Warning for those considering Rapamycin.news

After 3 months of daily viewing / reading / posting on Rapamycin.news. & stating from the outset, & in almost all my posts that my orientation is holistic, I was kicked off the site today.

The Rapa site apparently has less than 1,000 members, & I would guess just 200 whom even occasionally post.

The site consists of primarily allopathic followers (including several typically closed-minder MDs,) & are rather antagonistic toward anybody presenting a holistic viewpoint.

However, even with their general orientation, my numerous posts received about 500 "likes," indicating at least some were open to more logical, holistic perspectives.

However, the typical Rapa member will accept almost any Rx drug, rather than a supplement, herb, or protocol with 1,000+ year history.  And the subject of diet,  was apparently too much for the members to handle, so the topic was ruled off-limits in any discussion.

My holistic pedigree starts with Robert Atkins, MD, NYC, continued with mostly Acam.org doctors, whether NY, NJ, PA, CA, FL, and now GA. I was one of the early patients of Dr. Sam Baxas, via LEF, with his Youth Restoration Program, about 30 years ago. After his death, I consulted with his daughter, Anita Baxas, MD, for many years.

My reading in holistic area goes back to Adelle Davis & Carlton Fredericks; the Townsend Letter, from its inception. and hundreds of health/nutrition books. A few years ago, when I reviewed my e-mails, I had more than 20,000 newsletters, discussions, etc.  Partly those were because for 10+ years, I had a researcher whom worked for me about 10 hours weekly, dealing with topics I suggested.

I have had hundreds of EDTA chelations; PlaqueX IVs (owned now by Anita Baxas;) many colonics; own/use PEMF mat & separately an ozone steam cabinet.  I've had two Young Blood IVs; several rounds of fetal cell bio-modulators via IM; plus of course thousands of supplements over the years.

And yes, I also take Rapamycin / Sirolimus -- in addition to Fisetin + Quercetin senolytic hit-and-run protocol.  I will likely start my almost 5 year-old dog on the "standard" dog Rapa protocol.

This is the notice I received today from the Admin of the Rapa site:


As you know, our approach towards the science and medicine of longevity is at significant odds with your approach and philosophy. We have a focus very much on the hard-core science of longevity and you seem to have much more of a focus on alternative medicine approaches. The more I have thought about it and followed discussions on our site, the more I think that the gulf between our approaches is too great to reconcile.

Everyone has a right to his or her opinions, but given the great difference between our approaches I think it would be best if you focused your participation in a group that has a belief system that is more in line with your own. I find the ongoing conflicts to be too fundamental to really be helpful to anyone. You have your beliefs and aren’t likely to change them, and similarly we have our beliefs and approaches that we are probably not going to change. I don’t think the ongoing conflict is helpful to anyone.

You are welcome to visit and read our posts in the this forum, but I respectfully ask that you no longer post your opinions in our forums.


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  • It's the best longevity site out there right now

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      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin   No true:  it is the best source right now for info re Rapamycin, not for longevity per se.  To start, even more than Rapa, diet is probably most impt aspect of health span.  And the Rapa Admin has ruled any discussion of diet as verboten.  Nor does anybody seem to be concerned with water quality (high fluoride, chlorine, etc.) and organic food, is also considered a frill.

      And so far, although Rapa is touted as extending life span, it has only been shown to extend health span.  I'm Ok with that for now, but man's ma of 120 years, has not changed in decades, nor any indication Rapa will do so.  Most of Rapa's increased life span is due to stopping / postponing cancers and cardiovascular disease.  Again, a big deal, but not an increase in max longevity.

    • Michael_666 I am with Paul Beauchemin  on this.  There are more likely to be detailed evidence based discussions on that forum than generally other forums.  I have not tried to find out why you were kicked off the site.  However, if you set up your own site I will have a look.

  • ok, so the site doesn't align with your beliefs, move on.

    Its a free world, if you don't like how that forum is conducted then start your own.

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      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud Excellent idea!  Although I -- along with some other investors -- have established   RapaNews.news   domain  planned before your suggestions.

      No website yet, and welcome any suggestions as to how to capitalize on the growing popularity of Rapamycin.


      Any messages may be sent to RapaNews2023@gmail.com

    • Michael_123
    • A is A
    • Michael_123
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Not necessary, there are many sites, both in U.S. and abroad, that are starting to out cover Rapa news.

    But my point was not liking what they were doing, it was their closed approach to facts, thoughts, theories, outside their small subset of the universe. 

    I -- or anybody -- am able to view all the info on Rapa news, even without becoming a member.  My postings never provided info for me, but it did provide info to some on the site.

    • Michael_666 Why not use your previous handle, Hypochondriac Michael Berger?

      As you know, I voiced my opinion on Rapamycin news that I thought your views were worth considering. And I still do. But you know, taking the "666" to begin with sounds like someone whose intent is to be a gadfly or a troll. I think you came across as too adamant on views that were a bit extreme for the scientists on that site. So to that extent I agree it is probably not the Forum for you. 

      Like 1
      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley 



      Who is this lunatic?

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    • Michael_123
    • A is A
    • Michael_123
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Not sure "666" isn't better than "Hypochondriac."  But, "What's in a name?"

    I may have come across as adamant on views -- which btw, is basically the implementation of integrity.

    However, I always respected others on Rapa to have their own views.

    I never received any benefit form posting there, but thought there were others interested in more holistic health, than the allopathics on Rapa site.

    Even if the Rapa Admin objected to my postings, he could have brought it up, asking that I refrain from such.  Never did; just prevent from posting.

    Since I received about 500 likes on my posts, I was probably correct that some welcomed another opinion.

    The day I was kicked-off I had sent a private message to the Admin, about an upcoming Bill Faloon talk / meeting in FL.  Rapa site has promoted many other longevity meetings -- e.g., Buck Institute, etc.  Maybe there is bad blood between Rapa site & Age-Reversal.

    Also the same day I said that contrary to other posts, Steve Jobs death was not due to refusing an operation, but to many years of vegetarian, & even frutarian diet.  Cancer thrives on sugar, & his cancer probably was fed for many years.

    Since many on Rapa site come from Silicon Valley, maybe that was too much.

    In any event, I'm not aware of any site anywhere, that someone is prevented from participating, unless clear hate speech, constant lying, etc.

    I understand someone owns that site, so make the rules -- although sometimes various hosting sites also have rules, such as non-discrimination, etc., etc.

    I may develop the RapaNews.News site.  The current site -- by their own admission -- have about 1,000 members (world-wide) although I don't think more than 200 post.  Rapa / Siro will get more & more press, so a real popular site could receive more like 50 - 100,000 viewers.  Even Reddit gets a number using Rapa.

    Since leaving Rapa site, I've used that time to do more research on Rapa/Siro & related.  I even played with ChatGPT.  Even after few minutes, found an error, which I told Chat about.  Also clearly ChatGPT is rather allopathic, & as far as Rapa research is concerned, it does not have access to actual studies, & all its knowledge is through 2021.  I think the upgraded paid version has more recent data, but still not a real useful tool.  Google & Google Scholar so far is superior.

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