Preparations for self-treating COVID-19

     The mortality rate of the aged population from COVID-19 is very high, around 20% for the over-80 group of which I and my wife are members.  Further, if medical facilities are limited and physicians are forced to make triage decisions, the 80+ will be last in line.  Therefore, it seems prudent to be prepared to self-medicate in case COVID-19 symptoms should appear.  How can this be done?

     A French group has done a rather limited study (LINK) of COVID-19 patients indicating that administering the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (dose:  200 mg, three/day) in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin (dose: 500 mg for day 1, then 250 mg/day for next 4 days) produces spectacular recoveries.   The graph below shows their results:

 On this basis, I have ordered 30 x 200 mg hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) tablets and 60 x 250 mg azithromycin (Zithromax) tablets from pharmacies in India.  I hope I never have to use them for me or my family, but it seems prudent to be prepared.

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    An interesting article:

    Interaction of Metformin and Hydroxychloroquine

    Like 1
    • Karl equivalent dosage for 60 kg person is 15 gm metformin and 3.6 gms of HCQ

      That would surly kill me!

      Like 1
  • Normal limit on metformin is 2000mg/day; but, some take 2500mg/day. Yeah; 15 gm metformin/day appears as death wish. I'm no MD. I'm taking 2500mg metformin/day @ 160 lbs and 76 years of age. (2-1000mg and one 500mg--breakfast, lunch and dinner timing; but, only eat one meal/day most of the time). Still kicking. Just a witness. Everyone is wise to check with their MD. Good to consult more than one MD. Alabama has no human life extension qualified MD on the list. Tragically; I have too many friends that just want to die and go to heaven. They even refuse to research the literature or join the forum out of curiosity. I've been made fun of and informed that humans are not supposed to live 100's of years by God's will. Obviously; I've not signed up to death. This does; however, address some of why there is no National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P). Too many religious leaders preach that we must die to go to heaven. I've even been told that it is sinful to live "too" long. A sea change in thinking needs to occur. Just witnessing. Any comments?

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  • In continued praise and respectful answer:


    Dosing and documentation are extremely important. Got to get it right. Great to talk.

    This is a bit outside the specific discussion on human dosing; but, thought it mindful and important to mission success.


    BBC network recently reported about a US zoo tiger getting the virus; e.g., possible human to animal transfer. Care to guess a tiger dosing? Odd one has to go to BBC web site to get US news?



    If this proves true; the virus may persist for years and may mutate to kill other species.


    The effort to develop or fully discuss a vaccine hasn't yet matured enough to offer up a polio like approach: e.g., conclusion that every human needs the vaccine. That harkens to the need for serious production and distribution. Worst case; every year everyone needs to take a flu shot. 


    The US President and VP and son-in-law go to for everything seem to believe pandemic will be over by May-ish? Zip plans to test or inoculate every human. Not politic here; just trying to understand management and policy direction. WHO and US health officials appear of different opine. Management discussion follows:


    There is absolutely no planning or policy for the apparent sort of persistent polio like war that seems to be globally apparent and emerging based on reported data.


    The leaders are not even talking or walking that "polio" or "Manhattan Project" like talk. Apparently, not even curious or interested in fail safe planning.


    Opine: all in the government & business of vaccine creation should be thinking mass production at many different national and global production facilities and multiple ways to distribute in various vaccine distribution forms: e.g., pills, shot (needle and high pressure injection, and sugar cube and be targeting every human on Earth & in space. Everyone tested multiple times. In this case, tiger & humans treatment needs to be in multiple forms. Possibly even in animal feed. Remember iodized salt?


    The longer the delay; the more devastating and long lasting the threat and vulnerability to new threats.


    Clue on process to date? Nothing on this subject is in any known daily brief. Not even questions from the news.


    Very bad news: human to tiger or another animal to tiger or both? Very scary!!


