Preparations for self-treating COVID-19

     The mortality rate of the aged population from COVID-19 is very high, around 20% for the over-80 group of which I and my wife are members.  Further, if medical facilities are limited and physicians are forced to make triage decisions, the 80+ will be last in line.  Therefore, it seems prudent to be prepared to self-medicate in case COVID-19 symptoms should appear.  How can this be done?

     A French group has done a rather limited study (LINK) of COVID-19 patients indicating that administering the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (dose:  200 mg, three/day) in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin (dose: 500 mg for day 1, then 250 mg/day for next 4 days) produces spectacular recoveries.   The graph below shows their results:

 On this basis, I have ordered 30 x 200 mg hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) tablets and 60 x 250 mg azithromycin (Zithromax) tablets from pharmacies in India.  I hope I never have to use them for me or my family, but it seems prudent to be prepared.

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  • Some suggest taking chloroquine as a profylactic. As if you were to go into an area were there is great risk for chloroquine-sensitive malaria. A profylactic approach is an option for people in high risk groups, at least if it gets really bad. Or if you have to be close to people that has COVID19 and you can not distance yourself in a safe way. For instance if someone close to you gets a mild form and still is at home needing your help. or if you work in hospital and they run out of qualified protective gear.

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    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 5 yrs ago
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         First, chloroquine (recently promoted by Trump) has some known negative side effects like liver damage and macular degeneration of the eyes that would be best to avoid.  Also, there was a report that even a dose of about 1,000 mg of chloroquine can be fatal.

         It's derivative hydroxychloroquine, which was used in the French study and which I ordered, has reduced side effects and perhaps is safer.  In any case, I would avoid taking either unless I was developing COVID-19 symptoms.

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  • My wife has been taking Plaquenil for 15 years 400 mg/day. Risk is possible vision problems but these are supposed to occur only after 5 years of daily usage. She has stockpiled some since we travel full time and don’t have access to pharmacies all the time.

    I think it’s a lot safer than some therapies users in this group try. 

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  • JGC  - could you perhaps share the link to the pharmacies in India where you purchased these two items? Ditto on not using them unless you're developing COVID-19 symptoms.  

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      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Gary Gilley 

          Last week I bought the azithromycin from the Online Drugstore, and the hydrochloroquine from Trust Pharmacy.  I found the latter after trying various other Indian pharmacies that were completely sold out.  I hope they still have some.

          I have not yet received either order.

      Like 2
    • JGC Thanks really appreciate the reply and info. It took me forever to get a shipment of Dasatinib from Beacon Medicare Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh but it finally came thru. Well worth the wait though 30 x 100mg for $220 + shipping. 

      Like 2
    • Gary Gilley Hello, I would like you to help me.
      How about beaconpharma with dasatinib? is trustworthy?
      have you tried it already?
      What symptoms have you had?

    • Pablo Reinaldos López Yes, I had no problems with them at all. Only email communications though, but very responsive. It took me about a month to receive the delivery. They take care of customs on their end and I didn't have any problems on my end. Have not used the product yet though. First started with D&Q August last year, then again mid December and I'll be doing my 3rd with this one fairly soon. So far, no side effects whatsoever. Also do weekly Rapa. They only take wire payments but use this link for payment which is much cheaper than a bank. Don't know where you're located but on my end (USA Maryland) it's $50 for an international wire. They don't give you any choice with shipping. For US customers they only use EMS - $65 additional

    • Gary Gilley. so you've already done two cycles, one in August and the other in December ... Have you noticed beneficial effects, on the skin, on your body with those two previous cycles? 

      Do you know of someone who has tried beacon before and is happy?

    • Pablo Reinaldos López Yes I have, totally anecdotal of course. Some with skin, and areas I've been experiencing pain at for a very long time have completely vanished. I stress anecdotal because I'm 74 and I've been throwing the kitchen sink at it so to speak. Ozone insufflation, NAD+, GDF-11, Fiestin, Rapa & D+Q and lots of supplements.

      August 2019 I used Morgan Levine's excel spreadsheet to determine biological age and it's telling me I'm biologically 52, and that was before I started using Rapamycin, Senolytics (D+Q), NAD+, Fiestin etc.

      So I'd be disappointed and perhaps a little surprised if I don't get a much better score when I retest again in a couple of months. 

      Like 2
    • Pablo Reinaldos López No, I don't know anyone that's used Beacon before and is happy.

    • Gary Gilley 


      I'm 76 to be 77 in August. I take 2500mg metformen daily. Take a lot of supplements as well. Still trying to lay out a plan. 

