Preparations for self-treating COVID-19

     The mortality rate of the aged population from COVID-19 is very high, around 20% for the over-80 group of which I and my wife are members.  Further, if medical facilities are limited and physicians are forced to make triage decisions, the 80+ will be last in line.  Therefore, it seems prudent to be prepared to self-medicate in case COVID-19 symptoms should appear.  How can this be done?

     A French group has done a rather limited study (LINK) of COVID-19 patients indicating that administering the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (dose:  200 mg, three/day) in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin (dose: 500 mg for day 1, then 250 mg/day for next 4 days) produces spectacular recoveries.   The graph below shows their results:

 On this basis, I have ordered 30 x 200 mg hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) tablets and 60 x 250 mg azithromycin (Zithromax) tablets from pharmacies in India.  I hope I never have to use them for me or my family, but it seems prudent to be prepared.

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    The original French study showed good results, although the study was small.  A second French study claims good results but thorough review of it shows only questionable results. A Chinese study with the same 2 drugs showed no effect.

    something to consider before you start taking meds with potentially serious and permanent side effects.

    • Karl  problem with most docs is they know very little out of their own specialty

      The Rheumatologists know it the best - attached is a quote from Dr Daniel Wallace.

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Karl My wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in 2010 (after 20 years of health problems without a diagnoses.).  The first thing her Mayo Clinic - Jacksonville rheumatologist did was prescribe Plaquenil.   He emphasized the safety of taking Plaquenil.  The only issue he mentioned was a small possibility of eye problems from long term use.  Our two sons were also on a form of chloroquine  or hydroxychloroquine from 1984 to 1987 as a malaria preventative.  My company's doctor stressed how safe chloroquine was.  We lived in Gabon for 3 years because I was a petroleum engineer helping maintain an offshore oil field.

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      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin thanks for letting me know what’s wrong with all doctors.

    • Karl With all due respect, the medical profession has brought on my skepticism by their own actions. In 50 years of dealing with doctors I have observed a strange combination of hubris coupled with ignorance of information outside what was taught in med school. Most doctors don't have time or inclination to read lots of scientific journals outside their expertise. Maybe you do, I don't know you. My self and family have suffered lots of unnecessary pain due to poor advice from doctors who refused to admit their ignorance. I'd like to sue the medical profession as a whole for this negligence.

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      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin when you use the phrase “with all due respect “, it usually means you don’t respect. Thanks for the disrespect and stereotyping me. I hope nobody does the same to you.  Oh, and I am a white male if you want to make further judgements.

    • Karl Everybody's wrong everybody's right
      Someone must be wrong when someone else is right
      Everybody's wrong everybody's right
      You tell me that I'm wrong
      Then you tell me that I'm right

      Can't stand it, right?

      Like 1
      • RobH
      • RobH
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin I also have many complaints about doctors and the medical system.  But the doctors here deserve our support and admiration.  Let's not scare away the good ones.

      Like 1
    • Mark Thimineur 

      you mentioned in the past you were changing your protocol going to a much higher dose of cycling rapamycin. What affects or conclusions have you noticed In regard to your health on this new protocol? If I recall you were taking points .08 kg per body weight up to .15 kg per bodyweight. Thanks 

    • John Mcgough I've completed a trial of 0.08mg/kg up to 0.17mg/kg. Since I am 70kg this was 6mg on the low and 12mg on the high. In my individual case, I percieved problems with the higher dose in terms of decreased stamina and energy. Labwork was not much changed. It did not feel right. Taking a one month hiatus right now and, after 15 days, feel very good again. I'm going to trial a radical change in rapa dosing which requires a lengthy post. Once I obtain preliminary results (about 6 months) I'll provide the info.

      Like 2
    • Mark Thimineur thanks for the update. I’ll be curious to hear how your new protocol works. I find your information useful and I use it in deciding my own experimenting with dosage. For  instance you mentioned at the higher dose in your first year you notice the greatest benefit so I’m experimenting with keeping my dose at 7mg  without cycling. I am 75 Kilos and interested to see if it increases my lymphocytes. Thanks again.