    My Dear Uncle Sam; are you focused? If so; where is the National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P) and it's New Viruses Task's subtask COVID-19??  Yes, all wars must have well thought out plans. Failure to strategically plan = folly and loss. "Dear Uncle Sam; Dear Commander in Chief, "Do you understand?" This war will not; repeat not; be over at the end of April 2020.


    No government appears to be taking a "polio" approach toward vaccine distribution for prevention and cure. Our own government leadership isn't recognizing that data shows a severe initial sine like curve followed by a smaller "bump" one in 2+ months.  That would be a June-ish second bump best case. The next cycle in 2020 could potential be the next flu season; e.g., Sept 2020 flu season. 2 cycles/year and a wave every year; e.g., 2021, 2022; etc.? What is the thinking?


    If the tiger caught COVID-19 in April; is there now also potential animal back to human as well as human to animal transfers in a different cycle & period?


    These questions make it reasonably clear that this preparedness effort is very important to our each and collective survival. OK soldier: "Where is your each and all mess kit?"


    From a government management perspective; looks like management planning needs a serious shot in the glutinous maximus; or, whatever. In military terms; planning is Broke and program is Broke. Strategic management planning is apparently void. System Flaming RED. Immediate action required- flash-flash-flash! All quarters on deck!


    No one should take this observation as politic; it is what it is; a very scary situation that requires immediate action for crisis avoidance and stopping loss of human lives. 


    Logically; if this virus follows a polio persistence path; then, every human needs a mess kit and every zoo potentially needs some too. Worse case price vacine; everyone needs tested prior; during and after virus attack: ---- everyone in worst case. Point being; this is more than a WHO initiative. Leaders must recognize 30 April isn't going to be a forever done deal. How many years has the polio fight been going on?


    Tragically; it appears that current government COVID-19 planing is an "accepted attrition plan"; not a credible save all humans plan. This comes at a time when human life spans are decreasing and the threats of global warming and the Singularity are advancing rapidly. This is not fiction. This is real talk. Serious talk!


    Opine: It is flawed thinking to have an "accepted attrition" plan in interest of the economy at a time when human life spans are decreasing. "Accepted attrition" is extremely flawed and irresponsible planning. Enforcing and executing an "accepted attrition" plan by Marshal Law is incomparable with the US Constitution and Bill of Rights (the amendments thereto. Not good.Simle observation: I purchased batteries and the merchant took my ID info (terrorism threat). I have a Alabamians have a kerfu. Drivers licenses before the virus war require re-issue with a digital tracking star. The homeless are apparently disappearing? The remedy to COVID-19 is not "attrition" or tracking or disappearing humans. There must be some national debate.


    Since COVID-19 is mutating; national health policy needs serious review and change where appropriate. Clearly, nations do not have proper infrastructure or policies to cope with such a horrid attack. Since the virus comes out in urine as well as feces; sewage treatment is another serious issue. Who will go in a manhole to free up a fatberg? Will protective zones be needed around existing sewage infrastructure? How will sewage and drinking water be treated?


    Code red! If animals become infected; fleas and ticks may transfer it back to humans. Wake up! Think Black Plague. Think history; think science; think war. Horrid war.


    Possibly other animals become infected! Seriously: Ohhh No; Mr. Bill.


    Since the virus is detected in urine and feces; hopefully; sewage won't become more toxic waste. Presently; I see no data on sewage treatment policy changes; but, also see no testing. Is that, by magic, in the Emergency Act?


    For sure; $2+trillion isn't strategically thought out and isn't based on credible immediate; short, mid or long term planning or transparency.  Ever see a progress report yet? Schedules; task assignees; etc., basic business plan stuff? Status: Haphazard. No real NA2P exist and the Emergency Act is not a credible plan; it is political reflex CYA; not a serious COVID-19 cure all. It does not raise to the level of credible military war or business planning. Period. The Act is void of recognition that human anti-aging is part and parcel to winning the war as well as is void of competent over all planning and execution of the war. Reorganization required. Mission reassignments required. Credible planning mandatory. NA2P mandatory and very wise.


