Just Ordered Rapamycin w/ No Prescription

When I was at Raadfest18, it was announced that there was a vendor in the Exhibition Hall from whom Rapamycin could be ordered at a good price. Later I found out exactly what vendor from someone central to Life Extension. I went over there, and they said I could order Rapamycin online, and they gave me a coupon for $15 off the regular price. I just successfully ordered it from www.antiaging-systems.com The product is called "Rapa-Pro (rapamycin) and consists of 12 x 5mg Double Scored Tablets. The coupon worked (Code: RAAD15) so I was able to purchase Rapa-Pro for $74.99 plus shipping, which is a lot lower price that available from many sources discussed in this forum. They did not request a prescription. I would suspect something fishy here, except that the person who sent me to them was someone I trust. I will probably start taking 2.5 mg a week, and if I have no unpleasant side effects, I will increase that to 5mg a week. I will have my biomarkers measured first, as recommended in Age Reversal Update, published by the Society for Age Reversal that was distributed at Raadfest18, so that i can hopefully tell if it is doing me any good and also so my personal experience will add to what is known about the use of Rapamycin for anti-aging purposes. If you don't have Age Reversal Update, I'd try to obtain a copy. It describes the specifics of the anti-aging techniques currently available , as well as the order in which they should be pursued to achieve the optimal result.


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