    • Mark Thimineur 

      As a patient of Dr Green I was wondering.


      You mentioned a aompounding pharmacy that provides rapamycin capsules for $1.00 per milligram and dastinib for $3.50 per 50mg capsule


      Would you mind providing the name so I can have Dr Green write a script

  • Watched a presentation by William Shaw, PhD.  His research shows a connection between Corona virus and phospholipase A2 and proposed possible treatment to prevent the breakdown of lipids that the virus uses to gain access to the cell.  Such treatment involved CDP-choline (Citicoline), an OTC supplement.  From intro to the webinar:

    "The enzyme phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is one of the most important enzymes involved in the destruction of life by microorganisms and venomous animals such as snakes, wasps, spiders, and bees. Some viruses produce their own PLA2 while the corona virus family hijacks the PLA2 of the cells they are infecting to increase the replication of virus particles. In this webinar, Dr. Shaw will review evidence in the literature regarding PLA2 and viruses. He will also discuss some of the most effective treatments for elevated PLA2, which may be helpful in reducing the damage done by viruses, including those in the corona family."

    Like 1
  • PLEASE NOTE:  CHLOROQUINE/HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE does not interact with any virus including the Covid-19 virus.  They act as ionophores for zinc which interferes with the replication process of various viruses.  So they are zinc ionophores.  Chemicals that open gateways for zinc to enter your cells.  There are other ionophores for zinc.  Quercetin is one and can be found over the counter (internet).  No prescription needed.  It is not as strong as the fore mentioned but buy it with the additive Bromelain and take with vitamin C and you'll get an extra kick as they make quercetin more bioavailable to your body.  Take this as a prophylactic and enjoy your life.  I do, unafraid. 

    NOTE: just in-South Korean researchers tested Quercetin and zinc in vitro and found it 100% effective against Covid-19.  Once you understand they work as ionophores, you'll understand why some tests come back showing no effect and others come back showing great effect. They test them in vitro without the presence of zinc-bad results or after the body is dying (on respirators) from complications not addressed by Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine. 

    Hope this will clear up more than your concerns about your help and stimulate your minds to wonder why we're here in the first place when this info has been around quite awhile.  As this evolves, we must take the news, politicians and health organizations to task.  Be smart-be well.  


    Like 6
      • Vic Emmay
      • Vic_Emmay
      • 9 mths ago
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      RODNEY Baker what an excellent explanation - I took Placquenil for years and never knew what it did in the body! Needless to say, I had a zinc level of 7 after 5 years on it but I'm going to try that quercetin protocol as I was taken off it by another doctor and put on azathioprine (not recommended😣).

  • Rodney,

    What % each/pound of body weight for prevention? What's you wholistic best guess?

    What % each/pound of body weight for when breathing difficulties first appear? What's your best wholistic guess?

    Since testing isn't a kit the government passes out for home testing (complete with How to do home video); maybe it should be?

    Point being government long term failure to work directly with the people has adverse impact. Government (should) being of, for, and by the people.. 

    How to test? Needs to be Dick and Jane Doe simple.

    Current government approach leaves the people out of the self-help game. 

    Mass data collection via honor system into secure data base? E. g., collect: 1. daily body temp reduction from time of onset?; 2. Frequency of coughing/10 minutes?; 3. Frequency of chills & time duration duration?; 4. What else?

    The COVID-19 is a mass attack.  There will be others as mutations occur & as the ice melts. Yet, no systematic or responsive e-based public data system is in existence. Looks like government policy is void and action less. So, maybe we need some app & e-site for data collection.

    It increasingly becomes self-evident that many government leaders knew of the threat far earlier than admitted to. Fact the leaders get daily threat briefings. The area of concern is always in highly classified domestic and foreign briefings. That is standard protocol. Obviously; electing people to serve the unelected is not put well in place. Mass leadership failure.

    Message therein appears to be we need some sort of failsafe secure public means to sustainably report and data collect. Since the government won't collect data and early warn until after insiders make strategic stock decisions; maybe the public needs some independent secure data bases? No data; no analyses; no early warnings. Clearly; the existing system is broke.