      Like 1
  • David Sinclaire say that metformin is on the list of drugs for potential COVID-19 drugs. Don't know what he backs up this idea with. But at least it means that metformin is not on the list of drugs that could make  Covid-19  disease worse. 

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  • azithromycin will only attack open cells, remdesivir will  actually do something, antibiotics will only attack bacteria or virus casings that match bacterial binding sites, 

    azithromycin is only to protect against bacteria taking advantage of weakened state due to viral infection, azithromycin is a red herring when looking to protect a healthy patient. keep your zinc uptake globulins healthy with vitamin d3 and hope a serum antigen and vaccine are on the way!

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      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steven Jacobs I don’t think the final word on Zithromax is in. Zithromax has properties beyond being an antibiotic and it may be its anti inflammatory property that helps.

      Just as hydroxychloroquine likely helps as an anti inflammatory.

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    • Karl Steven Jacobs  Zithromax is a senolytic - there is a video I posted in the senolytic thread describing that effect

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    • Paul Beauchemin 


      Thanks greatly.

      Apologize for too many words. Trying to lay out concept. Trying not to be political in a politically charged field that involves government denials and lack of focused action. Trying to encourage a: "Do something now is possible belief." The recent Congressional Act is not a plan. It is an Emergency fiscal initiative that likely isn't going to deliver near term mid or long term results. It is immediate response in panic; not credible planning or full perspective.

      It is interesting that the USA leadership left and right politic continues to ignore that we have no National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P). Our President and Congress just pushed out over $2 trillion to remedy the economic impact and COVID-19 threat; yet, no NA2P exist? In fact the average life span of US citizens has been decreasing for over a decade. Logically; an NA2P would have a sub-task of prevention and cure of new viruses (that includes COVID-19). The conclusion is there exist failed national planing for health care and sustaining humans' lives.The conclusion is also that absent a credible plan; prioritization of funding and budgeting leaves humans vulnerable because national resources cannot be credibly directed toward the goal of increasing human life spans. A clear example of failed national fiscal health allocation is the challenge of countering the COVID-19 threat. Our military receives $billions every year; so to does many other agencies; all of whom are charged with national health. Oddly, looking at the Federal State and local budgets; no where exist a $billion to solve the mystery of human aging. No NA2P; no budget; etc.

      Our national intelligence budget is huge and there are many upon many dedicated individuals making it the global best; this COVID-19 thing isn't a surprise. It is a communication, listening, and appropriate action failure. That issue must be fixed.

      As far as I'm concerned; human anti-aging science is proven by a few prime examples. That is enough to declare mission and assign it. The statistics that equate to 100's of years of proven human life extension success isn't available; but, extrapolations are tools of current science. Extrapolations are statistical useable. They are used all the time in defense weapon system designs. There are increasing commercial products on the market; especially, for the human brain; but, our nation still has no NA2P. From the policy and management perspective; a government NA2P should aid the competitive and capitalist initiative; but, there should also be in-government focus to catalyze attainment of the goal that human life spans increase in a fast manner. Human life span increase is very important to the fundamental existence of humans. Technology is more focused on shortening the time emergence of super intelligent machines (the Singularity); than, extending human life spans. COVID-19 is a global threat to human life.

      Remedy to COVID-19 as well as human aging, is necessarily global. Governments have no national plans or budgets or policy for NA2P's. Planning, put together properly; COVID-19 prevention and cure is just another subtask in a, in our case,  NA2P. One really doesn't have to care what such a human life plan is officaly called; however, the fact that no plan exist indicates that political and buracratic leadership has failed. We collectively have to face that fact and fix the problem.

      Conclusion: perhaps age reversal should have national (even also global) policy and planning initiatives. Logically; also we must work toward lobbying and initiate a letter writing champaign for causation of competent government NA2P establishment. A few $billions into all phases of research would be easy to achieve by a simple Executive Order or government leader Directive or Congressional Act. Actually, even the Security of Defense could establish one for our military IAW Directive or Executive Order. Orders are done all the time. The President can direct by Executive Order. Simply put; The President could just direct that all health Agencies and the Dept of Defense give 2% of existing budget toward establishment of the new national organization with mission to vastly extend US citizens life spans. The new organization would have mission for establishment and funding of a new agency with national responsibility for establishing and execution of the NA2P. This new organization could then give 1% back to revelant organizations where it makes sense for execution of assigned subtasks of the NA2P. Since Federal dollars flow down to States and properties and possessions; those organizations also establish missions and execute them IAW policy and directives. Point being; it is credibly possible to quickly establish and focus a new government organization to quickly establish and assign and part back missions to achieve establishment and execution of the NA2P. Is not credibly increasing human life span a high priority in the face of the emerging singularity and virus and bio attacks spawned by global warming, natural evolution and known (also unknown) military threats? The same "colors" of money that the US Department of Defense is structured to manage would conceptually work; e.g., all categories of research, development, production; logistics; etc. Humm? Model fiscal apparatus on the Defense Appropriations Act? Our nation spends $billions of defense $ on training and keeping alive soldiers and well; but, has no defense department sub-NA2P to a national plan. The money is there; it just isn't mission focused or planned or overseen or credibly directed and therefore cannot be managed or directed responsibly. The fix for that is reasonably self-evident. Create and assign mission. assure mission accountably. 

