
Hi Brian,

On the website "SocietyforAgeReversal.org which is the same as rescueelders.org I think. You mentioned in the blog, "I'm taking a very quick break from the engaging presentations to report that after taking – mid-afternoon yesterday, Friday, Sept. 21 – 200 mg of dasatinib and 2000 mg of quercetin".

Where did you get the dasatinib? International Antiaging Systems (I.A.S.) does not sell it and I have been looking for a supplier!

Any information on obtaining dasatinib I would think would be greatly apprecitated by me and maybe other rescueelders.org members.

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    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 6 yrs ago
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    For whatever it's worth, here's a report of ordering Dasatinib from India.

    The price at BonHoa was $165 + $35 shipping for 60 20mg tablets.  You provide them with a name and email address for PayPal to send you a payment request.  PayPal emails you a request for $200 to be paid to an individual (nothing about BonHoa) with a bunch of numbers that identify the order.  I paid the PayPal invoice with a credit card.  BonHoa and PayPal send confirmation of the payment.  BonHoa sends the package via EMS, with final delivery by USPS.  The package was opened by customs, resealed, and delivered normally.  Signed receipt for delivery confirmation.  Total shipment time was 13 days.

    The product was manufactured by Lucidus Pharmaceuticals.  Manufacture date June, 2017.  Expiration date May 2019.

    I've taken 1 dose of 10 20mg tablets plus 3 800mg quercetin.  Before taking the dasatinib I took 3 gm of liquid liposomal vitamin C as a precaution against an allergic reaction.  The second dose is due, but I don't want to combine it with Thanksgiving dinner...

    I think that I felt a little under the weather from maybe hour 2 to hour 4 after the dose.  Certainly nothing dramatic.  One thing that the dasatinib may have done is that a sore spot on the palm of my left foot is less irritating.  Maybe a little more energy.  I'm 74.

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      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin Thank you  I will take a look

      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Pablo Reinaldos López   I can't say exactly what benefits since I am doing as prevention.  I did not have a problem I wanted to correct.  I have been following life extension for many years and do many things so It's hard to know what exactly is helping.    I know I am much healthier than my friends around the same age.

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      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311   Do you do both?  I have been thinking about Rapamycin.   I have gotten any information about doing both.

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      ssny. sotero Yes, I use both.  At age 68 the use of both is clearly appropriate.  Dr Green says one should begin senolytics at age 40-45.  Offhand, I don't know what age is recommended for starting rapamycin.  Up to a certain age, mTORC1, which you are trying to suppress, does not work against you.

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      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311  Thanks Rob.  What is the dose you take? Is it based on weight?  Is it less because you take the dasatinib? Do you do the 2 week dasatinib/quercetin every 6 months?

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      ssny. sotero Sirolimus 6mg per week, per Dr. Green, if based on weight that is his calculation, not mine.  No, I think the two treatments work in entirely different ways and do not conflict.  I think the more ways you fight for longevity, the better.  I am just restarting the D+Q.  My two 17 year old Boston Terriers died in March, so I am still recovering.  I am going to try to build up to 3 weeks every 3 months, and include large doses of fisetin as well.  I am adding black pepper extract to increase bioavailability, and also apigenin to potentiate the dasatinib.  We'll see how it goes.  I have previously taken 250mg of Dasatinib at once without noticing any effects.  I have also taken large amounts of fisetin; like, the whole bottle!  I think every three months makes sense because the senescent cells are coming back by the second month or so.  By the way, I read a study that showed Quercitin is important because it destroys survival pathways of senescent cells, even though it doesn't kill them itself.  Then the senolytics come along and have a much easier time of it.  Quercitin is also good for lots of other things, like kidneys - we gotta watch our kidneys!

      Like 2
    • Rob8311 I wanted to ask you the senescent cells that you kill don't come back, right? The ones that come are new created by the body, is that so? Have any other questions noticed any benefits for your health with the combination of dasatinib and quercetin? What source apigenin do you get that helps in the removal of senescent cells through dasatinib?

      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311 Thanks for the info Rob. So sorry to hear about your dogs.  Losing both at one time is so difficult.  Can you point me in the direction of information on dosage of Fisten. I have it but not sure how to take it. Also any info on the black pepper extract to increase bioavailability, and apigenin to potentiate the dasatinib. I have never heard of these.  Thank you

      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311 Im still looking for a source for the Dasatinib

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Pablo Reinaldos López When cells go through apoptosis they disintegrate, no comeback.  Senescent cells are older cells that are put in that state by the body.  You can find tons of material just by Googling this.  Haven't noticed too much from the D+Q but haven't given a consistent treatment over time yet.  The first time I took a big dose of fisetin I felt incredible for a few days and for weeks after could stay up all night and not feel the effects the next day, not that I recommend that.  I got apigenin from Swanson Vitamins.  I only read that it helps with dasatinib.  Don't take my word for it.  Do your research.  Dave Asprey, the Bulletproof guy, says studies show black pepper is bad for the gut (leaky gut, I think), but I just read that and haven't had a chance to look up the studies.  It does enhance all sorts of things - Google it.

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      ssny. sotero Check out the Dr. Green website I mentioned for fisetin dosing.  Also, why not contact him bout the dasatinib? It's worth a shot.  Or see if BonHoa is offering it still.  Google bioperine and black pepper extract.  I have just started reading about apigenin.  It sounds great, actually, but don't take my word for it.  Use Google and read the studies on these things.  They look incomprehensible at first, but start by reading the summaries and conclusions, and read more as your vocabulary grows.