    That is business analysis from my Masters in Management Science:--not politic. Just hard talk.


    ***Recommendation: President should immediately carve out 6% of total Emergency Act $ and assign it to mission start up to reverse human aging. Congress should write Bill and pass it now. A Manhattan Project approach is wise. Most of the $ should transfer into that mission as soon as NA2P and Anti-aging Manhattan like Project  are established and reorganization is phased in.


    It is OK to argue as long as something better is offered. Consensus of Opine is a process and a good thing. No one knows everything.


    Denial of need is not solution for need.


    Conclusion; the dosing work done herein the Forum is extremely important. It may be the only way to eventually find mass remedy: e.g., individual initiative by each soldier in the fight is what wins wars.


    Yes; every Important we vote and write deciders. This nation is: of, by and for the people. That isn't acceptance of marshal Law or a Dictatorship as government rule.  Got to be in the game or loose human lives. Must seriously recognize that anti-aging success is key to COVID-19 and future viral and bacteria threat remedies now and future. Competent strategic plan needed for human anti-aging as over-arching strategic management of all aging threats; inclusive of COVID-19. We cannot let the tail wag the dog. COVID-19 is; but, one tail. Common sense management planning is needed. NA2P  is mandatory and essential to success.


    Just saying. But where there is one opine; others can speak up as well. Ever notice how volume goes up when many speak and sing together? Squeaking wheel gets grease. Always!


    Your thoughts?


    Steven Jacobs

    Like 1
  • Hello Champions in staying alive. Worked on my tractor yesterday.  It was fun.

    Also my MD, a fine man, put me on Amlodipine (10 mg once/day); an ACE2 -stimulating drug. 160 lbs & 76 years of age. Eating one meal/day to get 23 hour fast every day. Also take periodic 3 and 5 day fast. Yes; taking quercetin, bromeliad & Vitamin C. Taking a lot of supplements as well. Taking Temazepam 30 mg/night for sleep. Also Melatonin for sleep. No sleep; no wellness. Also taking NAD and other anti-aging stuff.

    On the nation's strategy to cope with COVID-19; Dr. Anthoni Fauci recently recognized that there may be no new normal. As I've observed; our political leaders appear to accept attrition (collateral kill) in this war, as well as same for front soldiers (MDs, nurses, health care providers). Point being that this no brain virus isn't a warrior; it is a global disease via virus. This isn't a war; it is a global threat to humanity and the free movement and free association we had prior its emergency. Logically; if we want back to normal; then there has to be a "Polio" and or "Chicken Pox" approach that WHO and all nations; etc., administer to every human.  Current approach will not work to get us back to normal. Point being a strategic plan needs developed and worked to completion. Given that human life spans are getting shorter; it appears wise to develop a credible National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P) with "COVID-19" as a subtask under a "New Virus" task. Simply put; our nation has no real manageable plan to increase human life spans. The ultimate measure of back to normal is the average life span. Even if we ever get back to normal in longest average life spans of the past; we should have NA2P plan goals and milestones and specific task, subtask, etc.,--all the boiler plate of competent strategic planning to be able to achieve and measure progress in mission success. Speaking of milestones: how about average high quality life spans of 100 years, 200 years; etc? How about setting a serious goal of defeating aging? Better yet; reversing aging. 

    Point I'm trying to make is that neither theft or right politic has or proposes a NA2P; it doesn't exist. Politics: Broke. Obviously, no NA2P; no funding; no action.

