A Spreadsheet for Calculating Your Levine Phenotypic Age

  An excellent paper by M. E. Levine, et al, entitled "An epigenetic biomarker of aging for lifespan and healthspan" describes a technique for combining nine blood-work values with calendar age to calculate your Mortality Score (probability of death in the next ten years) and your Phenotypic Age, i.e., your apparent biological age as implied by your blood variables.  The calculation procedure is rather arcane, involving non-obvious unit conversions, exponentials, and logarithms, so I have produced an Excel spreadsheet (LINK) for performing these calculations.

  Levine, et al., also used an elaborate DNA analysis of many blood samples to find what they call the DNAm PhenoAge, a measure of the degree of DNA methylation present, a phenomenon associated with aging.  They correlate this measure with the Phenotypic Age, showing that they track very well.  My spreadsheet uses a fit to their plots to estimate your DNAm PhenoAge and the modified Mortality Score that it implies.

  You may already have blood-work giving the nine blood variables needed to use this spreadsheet, but if not they can be obtained by purchasing the blood-work of LifeExtension's Chemistry Panel & Complete Blood Count (CBC) ($35) and their C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cardiac ($42).  On the spreadsheet at the upper line of blue numbers, you simply enter your values in place of the ones presently there and enter your decimal calendar age in the last column.  The calculated results then appear in red on the last line.

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  • I have seen the exel sheet that uses Levine's paramteres & coefficents to calculate 



    What confuses me is  a parameter "t" in years

    I donot tunderstand the meaning of it.

    For example, you can put 10 years or 20 years.

    Mortality Score changes. And that  is expected. The longer the time frame, the higher the probability of mortality.

    However, the  resulting phenoage also changes. That does not make sense to me.

    Can someone please explain?


    Thank You

      • Thiago De Lacerda
      • live longer by staying well here and now
      • Thiago_De_Lacerda
      • 1 yr ago
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      JGC t=10 has the possibility of changing its value in the spreadsheet. I did the experiment of changing the value to 20. What would be the conditions for a t greater than 10?

      • Thiago De Lacerda
      • live longer by staying well here and now
      • Thiago_De_Lacerda
      • 1 yr ago
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      JGC Would the t value indicate a probability of risk of death in the next 10 years?

      • Thiago De Lacerda
      • live longer by staying well here and now
      • Thiago_De_Lacerda
      • 1 yr ago
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      JGC that's what I did. I changed it to 20 years because chronological age and health conditions are closer to a projected risk of death for a value greater than 10 years

  • Does anyone know how to go from a x10^9/L Unit to a % for  Lympocyte and 10^3/uL to x10^9/L for White Blood Cells? My blood tests don't have the same units as the spreadsheet.



      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Patrick Jane 

      The unit x10^9/L is the same as x10^3/uL because there are 10^6 uL in 1 L.  There is no obvious way to convert x10^9/L to a %, unless you know the concentration of the other blood cell types.  If you knew those, it would be the ratio of Lympocytes to all cells times 100%.

  • Hi Folks, just wanted to let you know that we put Dr.Levine spreadsheet into a free and simple to use web page (click here).

    Want to make this accessible to everyone, so we have also negotiated wholesale price with Quest Labs for anyone who wants to get their bloodwork done. You would get the 9 biomarkers required for the Levine clock (plus additional 18 markers, 27 total) . This including blood-draw and doctor order for $75 (and since we just launched today - happy to give anyone on the forum $15 off - use coupon AgeReversal). You can learn more here

    Like 3
      • albedo
      • albedo
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Anar Isman 

      Can you please check the two reference links in the webpage? They seem pointing to the same information.

    • albedo done. thank you for pointing this out.

      • CK
      • sapphire_cactus
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Anar Isman the links are not working

    • CK
    • sapphire_cactus
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I started Hyperbaric oxygen therapy following the israeli study that it improved telomere lengths and reduced senescent cells. I am trying to get blood work done that combines blood glucose, lipid panel, RBC, WBC , testetrrone, CRP, as well as telomere and senescent cell level testing - so far i have not been able to find a lab test that covers all these. As I already started with HBOT session, i am in a rush to find an option that one stop shop that tests for all the above biomarkers to baseline at the beginning of HBOT and then again at end of 60 sessions of HBOT...if any one has a recommendation, kindly share.

    • albedo
    • albedo
    • 4 yrs ago
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    You might be interested to the latest video of Dr Michael Lustgarten in case you have missed it:


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    • albedo
    • albedo
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Very informative interview by Rhonda Patrick to Steve Horvath, much work the time!


    • albedo
    • albedo
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Does anyone know if and where one can have the (epigenetic) DNA GrimAge test of Steve Horvath et al. Thanks.

    • albedo Try contacting the Clock Foundation. They might not be ready to offer GrimAge directly to a consumer, but, if not, they can point you in the right direction.



      Like 1
    • albedo
    • albedo
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you Brian, is that Steve Horvath's Foundation?

    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    New Spreadsheet Link

        There have been problems accessing this spreadsheet from DropBox, and also from MS Cloud, where someone named Karen recently replaced it with a blank file!  I just placed a new copy of the spreadsheet on Google Drive at this LINK.  I hope we have better luck there.

    • JGC Could not access it. I went to my bookmarks that contained your previous spreadsheet and you are right-- it was blank.

      Thanks for trying.!!!

    • JGC Spreadsheet arrived.

      Thank you

    • JGC thank you so much for making this spreadsheet, it is a big help. Is the spreadsheet under copyright? Could we use it in our clinical trial for a herbal extract? 

  • Here's the Excel spreadsheet that I use:

    • michael lustgarten I noticed a discrepancy between your spreadsheet and the version I am using so I went back to source:



      Ptypic Age should be

      =141.50225 + LN(-0.00553*LN(1 -E18))/0.090165


      =141.50225 + LN(-0.00553*LN(1 -E18))/0.09165

      You may like the consequences of fixing this.

    • John Hemming Hi John, Levine's group issued a correction, with the denominator including 0.09165:


      Like 1
    • michael lustgarten Thank you for this.  I have now corrected my own formula.

      Like 1
    • michael lustgarten Looking at this further (including looking at the correction) I cannot see how they calculate the denominator.  In the end, however, it is the direction of travel that is key rather than the absolute number outcome.  As far as I am personally concerned I want to use the same formula as everyone else to enable accurate comparisons of the direction of travel.

      From May 2021 through to Feb 2022 my est DNAm Age has moved from 58.09 to 52.45.  That implies a lower probability of death from things like CVD which has to be a good thing. I am 61.9.  Sadly when I started working on this I didn't measure much. Hence I don't know the starting position.  I will, however, get better at doing more regular measurements.

      I have managed to get one Epigenetic Age measurement and am trying out another two companies at the moment.  Sadly these things are all at different time points. The one result I have is consistent with a direction of travel between 58 and 52, but I don't know how things are varying month by month.

    • John Hemming I am now running this every 4 weeks and now get DNAm at 49.43. I am wondering if the Molecular Hydrogen has accelerated the process of reducing inflammation.

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