    Policy broke; infrastructure broke; data base not existent.  Summation; It's broke.

    Maybe: "The Age-Reversal for Self Help and Death Avoidance" needs: 1. a "Symptoms Reporting" secure e-file; 2. a "How To Self-Diagnose" Section; complete with instructions; 3. A "Self-test Dendritic; 4. a "What to do until a MD confirms"; and a "What to do if no MD can come and there is no medical facility" section?

    Clearly; there isn't enough (planned or provided) test kits existing or planned by government. Clearly; national health situational awareness is broke.  Government is broke & there is no credible plan to by it to fix it.

    That gets us back to understanding your immediate independent self-help recommendations and noble self-help clinical trials & data collection.

    Dosage recommendation specifics needed.

    Obviously; everything needs to be failsafe. E. g., "That which is done needs data collection and analysis as much as possible."

    The same is true for all personal age reversal trials.

    Age-reversal, disease avoidance and self-cure via prevention must become the new In-Vogue.

    Your thoughts & counsel?



    Like 3
  • Steve, 

    You have a lot of questions and concerns.  Like me you like to look into that grey fog of what lies ahead.  That's why I was able to figure out the quercetin with bromelain answer,  at least for me.  You have not heard anything about the chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine trials because they are coming back with good news.  The media which hates Trump and would gladly sacrifice their fellow citizens to give him a black eye are refusing to report it.  It only takes five days for recovery using those drugs.  If the news was bad.  It would be reported in every news source available.  So have cheer, we are almost though this.  Once the news is out, people will be over joyed, the market will go through the roof and businesses will be back to business.

    To address your other concerns let just say we are unfortunately on a big boat with everyone else and no ability to turn this ship in any direction.  Decisions made in history drive our direction.  And yes, we are heading for and going over a waterfall.  But we must focus on today as those around us are doing the same thing.  They don't see the waterfall.  So, get your food, keep your money and focus on your loved one.  Act in a brave and quiet manner.  when all else lose their heads, they will need someone calm and thoughtful to lead. 

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    • albedo
    • albedo
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I am not for self-treating but during the years I developed a good partnership with my doctors and can ask and likely obtain what I want. This might be useful in the discussion with your doctor as I have it from dear friends in the north of Italy in one of the worst hit regions. Recently the mother in law of one of them has been tested positive at 92 (also being tested for antibodies to gather insight on timing of infection) and retained in the hospital with her family not (yet) put in strict quarantine but prescribed - ONLY IF FEVER HIGHER THAN 37.5 deg C (99.5 deg F) - to take hydroxychloroquine 200mg 2x in the morning and 2x in the evening on the first day and from the second day, for at least 5 days, 1x in the morning and 1x in the evening. For the all duration MDs added azithromycin 500mg per day.

    Like 2
  • I'm not an MD or PhD in this field. However; I'm focused on living forever for the wonderful ride on Earth. I'm familiar with military and planning at many levels of government. I project and product managed. So where I come from is varied background & connections. I'm informed that a local person had their MD prescribe 500mg/day of hydroxychloroquine (one per day). However, the pharmacist would not honor the MD prescription. 

    Encourage a serious licensed expert to join in the forum. Maybe an attorney as well? Has the FDA or other government entity closed down freedom of speech? Thought? MD scrips? Have they or other institutions clamped down on pharmacists? Can they not follow MD direction/MD prescription?

    As said in the South; "What's up?"

    However; from my experience in government; it appears that there is no credible management plan to remedy COVID-19 or follow ons. Why? It is my opine that there should be a National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P) with COVID-19 as a sub-task. How else can any government cope with human life spans decreasing? For sure; COVID-19 is going to statistically shorten national and global human life spans. If any government doesn't have a  credible over-arching plan against aging and tasks, sub-tasks, and actions, metrics and schedules; how can they budget or assign tasks and judge performance? 