    It should be compelling that our nation establish an NA2P and structure the government to achieve measured increases in quality and length of human life spans. As the Singularity arrives; you can bet that super intelligent machines will get repairs, have maintenance; get upgrades, and last longer than humans. As it is, those machine cost are currently tax write offs as part and parcel to production. However; the current great debate on health care; fails to recognize that humans and human life span lengths in high quality life are more important than machines' use life. Got an 1700's buggy that you bought when you were 19 years of age? Why not? Ha! Where is my penny per penny tax write off? There is incredibly weird talk that the economy is more important than old folks lives? I do not buy that con job of a side step to avoid national health system management and organization failures or failure to property assign an anti-aging mission or for that matter cover up that timely decisions were not made and are still not being made to defeat COVID-19. Our nation's too many dying on the front lines; even one is too many.

    Just recognizing that the goal of back to normal should actually be "Forward to a better normal and longer high quality human life". I have zero desire to short the great planet Earth adventure by death and suffering. There is nothing natural about human death. Death is the result of the rapid in-end toll of diseases of aging or accident or murder. That needs to be bedrock national health policy. A NA2P must be put in place. A Manhatten like Project leading to a NA2P and Anti-aging mission and Cabinet position. Credible strategic planning. reporting, and transparency--the whole 10 plus yards; yard by yard to goal(s) attainment. 

    Then, and only, then can our nation lead as we should. 3/4 of Earth is covered with water. The global garbage patches could be turned into human floating land masses. Point being; it's junk populism to believe that humans have to accept death; because,  there isn't enough space or food. 

    If we really (everyone should)  want to live longest ever done by anyone past; there must be a funded and well managed competent plan to achieve that mission.

    The blunt truth is that there will be no back to pre-COVID normal or path to better than normal without mission assignment and appropriate action to rid the human race of COVID-19 as well as the other existing as well as emerging diseases--unless there is national and global mission. We must start with national mission assignment., Think eradication of diseases; including COVID-19. Think anti-aging. Think longer human life spans. Then act.

    COVID-19 isn't a thinking virus.  This isn't a real war; it is a failure to manage. There is no NA2P. Worse; there is no anti-aging mission assigned or funded or budgeted. System: Broke.

    Obviously; our collective sharing of COVID-19 approaches to survive is witness that no rational national management plan to get back to normal exist. The acceptance of perpetual constant human attrition (by death and compromised health) is a plan of decreased length life spans; not, getting back to normal.  "Acceptance of "maybe some testing; maybe some get vaccinated; maybe live, maybe die, watch the curve, mass deaths; mass compromised health" is failed national policy from the get go. It is only the best we can do; because, goals are accepted too low for increasing human life span. Obviously, in the USA, human life spans are shortening. This has been happening over decades. Observation: System Broke.

    Our individual and collective efforts to live longest is absolutely necessary. Obviously. at present the COVID-19 remedy plan is in acceptance of no return to normal. Obviously, normal wasn't good enough anyway. COVID-9 must be globally eliminated.

    Other diseases must be globally eliminated and research and public and private investments must laid and focused by a NA2P in the USA and in other countries as well.

    There must be a "polio"- 'chicken pox' like champaign to globally eliminate COVID-19. Otherwise, back to normal ain't going to happen. That is the real talk.

    At this time; we have to push ahead with our own approaches.

    Credibly; I'm not buying into a new lower normal that necessitates living in a police state under Marshal Law. That is the obvious future if, this and follow on viruses, are not managed to complete elimination. So far; leaders are pitching the illusion that the threat is over 30 April 2020--maybe-ish. Sorry; that ain't going to happen. "We'll see" is just a con line for continued failure to ignore that USA human life spans are decreasing in length and that there is no NA2P and no mission assigned to rid Earth of COVID-19. The observation that human to tiger transmission may exist; should send shock waves.

    So far; it hasn't.

    The only way to face reality is to be really truthful and act in a credible manner to achieve remedy and threat elimination. I cannot and will not accept that indiscriminate or discriminate deaths by COVID-19 is to be the new normal. The current approach is to accept human life attrition in cycles and waves is tragically flawed. That is the real talk. In my view; that policy is not tolerable.

