Just Ordered Rapamycin w/ No Prescription

When I was at Raadfest18, it was announced that there was a vendor in the Exhibition Hall from whom Rapamycin could be ordered at a good price. Later I found out exactly what vendor from someone central to Life Extension. I went over there, and they said I could order Rapamycin online, and they gave me a coupon for $15 off the regular price. I just successfully ordered it from www.antiaging-systems.com The product is called "Rapa-Pro (rapamycin) and consists of 12 x 5mg Double Scored Tablets. The coupon worked (Code: RAAD15) so I was able to purchase Rapa-Pro for $74.99 plus shipping, which is a lot lower price that available from many sources discussed in this forum. They did not request a prescription. I would suspect something fishy here, except that the person who sent me to them was someone I trust. I will probably start taking 2.5 mg a week, and if I have no unpleasant side effects, I will increase that to 5mg a week. I will have my biomarkers measured first, as recommended in Age Reversal Update, published by the Society for Age Reversal that was distributed at Raadfest18, so that i can hopefully tell if it is doing me any good and also so my personal experience will add to what is known about the use of Rapamycin for anti-aging purposes. If you don't have Age Reversal Update, I'd try to obtain a copy. It describes the specifics of the anti-aging techniques currently available , as well as the order in which they should be pursued to achieve the optimal result.


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  • Some of you might find this article...and perhaps the book "bottle of lies" of interest. I listened to a podcast with the author.... frightening! Sadly, at the moment, I would not trust any offshore supplier...or their tests... Unless the testing was done by a reputable body in the USA or Western Europe.



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      • Danmoderator
      • skipping my funeral
      • dantheman
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde I encourage people here to work through their local medical system, and have written up an extensive FAQ on how to get the treatments they need. Working with the system isn't hard, but it does take a little perseverance and I think it's too easy to throw up your hands and go to an offshore supplier without even trying. I've been able to get all of the aging treatments via a combination of local and specialized physicians, for cheaper and easier than other ways. 

      Like 1
    • Dan Hi Dan. I concur. In my case, I have a mechanism.... I just need to do it... through my family doc... It requires some literature to support the intervention.,..  but I already did that work to convince my doc.... because my neurologist was a cookbook guy and not willing to support my choices....

    • CSC
    • CSC
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Update regarding RapaPro

    Official response from Profound Products.

    Profound Products take any negative review seriously because our unblemished reputation for supplying the highest quality products has been hard won over many years, however we know that a good reputation can just as easily be lost by a single allegation on a public online forum alleging that our products are placebos.

    Due to recent concerns from a customer, based upon their blood test results, they determined that there was no active Rapamycin ingredient in the RapaPro product.

    As this has never happened before, we immediately withdrew this product from sale from all resellers whilst we undertook our own investigation.

    We identified the product batch in question and sent a sample to an independent laboratory for analysis.

    The independent laboratory reported back that the product sample provided did indeed contain the active ingredient ‘Rapamycin’, however the amount of active ingredient per unit was lower than we had originally specified for manufacture.

    We therefore followed this report up with the compounding pharmacy who contract manufactured RapaPro and they undertook their own investigation. They reported back that their initial determination was that there had been an unprecedented formulation error and subsequently the incorrect product strength had been delivered to us.

    The product we commissioned for manufacture was specified to contain 5mg of Rapamycin per unit, whereas the independent laboratory test results established that RapaPro contains 3.25mg of Rapamycin per unit.

    We are pleased that this was brought to our attention as a result of this customers vigilance and Profound Products have instigated new procedures on the back of this aberration to ensure that such an occurrence should never happen again.

    • CSC Neither Steve's nor my experiments indicate that the concentration of OUR batches was anywhere near 3.25 mg. Methinks additional third party, randomly selected, tests are in order.

  • As it seems that the product was put together by a compounding pharmacy of some sort, it is conceivable that significant pill to pill dose variability has occurred (although it appears that three pills were sampled with ~ 3 mg per tablet). I concur with @wayne_johnson that my pills did NOT have 3.5 mg per tablet because my rapamycin levels were below test sensitivity even taking 2.5mg/day by listed dose (1.75 mg per day if the pill contained 3.5 mg) whereas my levels were stable at ~2ng/dl at 1 mg per day of "Rapamune" brand of rapamycin.

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    •  Steve Roedde I note that antiaging.store is now advertising RapaPro as 3.25 mg tablets. I wonder what they are saying at RAADFEST. I took 30mg of the stuff 4 days ago without any effects. Methinks the lab tests were as bogus as the product.

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      • Larry
      • Larry.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Wayne Johnson 30 mg should at least give you mouth sores. It would for me anyhow. 

