Dihomo-15d-PGJ2: A New Test for Senolytic Effectiveness
The Campisi Group at the Buck Institute has published a paper in the journal Cell Metabolism showing that the presence of the molecule dihomo-15d-PGJ2 in blood or urine samples definitively indicates that senescent cells have been destroyed. In other words, the presence of dihomo-15d-PGJ2 is a definite indication that a senolytic drug treatment is actually working.
In principle, this would be very valuable for those of us doing senolytic self-experiments with D+Q and/or Fisetin. However, it raises a practical question: How does one arrange for a quantitative test of blood or urine for the presence and quantity of dihomo-15d-PGJ2? High Precision Liquid Chromatography + Mass Spectrometry to look for a molecule with the right molecular weight (344.5 g/mol)? BioChip detection in a pixel-well containing an antibody that specifically grabs dihomo-15d-PGJ2?
Does anyone have any experie4nce or expertise in arranging for such testing?