wrinkle reduction

has anyone noticed wrinkle reduction in systemic use of sirolimus?

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          • Ross Barker
          • Ross_Barker
          • 4 yrs agoFri. January 1, 2021 - 5:17 pm
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          I  Just  mixed this up,  near  as I  could measure  I  used  .0002 G  of Rapamycin  powder with  48 Grams of Cream,  Please could  somebody   comment on  my  Math?   it  seems such  a  little  bit, if  I  would  take 6mg/week internally,  how could  2mg topically over  3  months   be  sufficient  for  any  real benefit?   Did  I  miss something? I'm  tempted to  increase the  dose  10x  for  a start? Paul,  please where did  you  find  the original  concentration?  @Garland I  can't  find  your conversation  with  this  Dr  Mark

            • Fred Cloud
            • Fred_Cloud
            • 4 yrs agoSat. January 2, 2021 - 12:34 am
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            Ross Barker You didnt say 4 ounces. I thought you were using Dr Mark Thimineur 25 micromolar formula of 3mg in 4 ounces cream that he discussed. Where did you get 1.7 ounce formula?

            • Ross Barker
            • Ross_Barker
            • 4 yrs agoSat. January 2, 2021 - 4:28 am
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            Fred Cloud I took  garland s  interpretation  above  for 4 oz of cream  and  cut it in  half  as I  only had  a 1.7  oz tub  of cream, Look  back  to  2 months ago, he  referenced Dr  Mark who's posts  I cannot find.

            I  did find   Mikhail V. Blagosklonny Study which  calls for  Much much more  Rapa  (.72  Gram) and  this  Seems  so  little bit I  put in  this  cream,  I'm  wondering  if  this  Dr Mark  formula  is perhaps  erroring on  the  side  of either  caution,  economy  or both. 

            I bought 12 Grams  of  Rapa for  this  and used .002 Gram,  it seems so  slight,  I  guess I'm  looking  for somebody  to  agree with  me so I  can  put  more  in..  

            • Fred Cloud
            • Fred_Cloud
            • 4 yrs agoSat. January 2, 2021 - 6:04 pm
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            Ross Barker I thought the same thing that the formula was light but Dr Mark quoted a study that showed hair loss at concentrations higher than 17 micromolar. You want autophagy in the skin but you dont want to inhibit mtor too much as there wont be growth and your hair will die and create skin ulcers. Read his posts.


            From Dr. Mark

            "Just wanted to comment on the topical cream. The concentration of 20mg in 4 ounces will be around 1.8 micro molar (approximate). The recent study of topical rapamycin which found significant benefit for senescent clearing and improved appearance etc used a 0.1 micromolar concentration (approximate). Studies on hair (fur) growth in mice using topical found effectiveness at 0.1 - 1.7 micromolar concentrations. At concentrations above this there was mention of non-healing wounds. Just wanted you to be aware that there may be some unwanted effects at higher concentrations. Reading through the literature I believe what you want to do is influence autophagy more so than inhibit growth. In cell cultures they use about 0.2 micromolar concentrations to influence autophagy. I've been using this concentration (approximate) for a topical (2mg in 4 Oz) for a while and see some marked improvements and feel safe in doing so. You may be fine with the 10X higher concentration but sometimes to much may not be as good. "


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            • Ross Barker
            • Ross_Barker
            • 4 yrs agoSat. January 2, 2021 - 11:45 pm
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            Fred Cloud Well, I  did a  little more research with  this Video, an Australian study doing research  on  Children they used a 0.1%  Mixture  and a 1%  Mixture the later  being almost exactly  what  I mixed  this morning, it  was half way  between Mikhail's Weak and strong mix, so I will  keep  it  and mix  a  weak  one  as  well


            Does  anybody know what this  Cream  is Recommended  above?

          • Ross Barker
          • Ross_Barker
          • 4 yrs agoFri. January 1, 2021 - 5:22 pm
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          • Ross Barker
          • Ross_Barker
          • 4 yrs agoFri. January 1, 2021 - 5:29 pm
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          From  Mikhail V. Blagosklonny Study

          Even in 2007, the idea of using rapamycin topically was not novel [4,5]. (What was novel in my application was the idea of using topical rapamycin as an anti-aging drug for the aging skin [1]). By now, there have been dozens of papers describing the therapeutic use of rapamycin (Sirolimus) in patients with such skin diseases as lymphatic malformations, vascular anomalies, Facial Angiofibroma and psoriasis [613]. These diseases were treated in children and young adults. In one study, topical rapamycin at low doses (0.003-0.015%) decreased facial angiofibromas in young adults. There was no systemic absorption of rapamycin (blood levels were <1.0 ng/mL) [13].


          This works  out  to  a maximum of .72G  of Rapa or 720 mg for the  small 1.7oz 48G bottle  of Cream  I  bought

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          • Michael
          • Michael.1
          • 4 yrs agoMon. January 4, 2021 - 2:17 am
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          put 5 IUs of bleach on your face then report back 

          • Qimin You
          • Qimin_You
          • 3 yrs agoTue. July 20, 2021 - 3:38 am
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          Hi, everyone! This forum has been quiet for long time.  any updates on wrinkle reduction self experiments?  I started about one and half month ago, and I think it is working, not significant yet though.  For those who completed 4 month/8 month trials, please share your results, good or bad.


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            • gerald rivet
            • gerald_rivet
            • 3 yrs agoSun. July 25, 2021 - 4:48 am
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            Qimin You I too have recently started and stumbled upon this page and disappointed to see no updates.