    As such; we must achieve preparation status in order to speak up with unquenched voices and get COVID-19 remedy and also get a NA2P for the USA.

    Sharing preparations is a really good thing.

    Any comment?

    Thanks for the counsel; et. al.

      • Vic Emmay
      • Vic_Emmay
      • 9 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      Steven Jacobs hi! Can I ask what dosage of quercetin and vitamin C you're taking, and any particular brands? Cheers 

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    A lot of interesting discussion.  Unfortunately its like talking with anti-vaxxers.  People have made up their minds and not changing.

    My only purpose in posting here was to warn people that they may be taking a drug with potentially dangerous side effects, that has no proven benefit.

    I have tried to stay as informed as possible about Covid as I see patients everyday with it.  Listening to experts in multiple fields of medicine.  Almost all agree that there is NO conclusive evidence that Hydroxychloroquine does anything for Covid.  I'm not saying proof won't come out, just that there is no proof yet.

      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      Dr. Anthony Cardillo claims that:

      Hydroxychloroquine + zinc = all of his severely-ill COVID-19 patients became symptom-free in 8 to 12 hours

      Hydroxychloroquine + nothing = nothing

      Are you or any of the other docs that you know thinking of prescribing this stuff to severely-ill COVID-19 patients?

      • Dan Nave
      • Dan_Nave
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Florin Along these lines, it is being bandied about that Quercetin is also an iontophor like Hydroxychloroquine and might be able to be used in its place.

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Florin don’t really care to argue with you if your source of medical information is local abc new.  I would ask you to look at that story to see if it really passes any scientific review.

      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      Of course, I realize that it has a ton of problems (and even in the best of times, most medical research is supposedly junk anyway), but if we're really at war here, we don't have the luxury of waiting for the outcome clinical trials; we just gotta try MacGyvering this thing.

      Like 1
      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Dan Nave 

      An IC doc in the Netherlands claims that quercetin + zinc is giving good results with his CODIV-19 patients.

      Like 2
    • Florin 


      The challenge is to live longest ever. Research China's longest living human. Beat his record. Set a positive example. That said; don't take poison to get on the tail of a comet. Serious leaps in life span length will come most quickly from a seriously funded National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P). Credible plans allow for immediate term as well as long term and everything in between tasks. Trump could direct some % of CARES funds go to a NA2P. Hummmm??? Even 3% of $2+ trillion is a serious start up. 

      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Steven Jacobs 

      What anti-aging plan would the NA2P use? Why isn't that anti-aging plan being already used by the NIH or NIA? What's going to prevent the NA2P from turning into just another version of the NIH or NIA? How will politicians even hear about the NA2P proposal and why would they take it seriously?

    • Florin 


      Thanks greatly for asking.

      One must keep a sense of humor and hope for a favorable lottery win. I do write elected leaders. None appear to be able to read unless serious money is attached.

      One would think that a measure of government success would be how long their citizens live? If isn't necessarily how long. Note: Some were encouraging the old to die of COVID-19 as a duty to the nation. How bloody stupid?

      Changing focus and redirecting any government to increase human life spans is apparently complex. Organized religions have posed death as a ticket to heaven. Living in Alabama offers observation that many want to die as part and parcel to ritual. Looks like a Earth life ender to me. 

      Logically; an NA2P has to be created and be knowledge based.

      The Department of Defense gets all phases of research $ (e.g., known-known; known unknown; unknown known; and unknown-unknown); but, for some lack of left or right politic reason; human life span increases are not that important of a research area. Smallpox is pretty much eliminated; polio is reappearing. One would think that if the global objective was to eradicate COVID-19 was on the table; WHO would be assigned the job where other nations are inadequate. Fix any mis-management issues and inoculate our own IAW our. own plans. Our commerce is international (global); so, logically; a global initiative makes sense. Being an economic isolationist appear to not meet the challenge of increasing human life spans; or eradication of human diseases; including COVID-19.

