Making sirolimus cream---Tried to grind a 2mg rapamune pill with a grinder and then dissolve in DMSO to put in cream.
My pill was not ground to a powder. DMSO did not seem to dissolve it but instead made it stick to container so I had little left to put in cream. I f you get a capsule of sirolimus to open will it be powder to put in cream???
I have gotten cream from Tailor Made but they only have weak .001 strength which after using 3 refills only on face I can see no improvement. Maybe women will not see the same improvement as men because they have always used creams. Would like to make a strenght of .002 before I give up on cream.
I have been taking rapamune weekly 4mg first 4 weeks and 6 mg for 22 weeks. One round of dasatnib abd not sure I am getting results. Maybe I need to increase weekly?
I purchased 10 grams of 99% pure Rapamycin powder for $200 from , who is a rep for Zhejiang Multinpharma Ltd. That's easier than trying to grind up pills. However, I have no idea if the powder will dissolve in DMSO.