      There are many on many government and commercial labs and organizations; but, no national focus to direct use toward tasks for extending human life spans.

      The FDA & others need not apply. Take $ from them and give back in an assigned manner and measure performance against actual delivered and focused assigned tasks or remove it for malfeasance.

      To establish credible human life span increases; therein government is already most of the human & fiscal resources and facilitation.  All new government organizations have growing pains. It starts with mission assignment. Think Space Force. All it takes is a Directive; Executive Order. The details will be worked out later. The money is already there and can be carved out as discussed herein.

      Since we are talking $billions (likely $ trillions over time) credibly focused on serious increases in human life span; we are acknowledging a vital national need (extending human life span to 100 years, 200; 300; etc).; then, logically prevention and cure of COVID-19 is a small part of that mission assignment. COVID-19 is mutating and re-infecting. Congressionally politically flash flooding & throwing $trillions into the market is not fiscally responsible or accountable in good management principles or policy. Better than staying in denial; but, loose. 

      The proposed mission, organization for creation and execution of the NA2P could bring needed organization and planning into place. That is desperately needed. 

      In Department of Defense weapon systems acquisition policies, rules & regulations makes sure that the prototype isn't intentionally destroyed by fail-bad testing (with some minor exceptions for final prove out)  Pseudo approaches for human clinical trials are unethical and slow down product delivery by years. Logically; improving better human software simulations is mandatory to quickly increasing human life spans and proving out new drugs, herb mixes; etc. National policy must increase human trials; but, not damage those in the trials.

      We cannot wait 100+ years before declaring small victories in increasing human life spans. We must make the case we have enough progress to commit to a NA2P and mission assignment; e. g., an all the boiler plate stuff to make success happen institutionally and deliver credible results fast.

      Our nation needs a Manhattan Project like focus with serious resources and highest priority. As discussed; start up is just Executive decision. Start up is doable. The resources are there; the mission is doable; but, only, if credibly organized, and mission assigned, and resourced. Actions require organization, assignments and planning. Results must be scheduled, focused, and progress monitored, reported and measured. Best business practices are wise and necessary. Not political gamesmanship.

      No NA2P = no sustainable remedy to increasingly decreasing human life span. In the mid term (not long term); it is super intelligent machine service life and upgrades versus human life span. There are plenty of predictions on when the singularity will be in full fruition; it is already in early phases. Yeah; scary.

      COVID-19 is just a wake up call. Telling old citizens to die in interest of defeating COVID-19 and supporting the economy is foul minded.

      Global warming will deliver new virus and bacteria threats to humans. The NA2P must have proactive subtasks to stand ready and act quickly in prevention and cure. Point being; humans are in a continued active emergency and must have sustainable active defenses and remain in preparedness. Again; COVID-19 is just a wake up call.

      We have got to get Bill Faloon, Elon Musk, and many credible others speaking & proposing government policy and pushing sane government mission; functions and organization. Congressional Acts must be created and signed into law. Start up $billions (even $trillions) are there for many initiatives and amazing advances; but, only if we take initiative. The capitalist market must yield affordable results and sustainably continue the fight against human aging. From that perspective; COVID-19 is just one in a continuing line of new and old threats to human life span and those threats must be met to extend quality human life span increases. 

      From my simple view; death is just wasted good human adventure on planet Earth. Heaven or whatever will take care of itself. I'll spend my life in care and concern for others. That said; I have freedom longest.

      Lets commit to serious life span increases and seeking to never die. Set serious goals and attain them. The proposed NA2P must be based on goals and successes toward attainment measurable and forecast. Therein is a new economy with human life span increases payback. That is sound economic policy. That is not welfare; it is just applied common sense and good government and commercial management and business. management. It is personally wise.

