Cell Death Mechanisms Behind D+Q and Fisetin Senolytics
After having done about 9 months of self-experimentation with the effects of D+Q and Fisetin senolytic burst-treatments, I and others in my family have noticed that senolytics with D+Q tends to induce transient flu-like symptoms and a half-day or so feeling of un-wellness, while Fisetin, even taken in 2,000 gram/day doses, does not.
The research on mice indicates that the two senolytic treatments have roughly the same level of senolytic effectiveness. Therefore, I speculate that in the D+Q treatment the immune system is going autophagous, destroying the senescent cells while leaving behind considerable symptom-producing molecular debris, while the Fisetin treatment is triggering aptosis, the natural dismantling of cells that is relatively clean, with little leftover molecular debris.
Comments on this speculation?
I don't seem to get as much reaction to D+Q as others. While I've gotten a mild reaction several times, other times simply nothing. Since I frequently take 3 grams of Lyposomal C, perhaps the C is clearing the reaction enough that I don't even notice. So the question for me is whether the C is preventing symptoms, or preventing the senolytic action. Next time I take D+Q I think I'll specifically avoid the C for a few days.
I have not tried D+Q yet. When I do Fisetin as single treatment I don’t feel any negative effects. But when I have tried Fisetin in combination with other substances I have felt unwell and had Headache and pain in muscles. (Different ombinations with Piperine/piperlongumines/tocotrienols/quercetin).
Yes it could be that fisetin starts a “cleaner” process. But I also speculate that the fluelike symptoms that is reported by D+Q users are a sign of effectiveness. And that kind of effect is also a common side effect of many anticancer treatments, (when an hopefully effective substance attacks unwanted cells).
<pure handwaving speculation from non experts disclaimer>
Let's trace out getting the flu. We're inundated with viruses and bacteria continually, we only get sick when they get the upper hand and proliferate 'too much'. For example you can eat a 'certain amount' of bacteria without getting sick, but if you eat too much they overwhelm your immune system. It takes a while for a killer T cell to destroy an invader, on the order of a half hour I think. So, just like in ancient wars, it's a matter of numbers.
OK here's a popular article on what causes actual flu symptoms from a professor of immunology.
most of the symptoms of the flu are actually caused by the immune response to the virus. The initial immune response involves cells of the body’s innate immune system, such as macrophages and neutrophils. These cells express receptors that are able to sense the presence of the virus. They then sound the alarm by producing small hormone-like molecules called cytokines and chemokines. These alert the body that an infection has been established.
OK, inflammatory cytokines are produced. I believe this also occurs during, for example, heavy exercise (memory could be faulty, I recall Dr Rhonda talking about these a lot). But it's an immune response. Continuing
While the influenza virus is wholly contained in the lungs under normal circumstances, several symptoms of influenza are systemic, including fever, headache, fatigue and muscle aches. In order to properly combat influenza infection, the cytokines and chemokines produced by the innate immune cells in the lungs become systemic—that is, they enter the bloodstream, and contribute to these systemic symptoms. When this happens, a cascade of complicating biological events occur.
One of the things that happens is that Interleukin-1, an inflammatory type of cytokine, is activated. Interleukin-1 is important for developing the killer T cell response against the virus, but it also affects the part of the brain in the hypothalamus that regulates body temperature, resulting in fever and headaches.
So on to your mild flu like symptoms. Dasatinib is an immune system moderator, so it appears that the affected immune system thinks it is experiencing an infection whereas you simply tricked it. So the drug turns on some immune switches which have the effect of macro flu symptoms.
From this I don't think we can say whether anything is actually happening. The hypothesis is that this immune response is attacking senescent cells, instead of an infection, but we don't know. The question is, why would the activated immune system go after these cells? Perhaps because it's looking for invaders and 'trouble spots'? Intuitively that makes sense but is not otherwise clear. But continuing the intuitive thinking, the natural state with the flu is to fast (animals do this when they get sick). Fasting gives the body a chance to repair the illness. So ... it seems to fit together somehow but really is handwaving.
During an extended fast we know autophagy occurs but there the mechanism is clear, it is because the energy freed up from digestion goes into repair as fasting is a switch which tells the body to repair itself.
My senolytic therapy is a bit more complex but from what I've experienced, D is a cancer drug and you're going to feel like shit taking something like that. The worst of the side effects are mitigated by splitting dosage throughout the day as much as possible, especially the headache. I don't know why but 3 hrs apart with dosing is a life saver. Cardio works well to mitigate other bad feelings. Again, not sure why but it works.
