Introduction to Young Plasma Infusions

Just to clarify for everyone what the phrase "young plasma infusions" refers to: 

Plasma is the water portion of blood in which blood cells are suspended. It includes salts, proteins, hormones, and many other non-cell components. 

The idea of transferring young plasma into older people for the purpose of rejuvenation is at least somewhat related to studies of parabiosis, which found that when an old mouse shares the circulatory system of a young mouse, the old mouse appears to get younger (and the young mouse appears to get older, by some measures). 

The thinking here is that there are components in the blood--possibly non-cell components such as hormones and signaling factors--that affect health and rejuvenation capacity. 

One way to replicate these possible positive effects of non-cell components of young blood is to infuse older people with plasma from younger people. Plasma donation and infusion are common and standardized medical procedures, so it does not need special development or approval like a new pharmaceutical does. 

At least one company is providing this service commercially: Ambrosia. As of this writing, their website is not functioning properly. 

It would be interesting to many members of this group if anyone receiving young plasma would share their experiences in this section of the forum. If you'd like to share your story, I invite you to click "start a new topic" on the right side of the forum page in this section. 

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  • My anti-aging doctor offered it to me, $8,000. He said it makes you feel "great"

    • Hello Fred. If you feel comfortable telling us: who is your doctor? Thanks.

      • Iðunn
      • Iunn
      • 4 yrs ago
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      BrianMDelaney I suspect Fred's doctor may actually have been offering (non-age-specific) platelet-rich plasma (PRP), an unproven stock-in-trade of sports medicine and anti-aging quakery.

    • Iðunn No, it was plasma from young donors. platelet rich plasma is usually taken from the persons own blood, spun down to seperate rbc and concentrate the plasma and then injected into soft tissue area.

  • Dr Kim of the Medical Institute of Healthy Aging, But Ambrosia supplying the blood has shut down. However it looks like it rebooted under a different name.

  • Brian, are you considering doing this? Here is the update

    • Fred Cloud Pardon the very belated reply! (Notifications were not working for me.)

      I have actually had young plasma twice. Before/after results were not clear one way or another. In theory, it helped slow my aging at least a bit. But we need much more science to be done on this.


      Like 1
    • BrianMDelaney Twice! Very interesting. Did you have this done with this company Ambrosia or was it offered somewhere else?

    • Fred Cloud Howard Chipman near Tampa:

      I found him to be a great doctor (and great guy generally).

    • BrianMDelaney Oh wow. I see he is one of the ambrosia doctors. I didnt realize they had any on the east coast. So you paid $16,000 and didn't notice much? Well thats a bummer. My doc offered me the plasma but I did research and decided to go with gdf11 instead. I have been on it for 6 months and have had great gains from it.

      • Larry
      • Larry.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      BrianMDelaney Thanks for your input Brian. Do you know if the clinic is affiliated with Ambrosia? 

    • Larry The clinic was a study site for the young plasma trial, but is no longer connected to Ambrosia.

  • interesting results but no indication of what components of plasma are used

    • Paul Beauchemin I agree, I wonder what the equivalent is versus whole plasma. Meaning, do you they pick a certain fraction and give you a large amount of that component that they extract from several liters of plasma? I know you cant just take gdf11 and concentrate it and give it as an injection all at once.

    • Ed
    • indigo_kettle
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I'm assuming Paul you are referring to Josh Mitteldorf's "Age Reduction Breakthrough" article where he talks about Harold Katcher's plasma fraction treatment reducing the epigenetic age of multiple tissue. According to David Sinclair, if the findings hold up, "rejuvenation of the body may become commonplace within our lifetimes."

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    • Ed
    • indigo_kettle
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Excuse the fonts on previous post but just wanted to add that Dr. Alan Green just commented on the subject saying in reference to the plasma treatment  - "Breakthrough is an understatement. This is huge."

    Like 2
    • Ed Yes, seems like many people follow Josh's blog. Two of the papers authors commented as well

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    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 4 yrs ago
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    "Elixir" Resets Horvath's Clock

         This is the work being referred to above.  A preprint was recently placed on BioRXiv at , authored by Steve Horvath, many others, and in particular Harold Katcher and Akshay Sanghavi, the founders of Nugenics Research of Mumbai, India  They report an experiment in which they use "Elixir", a Nugenics proprietary combination of active ingredients extracted from the blood plasma of young rats.  They administer Elixir to old rats, and observe the effects on various biomarkers of aging, including Horvath's famous DNA methylation profiles.  The results are spectacular, showing that the DNA methylation profiles were reset in age in various tissues ranging from liver to brain and other biomarkers showed similar results.  A popular account of the paper is available at Longevity Technology.

         I am very surprised by these results.  I had previously argued that periodic injections of young plasma could not be expected to do much because the active agents could only be resident in the recipient's bloodstream for a day or so, and any beneficial effect would be transitory at best.  These experimental results indicate that this is not the case.  The effects on rats last well after the treatment  period and seem to be permanent.  Therefore, I'm puzzled.  I don't understand the mechanism.

         I asked Harold Katchner about this.  He would only say that my assumptions were wrong, but implied that he was unable to explain why and how for trade-secret reasons.

         If anyone understands how brief exposure to the active agents in a derivative of young plasma can produce long-lasting effect, please explain it to me.

    Like 3
    • JGC Just guessing but it seems that there is a rejuvenating effect - repair of aged organs - and that is why there is a long lasting effect.

      • Joe smith
      • Joe_smith
      • 4 yrs ago
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      JGC tet2 enzyme in young plasma? I guess we will have to wait patiently for more info.

    • JGC Its a great question what they are using or how this is working. Since they call it plasma fraction, it could be anything found in plasma and I don't think it is just plasma in naturally occurring ratios. If I had to guess I think they are using concentrations of plasma that gives high levels of components like gdf11 and maybe spiking it with exosomes.

      • Joe smith
      • Joe_smith
      • 4 yrs ago
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      JGC There is a paper that explains tet enzymes role and the fact that dna demethylation occurs in a cyclical manner. Young plasma has tet enzymes and old one has less. What these guys did is most likely stumble on the number of times and frequency you need to apply young plasma in rats to cause demethylation. Basically it looks that due to biology of demethylation it doesn’t have to be a constant application. The next step as I see it would be to repeat it in marmosets and then we get closer to human applications. The exciting part is that with the same stone you can kill two birds- address the aging and cancer like breast and prostate too. Here is the paper

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      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud 

      One can peer a bit behind the Elixir curtain.  Harold Katcher has commented that their Elixir does not contain GDF11, which is downstream from the effects they are producing. He also commented that ultimately the active ingredients in Elixir will be produced by chemical synthesis and will not need to be extracted from the blood plasma of young donors.

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      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Joe smith 

      Thanks, Joe.  I will ask Katcher to deny (as he did for GDF11) that the TET enzymes play a role in Elixir, and see what he says.

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    • JGC John, since you communicate with Katcher, would you try the elixir if he offered to you?

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