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      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Wayne Johnson Are you doing blood tests before and after taking RapaPro? Taking 30 mg sounds like a very reckless thing to do. Are you purposely trying to harm yourself? The interactions between you and Steve make it seem like you're simply trying to discourage people from purchasing RapaPro from IAS. 

      I'm confident that RapaPro is indeed rapamycin, though I can't say exactly how much. 

      I'm confident because I have been somewhat meticulously testing many of my blood biomarkers for over 10 years. After taking one, 5 mg dose of RapaPro from IAS, I found that my blood glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, and leptin all went WAY UP; much higher than any test result I have had in over a decade of testing 2-3 times annually. 

      Those of you on this forum that have read some scientific studies of rapamycin know that elevated glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterols are to be expected after taking rapamycin. You'll see that in my attached blood test results after taking RapaPro. 

      Moreover, I have experimented with dozens of supplements, different diets, fasting and calorie restriction regimens over the past 10+ years, and I have NEVER had test results (especially glucose, leptin, and triglycerides) like I did after one dose of RapaPro. Moreover, I can not think of any chemical they could have put into the RapaPro tablets to cause these kinds of test result changes with such a small amount of chemical. 

      Consider my before and after test results below. I know of nothing else but rapamycin that could change my test results so dramatically and in an unprecedented way. 

      Like 1
    • Max Peto 30mg was merely an increase from 20mg. My only blood test is fasting glucose which hasn't changed. If I were a compounding pharmacy and wanted to increase my profits, I could ship some "oops" batches containing no drug. 

      I trust Steve's actual rapamycin blood levels before your indirect inference data. My absence of mouth sores is just as valid as your side effect data.

      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Wayne Johnson I, too, think that Steve's blood level of rapamycin would be compelling evidence, if he could share a page with proper letterhead, date, name, etc. that shows these concerning test results. Sharing a copy of his prescription and the medical condition it is intended to treat would be additional supporting evidence. 

      I don't think your lack of mouth sores is the same quality of data as my blood test results because your lack of mouth sores is not a quantitative biomarker obtained by an objective third party. Anyone can type that on a forum with no one to verify.

      To use your rhetorical technique: if I were a competing seller of rapamycin, I could post on a forum where my competition (IAS) was selling rapamycin and cast doubt on their product by saying I'm taking obscene levels of rapamycin and getting no mouth sores. 

      If Steve's report is verified with documentation, I agree that it would constitute a concerning case that IAS should give a proper explanation for (and they have already given some explanation and even provided a certificate of analysis). 

      Perhaps you are indeed taking 30 mg of IAS RapaPro and there is actually zero rapamycin in the tablets. I'm only encouraging people to expect your claim (and Steve's, and mine) to be supported with evidence other than words. Being careful by using the scientific method can be an important part of what will keep us alive longer and healthier than we may have all thought possible.

      I'm also submitting to this group my evidence against the negative claims about IAS's RapaPro from both my personal experience and my lab tests (which I have measured often for my meticulous personal experimentation). 

      But of course, it's your body to do with what you wish. I hope you don't hurt yourself with such high doses. 

      Like 2
    • Max Peto I need only eat a high carb meal before fasting 12 hours to get the same increase in glucose and triglycerides as you show. 

      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Wayne Johnson Wow, that seems like a high sensitivity to carbs. I have consumed up to 600 g of carbs per day, and my fasting glucose 12 hours later has never been above 86 (though I have gotten my triglycerides to just over 100 with excessive carbs). 

  • MaxPeto @Maximus. My lab results have been posted on the "Sources for inexpensive prescription Rapamycin" Thread. You can review them there. As for my diagnosis of MG,  You can see my positive Acetylcholine antibody test below. I take prednisone 10 mg daily, pyridostigmine 60 mg 4 x daily, Rapamycin 1 mg daily (real rapamycin, at the dose that gave me levels of 2 and 2.1 ng/dl), and intravenous immunoglobulin 75 g IV once monthly. As stated, at both 1.5  and 2.5 mg mg of "Rapapro" my levels were below the threshold of the test. This is not a surrogate endpoint like yours. This is the best and most accurate assessment of rapamycin ingestion.  I have no dog in this fight beyond wanting to protect others from fraud/misadventure. Please note, if I had not posted my results... there would have been no "investigation" which demonstrated reduced amounts of rapamycin in the product. Whether the results are from the same batch I received or a new one... I have no idea, nor do I care. My results were my results. either no rapamycin... or significantly less than 1 mg in a half 5 mg tablet. Satisfied?

    Like 2
      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde I see. Thanks very much for being patient with me and posting your results here Steve. I did not know you had posted these on another thread. Terrific!

      But the results, as you asserted, are concerning (I agree with you). It explains why IAS followed-up with a certificate of analysis and an explanation letter. Your screenshots and your comments make it obvious that you have been taking and testing for rapamycin for some time. 

