wrinkle reduction
- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
- 107replies
- Hello World3 yrs ago
has anyone noticed wrinkle reduction in systemic use of sirolimus?
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- Moonlitnight
- Medical Writer working on age reversal for over 20 yrs
- Moonlitnight
- 4 yrs ago
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I hope someone answers this. I cannot as I have not yet tried sirolimus, although I take a combination rapalog. Apocynin didn't work though. Have you noticed wrinkle reduction, Curious (assuming you are on rapamycin)?
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- Paul Beauchemin
- Paul_Beauchemin
- 4 yrs ago
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I made a 25 molar rapamycin cream. Been using 3 months and see a big difference on the back of my 67 yo hands
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- Moonlitnight
- Medical Writer working on age reversal for over 20 yrs
- Moonlitnight
- 4 yrs ago
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Paul Beauchemin Do you have a recipe? This sounds interesting. Did you make it for the skin, or were you also wanting absorption?
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- Paul Beauchemin
- Paul_Beauchemin
- 4 yrs ago
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Moonlitnight just used this molarity calculator
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- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
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Paul Beauchemin do you use the cream on your face and if so how is that working out for you?
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- Paul Beauchemin
- Paul_Beauchemin
- 4 yrs ago
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curious yes, face and back of hands
back of hands has made amazing improvement. Used to pinch the skin for a few seconds and it would stay that way for many minutes. Now it snaps back in a few seconds.
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- Moonlitnight
- Medical Writer working on age reversal for over 20 yrs
- Moonlitnight
- 4 yrs ago
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Paul Beauchemin Many thanks!
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- Fred Cloud
- Fred_Cloud
- 4 yrs ago
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Paul Beauchemin Impressive Paul, how long did you use the rapamycin on your hands before you noticed a difference?
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- Fred Cloud
- Fred_Cloud
- 4 yrs ago
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Paul Beauchemin I mixed 3mg in 4 ounces. I think it should be 25 micromolar based on Mark Thimineur post.
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- Paul Beauchemin
- Paul_Beauchemin
- 4 yrs ago
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Fred Cloud between two and three months I started to notice the change visibly.
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- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
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HPaul Beauchemin Thank you so much for replying. Have you had the same success on face? Does it just slow aging or does it reverse aging? Thank you.
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- Paul Beauchemin
- Paul_Beauchemin
- 4 yrs ago
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curious hard to say about wrinkles
with back of hand you can do a pinch test for elasticity. pinch the skin for 10 seconds and time how long it takes for skin to snap back to flat. For me skin would stay pinched for over 5 minutes previously. Now it relaxes to flat in about 15 seconds. So I can measure it. I can't measure wrinkles
Who knows if it stops aging?
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- Dorian Gray
- Dorian_gray
- 4 yrs ago
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Paul Beauchemin That alone is impressive. I would not think any amount of moisturizer would have a similar effect.
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- garland
- garland
- 4 yrs ago
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Moonlitnight yes I have been using it for almost 6 months now...amazing results.... here is a post I did with a Doctor who gave me the formula... awesome stuff... Since this post things have continue to improve... it is quite amazing on my face and forhead and neck... the arms It is noticeable but more is needed..
Hello Mark...I have some questions but wanted to tell you that I have learned alot about your wonderful recommendations for topical treatment of Sirolimus after experimenting with them myself. I feel they work far better then anything out there however unlike you I was not totally blown away with my success. Then after rereading your post I realized that you did this 2 times a day most of the time. So after trying that it seemed to make things happen a bit quicker. With this treatment you need to have lots patience as it takes time ... I have been doing this since April.. but my under eyes, neck and forehead is 70 to 75% better and most of the time I only did once a day. Now I am trying to 2 times a day for at least 3 or 4 a week. I did add a retinal product which seemed to help as well. I put it on every night after waiting for bit. I did not try your product Adapolene as I called the company and they did not think that it worked at all for getting rid or wrinkles. However it is supposed to be much stronger then regular retinal products so maybe it would work the same way only better? . Also my creepy skin is maybe 25% better on my arms which is huge as I never thought it would work there. Hopefully it continues to improve. A I am wondering if I apply it in greater amounts than maybe it would be significantly above the threshold for optimal results. If you add too much Sirolimus then the results would be nulified.... What do you think about that. Wishing you well and thanks a bunch for sharing your experience with topical Sirolimus ...it is a huge gift you have shared with us!!!!
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- Fred Cloud
- Fred_Cloud
- 4 yrs ago
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garland Do you have any before after pictures?
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- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
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garland in your opinion do you think the sirolimus is reversing your wrinkles or just slowing them down?
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- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
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garland also is the sirolimus helping with deep wrinkles or just fine lines?
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- garland
- garland
- 4 yrs ago
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curious definitely it's getting rid of the wrinkles. Has been one study done on this it only does it get rid of the wrinkles and it also gets rid of the senolytic cells after about after about eight months. Research is pretty amazing actually and the doctor who turned me on to the right mixture has had amazing success with his clients. This is a new ball game I've tried all kinds of things to get rid of the sun damage this does a trick at a very cheap price. To quote the doctor he said he knows a bunch of plastic surgeons Who would be very nervous about how effective this stuff is
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- garland
- garland
- 4 yrs ago
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Fred Cloud Yes.... that is it... the first three months go slowly but 2 times a day makes i faster and some retinol treatments work wonders.... see my post to Dr Mark... I have a bunch of them with Dr Mark... I just posted them there....
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- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
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garland WOW! Thank you so much for your reply. Is this the mixture of 3mg in 4oz that was mentioned in the post somewhere? Just to let you know about the pictures from your cell phone you can send them to an email to yourself and then from the email post them with an attachment. Again thank you for your reply.
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- Michael
- Michael.1
- 4 yrs ago
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garland Work on lower eye bags?
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- curious
- curious
- 4 yrs ago
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garland did you use the 70percent dmso with 20 aloe?
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- garland
- garland
- 4 yrs ago
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curious Ok I am taking Arbo Trex Dmso/Aloe Vera cream.... 70/30 with Lavender scent mixed DMSO containing 3 mgs of Sirolimus mixed in Liquid DMSO. I use a mortar and pistol to grind down the pills and then put them in a text tube with DMSO to thoroughly mix them up. Mixture will be Cloudy with dissolved Sirolimus. Then I mix it into the 4 oz cream.... Then I apply topically to my skin. According to Dr Mark the study on this showed that after 8 month it removed all the senolytic cells from the skin. I used it sometimes two times a day. And added in the past month or so a Retinol product both of which seemed to make the process go faster. It takes patience with this process but the price per month is only about 35 dollars a month. So it save thousands in plastic surgeon money plus you get rid of old cells. Check out my posts with Dr Mark for more details.....
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- garland
- garland
- 4 yrs ago
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Michael yes fairly well 70% better I am now using a topical retinol cream to enhance these amazing results even more
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- Michael
- Michael.1
- 4 yrs ago
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garland How long does the mixture you've described above last -using twice daily - before needing to make again? Just trying to determine how much you're using during application. Thanks again
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