      Interestingly; we have to take up the policy, planning. budgeting, organization, resourcing, facilitating; etc. missions; including law changes challenge. That must logically be part and parcel to seriously increasing quality human life span mission success. Yeah; it appears to me that the Age-Reversal and Rescue Elders folks (and many others) can have a voice.

      In perspective; the senolytic testing and products are part and parcel to the greater NA2P initiative. one of many on many task in the NA2P. Planned, budgeted, funded. facilitated, resourced, assigned, and progress reported and measured on a scheduled delivery. Capitalism and government working together for credible results soonest.

      It isn't a chicken and egg issue; it is a:" Go get the chicken and eggs issue; here is the (NA2P) basket & use our own each hands & brains." Less government limits and more open doors and $. Credible policy, planning, mission and focus; etc.

      Obviously, you and many others have the wonderful brains and guts for taking action.

      Somehow, we must cause the NA2P concept initiative to yield credible results. 

      Change it up; add to it; whatever needed to make it happen. 

      Your thoughts?



  • The word "final" is illusive. Few things are "final" word. Few drugs offer exclusion from complications. That observation offered; US policy has to recognize that maybe all US citizens and even the 12 or so millions of illegals need tested multiple times? Perhaps public policy needs to work toward a polio vaccination approach where a anti-virus sugar cube is passed out to car loads of people (the masses)? What are we looking at? 360 + 12 or so million people to vaccinate. That's a long line. Logistics are nationally challenging; globally even more so. Our government and the scientific community at large appear to need follow numerous paths-approaches at once: dodge the immediate bullet; decrease severity via immune strength actions/drugs/whatever; improved care and care equipment and staff safety; and shots, sugar cube dispensing of vaccine or whatever to prevent and aid cure & increased survival probability. Some agency should be chasing down effectiveness of whatever is proposed by whomever. It appears that the FDA isn't philosophically attuned to quick discovery. That policy deficiency appears self evident in that it refuses to recognize aging as a disease. Logically a credible National anti-aging plan would include rapid response to viruses; etc.? Both COVID-19 and aging diseases are global; the remedy must be applied globally. Otherwise; COVID-19 cycles and mutates too rapidly. Apparently, the mystery of re-infection is not solved. The numbers of potential infected and dead are disturbingly profound. People with more voice, $ and smarts than I need to scream loudly and long. Too many leaders are deaf at the global top leadership levels. Aging and COVID-19 are lethal and are diseases that must be remedied. Given the virus is mutating; perhaps better government perspective and support is needed. Perhaps it is also time to scream for anti-aging remedy? Who dares to scream for a sugar cube approach loaded with drug and/or some concoction to prevent and cure COVID-19 and/or aging? I see no government plan with tasks, milestones, schedules, figures of merit; priorities; specific budgets; clear assignments, an organized Manhattan Project approach; etc. It appears the answer to your noble question is outside my budget. Maybe we need to scream louder? For sure this horribly infectous virus won't go poof mid April. Scream???? This isn't political; it is in observation that no credible plan exist. Organization is haphazard. Where is the National Plan? Where is the budget; tasks, actions, milestones, schedules, assignees; etc.?? If we can get that up for public comment; maybe your answer will come forth? Sadly; no nation appears to have a public plan for remedy.

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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    The original French study showed good results, although the study was small.  A second French study claims good results but thorough review of it shows only questionable results. A Chinese study with the same 2 drugs showed no effect.

    something to consider before you start taking meds with potentially serious and permanent side effects.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Wrong.  The followup Chinese study used only hydroxychloroquine, for some reason.

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      JGC I stand by my statement that a drug with dangerous side effects may or may not work.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      I agree with your statement.  The French study was far from perfect and is at best a positive indication of a possible treatment.  However, it's important not to confuse the side effects of chloroquine with those of hydroxychloroquine.  The latter was developed with reduced side effects for the use of travelers to regions where malaria was common.  The impact of COVID-19 on people my age appears to be much worse than malaria.

    • Karl All drugs are dangerous to some degree - metformin, rapamycin and Dasatanib are just a few people on this site experiment with. One of the most toxic drugs we take on a daily basis is Tylenol. Plaquenil is much less toxic than that drug and has been proven for decades. My wife has taken relatively high doses for 15 years. The dosage given in these experiments over 5 days is within that range and has a negligible chance of side effects. Making statements that its dangerous is unhelpful.

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      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin as a physician I understand every drug has side effects. And I’m glad your wife has done well on Plaquenil. But Plaqnenil is a far more dangerous drug than Tylenol. 

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