      Why doesn't human life span increases qualify for all phases of government research in a credible plan? Good question. Maybe political leaders are more interested in collecting money that visionary leadership. Sorry; no one can blame any political party--they make off with the $ all the time and still haven't figured out this: "Serve the people thing." 

      To achieve anti-aging; we must demand it.

      Ha! What happens? The politics of distraction: WHO gets fiscally cut; no pressure on a global COVID-19 eradication. Not playing politics; talking management science and mission success and assignments and funding--all the serious things that credibly solve serious problems.

      We are  victims of political science and the art of distraction and have been for decades. Solution?: "Wise up; demand more." No NA2P; no vote or champaign $. Fire em all. Start over.

      Funny. At 76; it appears that politicians simply want $ and to stay elected until death. We need to pick better and insist on more. Politicians will flip on a penny for a vote. Best we pick them better and hold them to full account. Obviously; increasing human life span isn't a mission assigned or funded; or whoever is assigned is hiding. Everything starts with mission assignment & $. Then; plans and accountability follow.

      Never trust government is how to keep any plan on track. The NA2P has to be transparent and accountable to really smart and wise and very capable leaders who are held to account to the people; vice political yes people. It has to have metrics and measurable goals and milestones and tasks and subtasks and schedules that are strategic planned (active & updated with feedback loops). It must be funded. It ain't.

      The US Department of Defense (DoD) sets up Program Executive Officers (PEOs) and over arching plans and organizations to manage complex military systems. Integrated Product Teams (IPTs); when well managed; help integrate and increase do-ability with bottom ups and top down data. I'm not advocating military; but, recognizing the Manhattan Project worked (in this case; it could end up with some, yet undefined, overarching organization with mission $, and plan and resources).  Yes, with human life spans decreasing and global warming a serious threat; it appears wise to assign a mission to seriously increase human life spans. A NA2P would follow IAW mission assignment.

      Interestingly; COVID-19 is just a subtask. Hummm??? $2+ trillion in an unplanned subtask? Forget the politics; is that credible management?  What about all the other diseases in the human aging bundle?

      Hard truth is that super intelligent machines will out live us and be more capable. Research existing war and future war machines for your own awareness-scary. Research the predicted time of the Singularity. Guess what; it is already emerging in bits and pieces; including IAW supporting policy.

      So here we are; no NA2P at all to reverse human aging; or even for that matter stabilize it at its increasingly low life span level. Go figure?

      Looks like to me that a bucket (COVID-19) isn't planned and loosely in a trailer in front of a truck and neither the truck or the trailer are funded. credibly and there is no clear driver or destination of driver or human life span increase mission assigned. In military terms: "The human life span is broke; it ain't getting better. Management is confused, disoriented, disconnected and lacks focus.


      Assign mission and make someone accountable and provide resources."

      Take a $% of COVID-19 funding allocation and set up Manhattan like Project. Later pull more COVID-19 $ into NA2P mission where appropriate.

      OK? Propose something more doable or work making this better. We have to start somewhere. That simple. 

      Again; think Anti-aging and human life span increases management and mission assignment and credible planning and funding; etc. Not politics.

      Leave politics out to do your own each and collective analyses. Mission attainment of longer human life spans is essential to sustained human existence on planet Earth and elsewhere.

      Sure that is complex; but, so what? No NA2P? No good reason to not have mission assigned or planned and not credibly budgeted, resourced or funded. 

      Situation critical! Broke.

      Is something seriously messed up or what?

      Other opines (pro or con) welcome.

      Thanks for your response.

      Steven Jacobs

      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Steven Jacobs 

      How about this for a NA2P mission statement: the NA2P's mission is to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.

    • Florin 


      Posted some more thoughts on NA2P. Now encouraging more discussion on "adaptation" where adaptation includes handicapped as well as higher performance mission(s). Point is that the military is already invested in adaptations in pursuit of an advanced soldier as well as aiding the injured. As such; human life span increase mission needs to include adaptations.

