My Journey To Reduce My Epigenetic Age

I am using mydnage.com and paying top dollar to get the most accurate Horvath based test. Here are my results. Not sure how reliable these numbers are since they could still be within the margin of error. However, it is my opinion they are accurate because the test I took analyzes over 2000+ DNA locations.
- First Test
- Apr 2020: -1.8 years
- I take so many supplements it hard to know which ones could affect my age. After seeing my Apr result I decided to make some changes. I increased my Vitamin D levels to 55. Take DHEA once a month. Trying to improve sleeping. Experimenting with ashwagandha and melatonin microdose. Ashwagandha didn't work out. Made me feel apathetic. I also experimented with other various supplements.
- I decided to stop doing smoothies. Decided I might take a more pharmaceutical approach.
- The test claims I am younger than 59% than people my age.
- My phenotypic age is -10.8 years in June.
- Apr 2020: -1.8 years
- Second Test
- Oct 2020 : -2.3 years
- Reduction of 0.5 years in 6 months.
- Started rapamycin and rejuvant at this time in Oct after seeing my result.
- Started keto diet at this time in Oct after seeing my result.
- The test claims I am younger than 77% than people my age.
- My phenotypic age is -9.16 years.
- Oct 2020 : -2.3 years
- Third Test
- Jan 2021: -2.5 years
- Reduction of 0.2 years in three-four months.
- The rapamycin and rejuvant did not do much to my epigenetic age in four months. However, there were other beneficial effects. I lost weight due to keto diet and rapamycin.
- I believe my white hairs are now gray due to rejuvant.
- The test claims I am younger than 76% than people my age.
- My phenotypic age is -16.24 years.
- Jan 2021: -2.5 years
This is great info Jimmy. I did my first DNAage blood test in July 20, showed approx 3 yrs younger (I was 55). How old are you? There is some error/noise in the test of course. According to DNAage, one should wait 6-12 months before doing another test for the methylation signal to populate. Rapamycin, I started 3 months ago, have not done another DNAage test yet. What dose/schedule of Rapamycin are you on? And you've verified efficacy of the rapamycin? I went strict keto 5 yrs ago with 18/6 IF, and then went OMAD (one meal a day) 3 yrs ago. I am a daily high exerciser, take some meds and handful of supplements. Under the care of an FMD. Will probably do another test this July, at 12 month mark since last, a good 6 months of Rapamycin.
Sad Update 😫:
Unfortunately, my last test has reveal my biological age has increased by 8 years using the Trume test and by 4 years using the mydnage test in a matter of 3 months. Most likely it could be me using fucoiden for one month, which I have stopped. Hoping it will significantly reverse again in 3 months.