    If COVID-19 is like 1819; there will be waves and cycles for years. Get real. Some news reports this initial 2020  (or 2019) wave lasting until August 2020. Hummm? Is that not near the beginning of the next 2020 flu season? What gives? Not arguing with anyone; just curious.

    Sorry; this picture puzzle looks to be missing parts?

    Logically: one report is 400 mg X 2 /day vs 500 mg/day. That is 800 mg vs 500 mg? Obviously, there is no body weights associated with scrips; but, maybe there should be?

    Anyone with the real talk? The talk to walk?

    Looks to me like this "be ready" effort is very wise.

    Looks like a vaccine is a year away at best. Looks like no one is talking logistics; e.g., should the vaccine be in a sugar cube (like polio) for global distribution vice just a shot or pill? Logically; all humans on Earth may should get it?

    "What's up?"

    Interestingly: if the younger survive better than the older; why not make the older younger? Why is that not in an over-arching plan to remedy COVID-19 and future threats to human life spans?

    Like 1
      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Steven Jacobs 

      nicely said 

  • BobM & others seeking longest lives in good spirit & fun on planet Earth.

    Keep a positive mind set and a hardy laugh. My mindset on this threat is to never let anyone say: "He was unhappy yesterday." If I'm successful in that daily happiness challenge; I will have lived a happy life. Simple goals can take hard

    work; but, at 76; I've done a lot of that before.

    Presently, I'm going to double down on growing younger. I'm also going to assure I've plused up on: Vitamin C; zinc; and quercetin. I'm also looking at herbals. I have Chinese friend that says the Chinese have a (state secret) herbal cure. He says they won't share it because supplies will be rapidly consumed if made known.

    In regard to Vitamin C; there was some very good articles on cure of toxic shock by high dosing in some Life Extension Foundation magazines. Apparently, MD's were not typically doing it. Maybe; take some literature along with us if we have to goto hospital?

    Apparently, this virus is excreted in urine and feces. That makes restrooms red zones and says; "Seriously and protectively use them and clean them well and safely. If true: "Why doesn't our nation's leaders say things like that?" 

    Chinese "medicine (herbal mixes) have been around longer than Western drugs. Can anyone round up a Asian approach? No point limiting our research.

    Asian prevention and cure approaches typically don't have adverse affects and effects.

    Ha! Brain storming is only as good as one uses collective brain power.

    Seeking more conversation and opening up conversation to more approaches to prevention as well as cures.

    It appears we need to continue this quest of prevention and preparedness and also give some thought to getting our government to target anti-aging as part and parcel to remedy and somehow cause our government to serve all ages better. A National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P) is clearly needed. 

    I've discovered that politicians won't read letters that do not have money in them. Only the really fat checks get to the top. No political party has a NA2P. Just observing. 

    Yet, big investors are in the anti-aging emerging market.

    We could target making all organs impacted by COVID-19 well and younger?  Follow the each organ paths of: anti-aging; prevention of disease, initial defense preparations (keyed to temperatures; blood analysis, urine analysis; etc. 

    Hummm? Kinda sorta see a very rough plan of some sorts?

    It appears wise to note that current data is demonstrating a new hump of infections maybe 2+ months after the 1st hump in infections. One sine like curve followed by another?

    I do not observe our leaders addressing that data implication. Observation; we may have to have preparedness for more than one attack? Plus; more attacks just like flu; in the fall. Current data doesn't appear uniform. Why is there apparent statistical variances?

    If the apparent data is saying; we must be prepared for and defend against multiple or even yearly attacks of COVID-19; then, logically prevention without downside impacts is a solid requirement and design goal. Otherwise; our ability to sustain immunity breaks down.

    That is a statistic of import in vaccine development and administration. It sizes challenges in logistics, distribution, and production quantities. If someone creates a cure; it isn't really practically that good if all people don't get it.(Think polio & chicken pox. Think sugar cubes and pills and shots.) That observes that maybe production needs global sizing and many on many production sites. None of that is in any emergency plan. So where is the plan (s)? For credible planning; the COVID-19 plan is just a sub-plan to a National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P), with: metrics, assignees, tasks, subtask, budgets, fiscal control; schedules; progress tracking; etc., as required. Other wise; failure.