      Adaptations in that case deserves an NA2P section of it's own with cross links to specific diseases; e.g., mechanical legs, hearts, etc. Bio brain to electronic circuit and vice versa. Logically, that mission will see growth; especially, as the Singularity matures and humans compete with super intelligent machines.

      Some would dismiss this AI type reality; but, a small amount of research may change minds to include this science and technology as part and parcel to increasing quality as well as length of human life spans.

      Suggest taking a look at predicted time emergence of the Singularity and when global warming becomes human habitat destabilizing.

      That type of timeline research brings reality to the need for a NA2P: now. Average human life span lengths are still decreasing. Not only are humans dying too soon; they are also becoming less fertile. Point is that an NA2P is urgent. It isn't just about COVID-19.

      Much more to consider in pursuit of NA2P mission statement clarity.

      Encourage more dialogue and voices.

      Thanks for your comments.

    • Florin 


      Given national all political party failure to pursue anti-aging or recognize that COVID-19 would be subtask therein; situation presently broke. A NA2P; logically, anti-aging awareness needs brought forth to top decision-makers. Given existing lack of existence of mission or NA2P; mission is conceptualized herein as Manhattan like Project leading to formal organization and/or reorganization. Starting out as an Over-Arching Directive and Anti-aging mission assignment that allows pulling resources from NIH, NIA, FDA; many others and aligning as necessary to put together a NA2P to manage mission assigned. Point is; got to start somewhere. Presently USA Anti-aging mission is profoundly zip. Broke.

    • Florin 


      Maybe add the word: "progressively" before "enhance"? Got to somehow emphasize serious schedule and overarching mission.. Just about every health organization can say they seek to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness.   As such; mission has to be dedicated and overarching. There is presently no NA2P.  The effort has to very straightforward and clear in a way to make the need direct and meaningful. I have some very religious friends that tell me I don't understand the teachings of the Bible or any religious order; e.g., humans are supposed to suffer on Earth and then die. Accordingly; there is much selling required. Health organizations are like all bureaucracies; mission protective. If the mission isn't clear in a way that makes it unique; they will all say they already do it. Fact is that there is no Federal, State, or local NA2P. Alabama political leadership appears to not only want to control all women's bodies; but, also for its citizens to die IAW their Governor's and Legistature's and preachers; etc., beliefs. Many other states fall in the same view of situational awareness; e,g., accept death.

      I'm opposed to death and prefer a longest tour on planet earth as possible. Why end the adventure early?

      Not seeking to be critical; just observing that selling life everlasting on Earth is counter; to the brain washed logic of the millennia.

      It is an interesting thing to try to understand why people are so willing to accept short life spans as justified by an act of god; faith. For sure we presently die and for sure human life spans are decreasing in length; so one would think that would be very alarming to everyone? Not so.

      As such; a mission to increase human life spans is interestingly a hard sell.

      Facilitation is another area that needs mission clarification. That is testing labs, computerized human simulations, hyperbolic chambers, real estate; etc. University courses need established. 

      Pseudo testing isn't done with expensive military systems. They cost to much to develop. The FDA instance on pseudo testing is immoral and unethical. Humans have unmeasurable worth. One can be sure that creatures of the Singularity won't be use salvaged via testing. The FDA allows humans to die as quality test control of drugs. No developer of military systems destruct test as a required condition of trials. true their are drop test for crash worthiness; but, that is a minimum and highly controlled situation. Obviously, that points need of clinical trial policy changes. There is a lot. of. work presently on quantum computing; however, that is mostly associated with energy (nuclear energy and bombs). Go figure? Logically, there is critical need to increase human life spans via modeling human conditions. When "Overarching" is fully understood: it clearly must direct some of those resources toward human modeling for express purpose of disease prevention and cure and eradication as well as facilitation and adaptations necessary to execute the human life span increasing challenges.