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          • garland
          • garland
          • 3 yrs agoFri. July 30, 2021 - 5:04 am
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          More good news on my update... It has been over a year and few months for me.. and the eyes are about 80% better most of the deep wrinkles are now fine at worst and the left eye is almost gone. I am now doing some Retin A from Life Extension. Seems to be helping slightly,. Remember I did mostly one time a day so should have gotten better results had I done 2 a day. Forehead is 80% healed and neck the same way... the sun damage is mostly gone. Which is huge. I look according to many others 15 years younger as my skin glows and shape of my face has changed. But the most amazing thing was the changes in my creepy skin on the upper arms has reduced by over 70% and my arm is clear up til the underarm area. So this is huge as no one thought it would work on the creepy skin especially as it was very pronounced on my upper arms. That is mostly gone now...it take a long time to see any results. I am now at 15 or more months but it seems to get better and better. I also am doing Senyletics on a regular basis so that might be a factor (once a  month or so...22 mgs of life extension Fisetin which has been modified to be more absorbed as well as Dasatinib 100 mgs and Quercetin for 3 straight days) ....try 2 times a day for the cream as it might happen quicker. 

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            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 8, 2021 - 2:25 am
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            garland Do you have any before and after photos?

          • Qimin You
          • Qimin_You
          • 3 yrs agoMon. August 2, 2021 - 11:16 am
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          Thanks Garland!

          I have been doing this for almost 2 months.  It seems working on the wrinkles, but not significant yet.  I use Retin A + rapa as you suggested earlier.

          I will keep doing for at least a year to see the results.

          Thank you again!

          • chuck stanley
          • chuck_stanley
          • 3 yrs agoFri. August 13, 2021 - 5:02 pm
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          My impression of the effect of topical rapamycin on my skin is that it is effective but superficial. The elasticity of skin on the back of my hand is greatly improved from a snap back time of 4 minutes or so to several seconds. There is no improvement in facial wrinkles, however, which are getting worse despite using the formulation daily. I wonder if there is a formulation which provides greater penetration to the dermis than does the DMSO cream. There have been studies around this but I have not seen a formula which could be safely adapted and used by us. 

          • Michael
          • Michael.1
          • 3 yrs agoSat. August 14, 2021 - 4:04 pm
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          After screwing around with a multitude of supplements, exercise protocols and exogenous gh/testosterone combinations to impact aesthetics, I bit the bullet and went the route of a very minor plastic surgery protocol. Guess what? I'm throwing out about 100 bottles and containers of pills and creams of useless shit on Sunday. GOOD LUCK my little, green, longevity FRIENDS!

            • Ross Barker
            • Ross_Barker
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 12:19 am
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            Michael plastic surgery will not make you younger, perhaps if u look younger it is enough for you? Old and dead is the same no mater how you look

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            • garland
            • garland
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 6:53 pm
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            Michael Funny I was going to write you and suggest that you try out the laser so glad you founds something that worked.  Did you try the laser? Or what worked for you.... I did the laser a few years back seemed to help as well... might get of  the last bit of wrinkles that I do have...

            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 7:53 pm
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            Ross Barker Very True :)

            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 7:54 pm
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            garland Bleph. I'm open to the laser in the future though.

            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 7:56 pm
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            garland I actually did the bleph because my upper eye bags were so bad they kept weighing down on my eyes and making me feel tired during the middle of the day.  Too much good LIVING! But, I also opted for the lower figuring - what the heck - may as well. 

            • garland
            • garland
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 8:04 pm
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            Michael Glad it worked cause you were very frustrated with the slow boat to china approach with the Siromilus cream....I may look into the laser to help get rid of the rest of the wrinkles that are under my eyes...it supposed to last a long time.... i will keep the siromilus though for long term and getting rid of aged cells.....

            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 8:10 pm
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            garland Sounds like a plan.

             I guess chemical peels work well too. Who knows.

            Time for a beer!

            • Dorian Gray
            • Dorian_gray
            • 3 yrs agoSun. August 15, 2021 - 10:48 pm
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            Michael True, there is no substitute for well-done plastic surgery.  The longer one waits to correct wrinkles and facial sag, the more intensive plastic surgery is required (think deep plane).  I've researched it extensively, but haven't opted yet.  I've begun fraxel laser treatment.  Just completed first of the five treatments.  BTW, it has pretty much taken the place of chemical peels.  

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            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoWed. December 29, 2021 - 1:46 am
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            Dorian Gray Missed your response - sorry about that.

            Given the past 4 months, how do you like the results of the fraxel treatments?

            Thank you

            • Dorian Gray
            • Dorian_gray
            • 3 yrs agoWed. December 29, 2021 - 5:46 am
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            Michael It eliminated or lightened considerably some of the dark spots on my hands and face.  Diminished some of the finer wrinkles, but mild effect on the deeper ones.  No one at work said I looked younger, but rather skin looked good, "fresher".  However, it noticeably improved texture and color and that does add an element of youthfulness to the eye's interpretation.  Just not dramatic by any means.  I spent a lot of time in the sun living in Southern California nearly all my life.  Next month I go in for a final picoway laser to further eliminate a couple spots.  There were two types of treatment, different wavelengths (1550 vs 1927) one to treat pigmentation the other for collagen generation.  Even though I wouldn't call it a vast improvement, I would do it again.  

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            • Michael
            • Michael.1
            • 3 yrs agoWed. December 29, 2021 - 1:09 pm
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            Dorian Gray Thank you

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