Intro to rapamycin

Hello everyone,

Rapamycin is an mTOR inhibitor. It has been used for years to prevent organ transplant rejection in humans, in part because mTOR inhibition also inhibits the immune system. 

mTOR is a pro-growth factor that is involved in cellular growth and protein synthesis. Its inhibition has been associated with longer lifespans in certain organisms (not yet humans). 

Rapamycin administration has been shown to extend the remaining lifespan of middle-aged mice, making it an interesting life-extension candidate for use in middle-aged humans. 

Has anyone tried rapamycin? What were the results? 

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  • I have been in the study now for about 8 months now.  I can't tell any difference, but I do get the side effect of mouth sores once in a while.  The study is a year long with many blood tests to monitor us.  We should be meeting soon as a group.  We haven't done that since the beginning of the study.  We can compare notes.

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      • curious
      • curious
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur MMark Thimineur 

      Do you use the rapamycin cream on your face and does it reverse wrinkles or just slow them down?

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      • curious
      • curious
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur Do transplant patients get antiaging benefits of sirolimus even though they are on a high dose?

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      John, How are your results? Thank you

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Sanford Finley Can you share an update, specifically on the topical?

      Thank you!

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    • Mark Thimineur It's been almost a year since you started this experiment. Could you, please, share some conclusions? Did cream hand application or DMSO scalp show any significant results? Thanks!

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    • Anna Marie Observations of 25 micromolar topical rapamycin on the skin of face and hand: fine wrinkles are eliminated slowly on face, more difficult to see this effect on hands. No further need for botox injection to forehead - stopped this one year ago and the creases and furrows have not appeared while using the topical which is the same effect I had with botox (along with the muscle paralysis). Now there is no paralysis of the procerus, corrigator, or frontalis muscles and yet, no wrinkles.  Improved thinkness of skin is observed on treated hand as tendons and veins are more hidden on treated and more prominant on untreated. Disocolorations diminish gradually on face, eczema on hands makes this a more difficult call on the hand. Eczema on hand improved, mostly eliminated. Observations of 2 micromolar rapamycin on hair: Some improvement in hair thickness and more black hairs noted - not dramatic. Now using alpha keto glutarate at 30mg/cc on hair which seems to result in a more robust thickening and more numerous colored hair than I saw with the rapamycin. 

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      • Gokhan
      • Gokhan
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur I came up with an alternative idea. Made rapamycin serum instead. purchase a 4oz glass bottle online online with dropper. Open up 3mg Rapamycin powder into the bottle. Fill it up with extra virgin olive oil. Shake vigorously (should dissolve completely). Apply liberally to your face and/or hair up to 1x a day. Have been using it on my hair regularly. I like the effect. My hair is smoother (less fizzy), more robust, takes better shape after using it ~3x a week after 1-2 months. Can't say if this is due to Rapamycin or Olive Oil. Both of them appear helpful for hair. 

    • Gokhan That concentration your are using is about 25 micromolar which is what I use on my face where it has the effect of slowing facial hair growth which is nice as it makes the daily shaves easier. The potential benefit for hair is through the induction of autophagy which apparently occurs at a much lower concentration of rapamycin which avoids the mtor inhibition effect of slowing hair growth. This is why I chose to change to alpha keto glutarate topical for scalp hair because it is a pure autophagy inducer and seems to rapidly induce follicular anagen phase better than the rapamycin. Just food for thought that the concentration you are using may slow growth of hair.

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      • Joseph M
      • joseph_mikhael
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur Hi Mark could you tell us how you mix the alpha keto glutarate at 30mg/cc is it with DMSO?

    • Mark Thimineur or anybody I can't figure out how to use this Molar calculator, please could you help? there is one here or suggest the one you use??? I used 48 Grams of Cream a few Drops of DMSO and .48 G of Rapa, what is the Micromolar and what do I put in each box? How do I work the flip down boxes? I made a skin cream and I want to make a Shampoo, also, but I think it best to refine or confirm my mix

    • joseph mikhael Added 3000mg to 100cc water, put it in spray container, and apply - very easy

      Like 2
    • Mark Thimineur  Hey, how long is the  rapamycin cream lasting everyone? I am getting about 2 months with the 4 ounce batch, seems too fast and wondering if I am using too much?


           Gokhan Ross Barker  John Mcgough Sanford Finley

    • Fred Cloud I don't think  so  at all, I'm  Just about done with  my   1.7oz first  trial mix,  I have  been  testing  it  on  only  1  hand, it's been  about  a Month  I  guess, only  thing is  I  do  not  see  any  response  at  all,  Both  hands  seem  exactly  the  same,  should I  see  some response  by  now?   I   put 0.46g  in  the  1.7oz or  48g of cream, I  can't figure  out  the Molars

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    • Fred Cloud my 4 oz lasted about 2 months. Used twice daily.

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    • Ross Barker Read the study, it will tell you how long before you notice a difference.

    • Fred Cloud More opinions are  better,  also, a  visible difference  is a  relative thing

    • Ross Barker Not sure what you mean but you asked should you see a difference after a month. The study will answer your question and tell you when you would likely expect to notice a difference. If you are looking for general feedback from other people that is fine too but is not the question you asked.

      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Michael I have been doing topical rapamycin for over 8 months. I started by using Rapamycin mixed in Emu Oil with Apocynin, Copper Tetrapeptide, Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Ubiquinol.  I did this for 6 months with my 44 year old wife.  I take Collagen peptides along with Hyaluronic Acid and my Rapamycin pills daily.  I did not notice anything dramatic.  My skin may be a little thicker?  I do feel a certain glow to my skin is there but it's nothing dramatic.  So I started to mix all of the above drugs with DMSO for better absorption.  I do a 50/50 with DMSO and Emu Oil.  I hear that Emu oil is great for absorption and skin tone.  I have been doing the new concoction for only a couple months. I will put this on my face after a shower in the morning so it's on all day.  At night I usually apply prescription strength Retin A.  I still think Retin A is the gold standard.  My guess is Rapamycin will slow the formation of new wrinkles and will improve skin elasticity.   I am not convinced (yet) that it reverses signs of aging. I am definitely going to give it more time.

      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      JOHN forgot to add that I put methylene blue in my concoction as well. 

      • Joseph M
      • joseph_mikhael
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur Hi Mark is the AKG that you use in the Arginine or Creatine form?

    • joseph mikhael I use the calcium salt (CaAKG)

      • Joseph M
      • joseph_mikhael
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur Thank you Mark!

    • are we there yet 

      any information on Allantoin dosing and where to purchase?

    • JOHN 

    • John Mcgough Doesn’t seem so.

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