      The proposed NA2P is complex. It must be executed with mission teeth. policies and laws must be created.

      Having an over-arching mission to credibly extend human life spans is a complex mission. It; however, is a must do if humans continue to exist. A credible NA2P is mandatory for success.

      The NA2P is a Human Life Span Extension mission management tool that must be strategic in nature (constantly updated & with feedback loops) and must be under clear charter and mission to over-arch existing health efforts. 

      Logically, insurance markets will emerge.

      The human life span increase mission is very complex. Very urgent.

      20% of the Grey Beard (military term for old knowledge base really gifted smart people) that get COVID-19 die. That is a huge loss of Human Resources. It cannot be tolerated. It is a huge lost to families and family structure. It cannot be tolerated. Period. Eradicate COVID-19; period. Be prepared and eradicate all diseases of aging. Plan for adaptations. Execute human life span increases missions.

      Situation: broke. Both the right and left politic clueless.

      Queueing theory would predict that their will be times of mass leadership cluelessness. Time to speak up. The fact and the fake press are both quiet and so too are too many leaders should be alarming.

      Anti-aging is not fringe; it is urgent and forward good sense thinking. 

      Yet; the mission to increase human life spans is a credibly a "do it or die sooner" situation. That is all human situation. 

      Note: True preparedness requires planning and funding and a state of readiness. COVID-19 demonstrates those basics were not and are not now in place. Serious look at the CARES Act demonstrates that such mission of increasing human life spans or eradication of COVID-19 are not included. It is reasonable to observe that global warming and environmental pollution for profits will increase the emergence of new virus; bio, pollutants, toxins, etc. Situational awareness and readiness are broke. ZIP planning. Not good.

      As Pogo once said: "We have met the enemy and he are us."

      Yes; more mission clarity is necessary. The masses (that includes us) cannot be prepared unless there exist credible: mission, planning, function, funding, budget, resources, etc. Since preparedness for COVID-19 (it will be back) still isn't in place and their are no plans to eradicate it; an NA2P is still needed (COVID-19 is sub-task). Think military sets, kits and outfits (SKOs). Not saying everyone needs a full bio or chem suit (MOP thing). Ha! Maybe a sugar cube of vaccine will do? Point being: a NA2P could make human life span increases actually happen with goals like 100 years, 200 years; etc. Deliver by an assigned and accountable mission higher quality and longer human lives; and, cause it to happen via known schedule vice hollow politics.

      Your thoughts?

      Steven Jacobs

      P.S.: Sorry for so much verbiage; trying to be clear. There is a lot to the sought after NA2P and its directive, and empowered mission.

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    One more public service announcement. If you decide to get these medicines to take or have around in case, be aware that chloroquine falls in the category that toxicologists refer to as “one pill can kill”, so please keep your meds away from children or grandchildren.

  • Maybe?

    Progressive prevention and cure the all the disease(s) of aging?   Something straight forward. Where aging is all diseases current and/or future that threaten life expectancy.

    If the NA2P can do that mission; humans should be able to live longer. Simple statement; complex over arching mission. The word progressive emphasizes goals schedule, milestones; etc.

    Not sure where remobilization (as in disabilities) fits in. More work needed. 

    Thanks for comment.

      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Steven Jacobs 

      How about this: the NA2P's mission is to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases.

      This discussion needs its own separate thread.

    • Florin 


      It likely needs two or more.  Preparedness comes from planning.


      Mission  for NA2P is another.


      Organization; functions; etc., could also be added as threads.


      I agree with your comment. Part is here; more is elsewhere. 

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    3 studies this week in France, China, and Brazil show no benefit from Hydroxychloroquine in treating Covid. Hopefully more studies to come.

    Like 1
      • Florin
      • Florin
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      No zinc, no effect.

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