone_Maher
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Laurence R I strongly disagree that all sources are the same "except expensive pharmaceutical grades". Look at testing for supplements and you will find that it is appalling what is put in some of these items - up to 80% don't have or match what is in their labels. Some companies are trying to do it right. Go with brands that have strong reputations in biohacking/life extension circles and or third party testing plus GMP seals (good manufactuing process regulated by fda).

      Otherwise, you may be throwing your money to the wind (not matter how cheap, if it's not what it says it is or is degraded it's obviously not going to work). There are only 4-5 companies I will order from right now...each person has to have their own comfort level, but I would rather pay a bit more to know that what I am getting is what I am paying for.

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I’ve been using Pure Encapsulations Resveritrol, but thinking about switching to Pterostilbene since it may be better?

  • In answer to a question, Sinclair mentions some scientific trials that establish the benefits of pterostilbene in combination with NR. Most often, he rather mentions the virtues of resveratrol in combination with NMN.


    • Sinclair also notes the study (there are now more than one) showing that resveratrol use blunted some of the benefits of aerobic exercise. That work with resveratrol and exercise made me decide to take resveratrol at bedtime.

      Like 1
    • BrianMDelaney He also mentions that a lean body and a fatty one react differently to resveratrol, that there may be an optimal moment of the day to take it, and that to take the wrong amount and at the wrong time may even be counterproductive. (shortcut to the point on resveratrol. The entire interview is most interesting with lots of info).

      "... the body can even get used to hormesis, and you want to be changing things up in your daily life, probably in supplements... we have this standard model that if something works, if you take it 3 times a day, it'll work even better. And, that's not true. When you take it, how much you take, in terms of the day, and whether you exercise, whether you've eaten... All these things play and it's extremely complicated... And if anyone says they know the answer, they are lying..."

    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Resveratrol Bioavailability?

    A bit of literature search on resveratrol indicates that it has a serious bioavailability problem.  If one takes ~1000 mg capsules orally, most of the resveratrol is broken down by the liver and the digestive system, and the concentration that actually gets into the bloodstream tops out at ~2.0 micromoles per milliliter.  That is a tiny fraction of the concentrations that has shown beneficial effects in aging human cell cultures, so it's not likely to have much benefit.  Apparently in-cheek or under-the tongue administration might be better (x16 more effective), but absorbing a whole gram of the powder under the tongue seems difficult and unpleasant.  Once again as with other polyphenols, the path to improve bioavailabiity seem to be direct injection or rectal suppositories.  Anyone want to try and report?

    Like 1
      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 5 yrs ago
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      JGC Have you looked at the bioavailability of micronized resveratrol?  Revgenetics claims that their micronized resveratrol is up to 1000% more bioavailable.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      David Hanson 

      Interesting.  That chart looks promising, in that they achieve 200 micromoles per milliliter at the peak.  However, it lasts for only about 20 minutes.  That's indeed a x100 improvement over just taking the other supplement pills.  But apparently one has to take the micronized resveratrol with the Tween 80 emulsifier.  That's not what your link is selling, but apparently it is available in their "NitroResvaratrol" liquid capsules.  My main concern, then, is that a 20 minute burst in the bloodstream may not stay around long enough to do much.  I think that in the cell culture studies there was not such a short exposure time.

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      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      JGC Do plasma levels correspond with intracellular levels I wonder?

      • Darian S
      • Darian_S
      • 4 yrs ago
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      David H

      200Micromole?  how many capsules? also is this in humans or mice(glimpsed the patent and some of it talks about mice.  IIRC, humans metabolize things slower, so that would be relevant.)?

      The following paper seems to use a 5 micromole solution for 24hr and it achieved excellent results.

      In the following paper 25 Micromole appears to induce htert with a peak at 6hours, and it seems not to be too different from 50Micromole in its effect.  Also even at just 3 hours there appears to be significant effect.

      Question is how would 5 Micromole compare to 25 Micromole?  And how would it differ between plasma vs in vitro solution.   Because it seems a few hours at 5Micromole plasma should be easily achievable if the graph is true(assuming few or one capsule).

      • Darian S
      • Darian_S
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Darian S  Can't seem to edit:   For reference in another species

      prolonged 100uM rather than lengthen shortens lifespan in yeast, iirc. 10uM lengthens lifespan of yeast.

      The graph shows 200micromole is only maintained for a short while.   But that seems to be note for potential caution with further bioavailability enhancements.   We don't know how humans will behave if such high levels were to be sustained.

    • Dan Nave
    • Dan_Nave
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Compared to resveratrol alone, combination with piperine was found to increase the degree of exposure to 229 percent, and the maximum levels in the blood by a whopping 1,544 percent. “Our study demonstrated that piperine significantly improves the in vivo bioavailability of resveratrol,” report the researchers.Aug 16, 2011

    Resveratrol bioavailability boosted by piperine: Study

  › Article › 2011/08/16 › Resveratrol-b...

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      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Dan Nave 

      OK, I think I have the Resveratrol situation sorted out, and I plan to proceed as follows:

      I just ordered 2 bottles of Nitro Super Micronized Resveratrol (Nitro250) caps (30 x 250 mg) from RevGenetics ($37.95/bottle). These nitrogen-filled caps contain Resveratrol in micron-size particles suspended in the Tween 80 surfactant emulsifier.  This is the combo that shows the big spike on the chart David Hanson supplied.

      To overcome the short Resveratrol residence duration in the bloodstream (~20 minutes) that the chart indicates, I plan to take the caps along with BioPerine, a piperine supplement that I already have on hand and have been using in combination with semiannual megadoses of Fisetin and D+Q.  Piperine is known to suppress the production of P-glycoprotein,  a protein that the body uses to break down exogenous compounds found in the body and that is responsible for the short half-lives of polyphenols in the blood stream.

      I think this strategy will yield the maximum bioavailability of Resveratrol.  I am inclined to do this weekly rather than daily (comments?).  I will report any subjective observations of results, once the caps arrive.

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    • Fairy8i8
    • Fairy8i8
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have taken Biotivia's trans resveratrol because they were the manufacturer for the resveratrol in many of the initial studies. It's not the sort of thing you can get from any source and expect efficacy. The RevGenetics stuff looks good. 

    Also note that too much bioavailability caused some serious side effects in people that shut down studies of high doses of resveratrol as a drug candidate, so more may not be better.

    • Moshe M.
    • moshe_m
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have been using mega resveratrol.

    I saw somewhere that they were used in a clinical trial. its micronized and claims to be 99% pure. Their website looks 10 years old, but hopefully the product is good

    • Michael A
    • Michael_Aybar
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Does anyone know how/if resveratrol helps with autoimmune disease (specifically lupus.) I just started taking 1 gram a day for 4 days now. 

  • Given that resveratrol is able to prevent rapamycin-induced activation of Akt signaling in both ERα-positve and TNBC cells,and co-treatment of cells with rapamycin and resveratrol was able to maintain the inhibition of the mTORC1/S6K1 signaling pathway [Alayev et al., 2014a,b] doesn't it make sense for anyone taking Rapamycin over a long period of time to make sure to take resveratrol as well? (also see )

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