      Thanks again for sharing with the forum members your experiences, Steve. I will share this with my Age Reversal Network colleagues, who may in-turn talk to people from IAS to ensure this is investigated more carefully. 

      As a representative of the Age Reversal Network, I certainly do not want to endorse any chemical seller that can not convincingly show they are indeed selling what they say they are selling. I think Steve's story and results here cast some doubt on the purity of rapamycin from IAS. Thanks for letting us know of your experiences, Steve. 

      Like 2
    • Max Peto Most welcome! I'll also state that subsequent to providing IAS my data, and before they did their testing, they offered a refund without  accepting responsibility (which they could  not do without testing).  They have been quite fair with me.

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      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Steve Roedde I appreciate your commenting on how IAS has treated you. Good to know. 

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      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Max Peto Can you tell me if the Rapamycin from IAS issue had been resolved.  Have there been any more reports?  They sell Rapamune and RapaPro.

      Thank you

      • Maximus Peto
      • Researcher, website & forum admin
      • Maximus
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hi ssny. 

      I haven't heard of the IAS issues being resolved. Last I knew, they were moving their warehouse to a different country. I imagine the pandemic made their situation worse, but I have no idea. 

      Perhaps you want to contact them? 


      Like 2
    • Max Peto ssny. sotero I recently received 3 packs of their Rapapro. They are currently selling it in a flat cardboard package form instead of a bottle, with a 2.5mg tablet dose. Inside are 2 foil strips of 10 tablets. I took it for 4 weeks, then changed over to Zydus brand sirolimus when it arrived. I didnt take a high enough dose to get mouth sores though... So I'm not sure if the dosing issue has been resolved. If anyone has a method of testing the tablets I'd be happy to arrange it.

    • Max Peto  are you familiar with antiaging.store? I ordered from them recently. They’re in Singapore. I ordered Dasatapro but I am considering Rapapro. Do you know of a reliable source?

      • ssny. sotero
      • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
      • sandra_sotero
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jay Donovan I ordered them. I have not received them yet.

      Want to try them.

  • But, for the sake of simplicity, I am re-posting three of my tests. One from July when I was taking 1 mg of Rapamune brand once daily and once from August when I ws taking 1.5 mg of "rapamune" brand. Lastly the result from September when I increased my dose to 1/2 tablet daily. Note that the Units are a bit different than in the US. The therapeutic level is for renal transplant patients, and I am hoping to stay just under the lowest transplant level. As I stated before, I'm pleased that CSC did their due diligence after my report. Whether they will recover from this significant problem with their supplier I don't know. Certainly testing every batch from their compounding pharmacy would be a minimum. I have no reason to expect that they perpetrated fraud, just that they received and sold product with minimal Rapamycin.

    Like 2
  • I, like Steve, was treated very nicely by IAS and given a refund. Profound Products promised to get beck to me to answer my complaint, but I haven't heard from them since. I trust that IAS will be doing their own testing of RapaPro before filling any more orders!?

    • JohnnyAdamsmoderator
    • Mission: Slow and Ultimately Reverse Biological Aging and Age Related Decline for More Years of Healthy Living
    • JohnnyAdams
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Recently I had an independent lab (Echelon) compare dasatinib from a US pharmacy with some from an offshore source for purity and content.  Soon will be repeating that process to compare a rapamycin reference sample from Sigma Aldrich with rapamycin from a US pharmacy, and some from an offshore source.

    After the initial analysis is done (which is the most expensive part), you will be able to send your rapamycin samples to Echelon. 

    Cost will probably be about the same as dasatinib, $200-250 per sample.

    Personally, I wouldn’t take a pharmaceutical from an offshore source without first having it tested.  Admittedly I’m a cynic – but one who has heard some bad things and had real bad experience.

    But is offshore rapamycin that less expensive than from US pharmacy?  Understood there is cost and time involved in having a physician prescribe it.

    By the way (and this relates to rapamycin) -- my own dasatinib was filled by CVS specialty pharmacy.   They had me go through a process which included having a physician indicate a diagnosis code.  So he indicated 2019 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code R54 -- Age-related physical debility.


    This should work well for other age management therapies.

    Another associate involved in our D+Q small trial went to a university pharmacy (UCLA), and they just filled the prescription for him much easier.

    While I’m on a roll, here’s what my close circle of associates does to solve aging:

    1) SYSTEM – Self Directed Age Management/Small Study Format

    2) THERAPIES – Lists of Aging Intervention Therapies


    3) MEASURES – Biomarkers, Objective Measures of Aging Therapy Results


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    • JohnnyAdams Please keep us advised in this space. Many thanks.

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