Man stopped aging !!!

Damn ! Even when it happens in front of our eyes doctors are clueless !



Brooke Greenberg stopped aging at 1. Sadly died at 20

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    • Gokhan
    • Gokhan
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. I'd have liked more if their bodies stopped aging around age 31 or so :) 14 is a little too soon :) 

  • Nature can do what we only  dream about .

    Its time scientists figure out how to stop our bodies from rotting away.

    Today's medicine  is simply outdated !

  • An other man stopped aging because of a head injury. Many of us wold love to have a " curse " like that. I do

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Peter North 

      These people had a head injury that destroyed their pituitary gland and stopped their normal growth process.  I doubt if you would like that, or if it would actually make them live longer.  It would resemble being a castrati with a permanent high voice.

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    • JGC  Well.. ..Not all of them head injury. Obviously they don't live for ever .From what I know they  just pass away suddenly. Sounds much more appealing then to rot away as we " normal " people do.

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    • Peter North I am not a scientist but its not as simple as you put it. " stopped their normal growth process ". These people stopped aging completely.  Including their skin, hair , voice, bones etc etc. Who wouldn't want that around their 20s  ?

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  • Time for a telomere check on the lad!

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    • Dorian  Telomere  and Horvath clock check on the boy (man ) !

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