    • Rob8311 sorry to hear of your dogs. I think I read that you had them on rapamycin. Do you think it had an effect?

      I’ve put my 18 kg 14.5 yo dog on 2mg every 5 days. Been about 6 weeks now.

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin Well, they lived to 16-1/2 and 17, when few Boston Terriers make it past 14.  Since dogs age 6 or so times faster than us, I don't think you need a week to protect mTORC2.  I was giving 1mg MWF.  They weighed 8 kg.

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      • Joe smith
      • Joe_smith
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311 very impressive results for Boston terriers life extension. So when did you start them on it and was specific type of rapamycin was it? 

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Joe smith Sirolimus (Zydus).  To be honest, I would start giving your dog 50 mg Quinogel (SwansonVitamins) with every meal, milk thistle for liver (Life Extension has great caps), and lots of kidney support (quercitin, ALCAR, curcumin, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, astaxanthin, etc., ).

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311 And krill oil gelcaps at least once a day (Costco has good ones).

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Rob8311 Plus, get them off kibble and on a balanced diet.

    • Rob8311  I have been going to Dr. Green yearly and taking rapamycin for over 3 years. I very much enjoy speaking with him during my visit.  He really does know his science!

      I am convinced of rap's efficacy. In fact, last few years I feel at least a decade younger. Age-related aches and pains, for the most part, are gone. I can't imagine this is the result of the placebo effect. Besides this, my bloodwork has consistently improved over time. And I barely exercise these days.  I purchased for the first time last year Dasatinib through him (via US Compounding Pharmacy which I believe only works with physicians). Unfortunately, the price for 24 50 mg. pills increased to $350 from $250 the same time last year. 

      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 2 yrs ago
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      @Jack Silberman Rapa is very important to me, worth the $212 I pay at Ralph's pharmacy using GoodRx for 2 months @7 tablets/week.  I have not found it to be a substitute for exercise at all, though.  On the plus side, I am 70 and putting 630 lbs (about to increase to 720) on the leg press, which I doubt would be happening without rapa.

    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I recommend the book "How Not to Die with True High-Dose Vitamin D Therapy" by Tiago Henriques.  It tells about how Brazilian Dr.  Ciceo Coimbra is curing Multiple Sclerosis with D3.  The outright cure rate is 95%, with the remaining 5% only improved.  Nothing else comes close.

    Problems reported with D3 apparently have been excess calcium, parathyroid gland problems, or megadose D (such as 1,000,000 IU/day).  D3 supplementation increases calcium absorption.

    Dr.  Coimbra's treatment appears to be to maximize D3 while watching/limiting calcium supply.  I haven't finished the book, but have seen mention of 200,000 IU/day as possible with some patients.  Such high doses require intense monitoring of calcium and parathyroid levels.

    My guess is that 10,000 IU/day is reasonable for most people without blood tests.  I took 50,000 IU/day with D3/calcium tests under direction of my endocrinologist starting about 10 years ago.  While nothing bad happened at 50,000, I've since reduced it to 20,000 as I didn't want to be that far out.  Maybe I'll go back to 50,000 after finishing the book.

    My doctor's instructions were 50,000 IU D3 (NOT D2), no calcium supplementation.  I mentioned my no dairy diet, which I guess he approved of.  I also showed him about 5 years worth of Life Extension blood tests which he found acceptable.

    I regard high D3 as a superior alternative to flu shots.  Along with K2 (MK-7) and other D3 co-factors I think I'm doing better than others my age.

    Like 4
    • RobH Wow - wonder if the results with 1,000,000 are mulitples of 50,000!!!


      Like 1
      • RobH
      • RobH
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin Wow! Guess we have a new way to measure vitamin D level...

      I know of two unintended experiments with dosages on the order of 1,000,000 IU. Somebody didn't realize the difference between mcg and mg. In both cases the overdose was evident after about three months as easy bruising. Treatment consisted of stopping the supplement, avoiding calcium and sun exposure.

      I remain happy with 20,000 to 50,000 IU D3 daily. Dr. Prendergast prescribed 50,000 as part of his program for vascular protection. It's hard to identify which treatments helped me, but the unusual things I do include the high dose D3, arginine/citrulline, and cycloastragenol (generic TA-65). 

      I don't really understand how D3 got such a reputation as being dangerous at the 50,000 IU level.  When done with blood level testing for calcium level, supplemental K2, and no calcium supplement, it seems not only safe but beneficial. 

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    • Mel
    • Mel
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I ordered dasatinib this week from Bonhoa.   They emailed me two days later saying that a prescription is required and it can only be sold in the poorest countries and not US  or EU.

    I have attached a screenshot of the email if anyone is interested.

    Any ideas what is up or for another source ?


    • Mel 



      Maybe this company can get you what you want?


      I have not used them myself yet. But If I need something they are among the companies I would turn to. They have a reputation to take care of. Selling fake medicines would be a disaster for their reputation. 

      Like 1
      • Rob8311
      • Rob8311
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Mel It might be worth another try.  I ordered shortly after someone else who was told a prescription was required, but no prescription was ever discussed with me.  Maybe it varies with the person processing the order.

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