    Not seeking politics at all; just observing management status and resourcing. It appears that the President passes everything to the Vice President; then, the Vice President passes it to the President's son-in-law? The son-in-law is a "one stop" (think how the homeless are aided in Alabama) for: Mid East Peace Plans, Saudi oil and political policy on murdered writers; managing the National Stock Pile and setting policy therefor; and COVID-19 issues; etc. The normal way of managing the bureaucracy doesn't apply. I keep looking for a national plan to analyze. It isn't there--- yet. I've never heard anyone at national level say National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P) or refer to a specific detailed COVIS-19 plan; complete with goals, objectives, milestones;,schedules, tasks, subtask, budget, fiscal allowance; phases of research, human resources, training requirements, or plans, logistics, distribution plans, production sites or readiness thereof; etc., all the boiler plate of a well run business or government.  Sorry; I must be becoming blind?  I seriously look; but, cannot see it. War strategies and planning are the highest priority in any nation; but, I don't see a complete picture. By the way, some of the preparedness possibilities could make participants blind and there is no NA2P.

    That is real talk. Not intended in any way as criticism. We individulally and as a nation and global community have serious challenges: anti-aging, COVID-19; surviving global warming and the singularity.

    Funny. Old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times." So here we are!

    My greatest praise and thanks to you each and all. You are each and all soldiers and warriors the front line against aging and against COVID-19. Thanks greatly. Wars are won by individual soldiers acting individually and/or together on self-initiative. 

    $2+ trillion and no detailed NA2P or COVID-19 plan? Amazing! The Emergency ACT is not a detailed or measurable plan. That is a management; not, politic comment.

    Lots of questions; but, if we find remedy; it will come from many answers to lots of questions. It will come from serious, organized, sustained, and planned action. 

    It is extremely important we continue this preparedness task.

    Never trust government; but, demand it work for all IAW the US Constitution and Amendments; there to.

    Collective & individual thoughts?

    Steven Jacobs

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      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Steven Jacobs 

      Good Again!

      Money in envelopes- ha - a good laugh😅

      The national plan will likely come out of the military. It’s how they think. And it’s likely there already- to assure protection of the military and key government officials. Like taking control of N95 mask supplies and respirators...

      But They won’t find the cure. That will come from outside the box of their thinking. And it will be ignored or poo-pood for a long time. 

      Yes, interesting times.

      My son lives in Taipei. Before that in Beijing. Very into what the government’s have done. Not much on the treatment side. But in Taiwan all cell phones are tracked for movement. They have used cell phones to track backwards the movements of covid patients and then scrub things. Taiwan was very early in blocking ALL Incoming Chinese from both Hong Kong and China. They got burnt by the SARS virus and others and where highly prepared to act quickly. They also have very advanced hospital treatment for respiratory viruses.



    • BobM 



      Perspective is always important. 1st step in any planning. Our elected leaders appear surprised at. COVID-19; but, reading all the news encourages one to recognize that some US Generals closed bases and instituted quarantine in Jan. Generals always brief up the chain of command. Our highest leaders knew.

      Going beyond that; it is reasonably good sense to recognize that this virus is serious, contagious and deadly. Comparing death rates to the flu makes zip sense. They should find more credible vaccine to the flu as well. The left and right politic are just playing at pointing fingers. That is the art of political distraction in cover up of the collective leadership failure to protect the military and civilian populations. The CARES Act is more CYA than a plan. In fact of fact; it has no credible plan unless it has a National Anti-Aging Plan. Just my humble opine. I've seen military plans for bio, viral, chem and nuke attacks.  CARES isn't one.

      Just my opine. No offense to anyone that sees situational awareness differently. More opines than one is always wise.

      This disease won't go poof! Plan on a long journey.

      Salutes to all the champions seeking preparedness and longest lives.

      Go team!

      Ha! Write leaders and demand more than they are doing.



    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    An interesting article:

    Interaction of Metformin and Hydroxychloroquine

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