IMHO one day or dose doesn't work well and that's why you see a lot of mixed or non results. Q needs fat to absorb, plan on that. Only a therapy with D kills cancer like growths on your body. That's enough for me to know that Fisetin is not going to give you what you want by itself. Raised moles, some skin lesions and pigmented areas are 'cured' with D in there. That's all the evidence I needed. -
I'm not a doctor, don't want to get in trouble. Consider this non-professional observation and guesswork.
I researched for many months digging through studies and trying to understand mechanisms of action. I came to personal conclusions and theories.
Dasa is a targeted cancer therapy and when used, you're trying to kill bad actors. Generally when trying to kill off a cell or organism it needs exposure to the poison for extended periods. Cells don't die immediately. If they did cancer treatments would be single dose. They are often a year. So the longer you're on, the better chance you kill the bad cells off. Having said that, there are side effects you want to mitigate. Changes in immune system, blood cell count, etc. From what I read blood begins to be affected on Dasa at 5 days so I chose a 3 day protocol. After testing my blood, I'd be comfortable going 4 as the changes after 3 days were very small and both of us 'felt' back to normal in less than 24hrs after drug cessation. Not sure 4 is needed because the results we got were very good after 3. I completely disagree with the protocol of one dose and another 2 weeks later but I admit, I have no expertise.
I did not expect to see results for 2-3 months if at all. We were shocked in that I saw the results after 3 weeks, she saw them at 5 weeks. I consider them dramatic.
My protocol consisted of D&Q Fisetin Met Vit C, no sugar, raised fat diet. Any cell you want to kill dies quicker with a lack of fuel and metformin has synergistic affects in 2 known pathways. The problem She ran into was diarrhea. Bad. I suspect this was the flavonoids and C in someone not used to them and her not adhering to the higher fat diet required to bind to F&Q for absorption. You must eat and this therapy kills appetite. For future I will start Q C and F earlier to get the digestive system used to it. Same goes for Metformin which I believe should be run as high as safely possible. I was very conservative with it at 850/eve 500/morn. The blood sugar affects are immediate but other components linger in the system for many days. For this reason met should be started a week before therapy. It will help with stomach to ramp up dose too.
My dasa was 60mg/pill and I swallowed 4 pills before bed. I didn't sleep. My head felt like it was going to crack open. I assumed that with an 18hr half life it didn't matter and I wanted drug in my system quickly. Rookie mistake. Day two I was a mess so I just took 1 pill afternoon. Sides were mild so I took another 3 hours later. I learned if you split the doses, it stays in the system the same but sides (esp headache) is vastly reduced. She started before me and didn't know this, my 2nd two days were better than the first 24 hrs.
Many people think Q or F are amazing senolytics and the Q combines with D for a double whammy. They may be helpful but largely the Q is added to the D because your body immediately adjusts to D and it's effectiveness starts diminishing immediately. The Q stops this. Q and F may be helpful but no one is going to reverse aging with them alone IMHO.In my next protocol I have adjusted many things and will have what I think is a much stronger cocktail with lower side effects. I've added coconut oil pills, another leukemia drug and reduced D dose. I'll report when I have data from myself and a group of people who saw what happened and may be following my lead. I don't sell anything and won't share details that could be legally gray. I don't provide anyone with meds just share what I'm doing and recommend no one copy me or take anything I say as advice of any kind.
I tried High dose Fisetin first and felt nothing. It had no effect on my cycling power output or post-ride fatigue. I tried D&Q about 4 months later and had a mild headache (which is rare for me) and no other negative symptoms. Two days after D&Q I did a hard ride and felt strong and felt very low post-ride fatigue. I was not expecting that. Ever since then I've gotten better power numbers and I fell great. I am almost certain it's the D&Q. I don't think fisetin does anything. Poor availability?
Here is a blog on a self-experimenter in Mexico. He uses Tasigna instead of Dasatinib. http://www.rajeun.net/Senolytics.html
I'm on day 4 of a 5 day x 1200mg fisetin regimen (planned for every 2 months per my doc), and both yesterday and today added 100mg 7,8 Benzoflavone, 100mg resveratrol + 10mg black pepper + 240mg r-lipoic acid + 290mg PS to the 1200mg fisetin. Detox reaction / headache & vertigo for the last 3 hours, although yesterday wasn't as much of a headache. Also consider the deep tissue massage received shortly after today's dose. Also on 6mg rapamycin / week + 500mg Metformin ER x 2.
I got plenty of symptoms with 1 gram Fisetin and 1 gram of Quercetin mixed in 1 Tablespoon olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper, taken on an empty stomach for three day. The symptoms were similar to those of a 4 day water fast, without the gastro-intestinal discomfort. I think the effects on mTOR etc of the combination was similar to that of the water fast.