Has anyone tried urolithin A?

Urolithin A is a bacterial metabolite that enhances mitophagy, which declines as we age and allows dysfunctional mitochondria to accumulate. 

I just wanted to see if anyone has experimented with urolithin A and what effects they noticed. 

I've speculated combining it with PQQ and exercise to enhance mitochondrial biogenesis. 

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  • No, but I have it coming in. I will be experimenting with 500-1000mg for an extended period of time assuming absence of side/adverse events. Though, based on what we know of the safety profile, I’m confident that I shouldn’t experience many. 

    I’ll keep you posted. It should arrive in the next week and I will follow up in a months time. 

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  • Hi Will, 

    I've been on 1 gram of urolithin A for the past 4 weeks and subjectively I notice a decrease in inflammation and improvement in sustained energy.

    I have autoimmune disease so the improvements in inflammation is quite impressive. The energy improvements don't feel stimulating rather than a youthful energy that is sustained- at least with my experience. 

    Beyond the literature and subjectively urolithin A has the efficiency of drugs. It's quite profound. 

    I currently take J-147 as well which has shown to improve mitochondria function. Taken together they have a synergetic effect on energy and inflammation. J-147 taken on it's own greatly improves cognitive function, but I do not notice the body energy as much. 

    Please contact me if you have any questions! 

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      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Geoff Welch 

      What is your source of urolithin A?  Amazon sells Celltrient Strength Capsules that list it as an ingredient, but it costs about $50 for a 2-week supply at 500 mg/day.

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    • JGC I have been taking timeline nutrition product, it is $100 for 30 days of 500mg. So this celltrient looks around the same price, right?

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    • Geoff Welch Thanks for the reply. That's great that it's benefitting you. There were some reports of extreme fatigue on Longecity. Do you take it on an empty stomach or with a meal?

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    •  JGC I purchase both from Alibaba and have the compounds third party tested. Unfortunately urolithin A is very expensive and to retail it at clinically significant doses 500-1000mg. My purchase price is $3.50 CAD for 1 gram. 

    • Will Hunter I've read that on longecity as well. I haven't looked into the research as to the cause for this effect. 

      Correct, I take 500mg Urolithin A split in two doses- once upon waking on an empty stomach taken with J-147 30mg and take the second dose (500mg) with J-147 prior to my second meal, in the evening. 

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    • Geoff Welch Thanks for the info.  Did you get HPLC analysis done on the China Urolithin A?  What was the purity?  How much did you buy at once?  

    • Fred Cloud JGC


      Since 5 weeks I  take 4 capsules pomegranate extract daily. Each capsule containing 160 mg ellagic acid. My personal experience is - increased muscular strength and increased endurance. (I don’t know how much of the ellagic acid is metabolized into Urolithin A.)


      Before these 5 weeks I took only one capsule daily and that did not bring any noticeable effects. I have not found any reliable recommendations for what an effective dose should should be when using pomegranate extract - ellagic acid so in experiments with pomegranate extract incremental dosing seem to be important to find the effective dose.


      At this moment I will change the extract for pure Urolithin. This since there are indications that ellagic acid and Urolithin in combination might come with different set of positive effects than the effects from only urolithin. At least when it comes to the prostate.


      Pomegranate Juice Metabolites, Ellagic Acid and Urolithin A, Synergistically Inhibit Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cell Growth via Distinct Effects on Cell Cycle Control and Apoptosis - PubMed (nih.gov)


      For improved mitochondrial and muscular health, I now combine pomegranate extract with 1 gr/day dried parsley. This because of the content of apigenin in dried parsley.

    • Staffan Olsson 

       I have combined pomegranate extract containing 640 mg ellagic acid and 1-2 gr dried parsley. I find this combination to be very effective when it comes preserving muscle and increasing muscular fitness. 


      I can add that a few months before I started taking ellagic acid (and parsley) I had been supplementing with 3-4gr citrulline and 3-4 gr AAKG daily. Those two supplements did improve my muscular health/fitness, but the dramatic effect came when I added ellagic and dried parsley.


      I find citrulline fascinating. especially since there are indications that it is possible to get some of citrulline's positive effects on muscles cells even when mTOR signaling is reduced. 


      theoretically this opens up the possibility that Citrulline can prevent muscle wasting and sarcopenia when we actively tr to reduce MTOR activity. 



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  • Will Hunter Any updates on your experience with urolithin a?

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    • Fred Cloud I didn't really notice anything. No improvements in muscle strength or endurance. I'm only 30 so I likely don't have very many defective mitochondria. I'll try it again in a couple of years but for now, it is not worth the investment.

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  • Also - has anyone found any tests (eg. microbiome tests) that can tell you whether you have the right microbiome that allows you to process ellagic acid into Urolithin-A?  Only about 40% of people seem to have this ability (from the studies I've read) - so it would be really nice to know if you are one of those people....

  • I’m about to try Urolithin A from the vendor “Science.bio”. They recommend only 125mg. 

    What are your thoughts on the dosage, and what method have you found to be the most efficacious: with or without a meal? Thanks!

    • Scott Harrison The dosage used in the two clinical trials was 500 mg and 1,000 mg. When I spoke to Timeline's rep they told me that it's best taken with a meal to enhance its absorption since it is fat-soluble. However, I haven't confirmed this.


      Also, I was unable to find urolithin A on the "science.bio" website. Is it labeled as something else possibly? 

    • Will Hunter Weird that it’s not on Science.bio, anymore. Maybe they sold out of it. 
      Bummer too, because they sell some very pure products.

      Thanks for the feedback, though!

    • Scott Harrison I only take 50mg urolithin-a. I think the dose that people respond to varies wildly, so you should just listen to your body and work your way up to larger doses if 125mg doesnt give you enough benefit. I know the doses in the studies are higher but they seem extreme. It is the equivalent of 8 glasses of pomegranate juice, well that isnt a normal dose, thats an extreme dose that most people probably have ever experienced. I know some people on longecity have complained that it gave them extreme fatigue and negative reaction. I think if they took a much smaller dose they could have found a dose that they responded positively to, but they just tried the dose that was recommended, had a bad reaction and then said I am not taking it ever again.

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    • Fred Cloud Very good point. Especially regarding nootropics, “less” tends to be more “more”. So many studies experiment enormous doses of substances like racetams or noopept, and I have felt terrible at those recommended levels. 

      Always start small, and then, work from there. 

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    • Scott Harrison I have been on Celltrient-cellular strength (urolithin A) and cellular protect  glycine + N-Acetly Cystine) for about theee months and have noticed a subtle improvement to my energy. 
      my question for you is when is the best time to take it? With food or in an empty stomach? 

  • So far, which vendor sells the best Urolithin A?

    • Scott Harrison I've just began taking Mitopure this month - there was a discount using code 'DAVE10' 10% off and they added 10 days @ 500 mg gratis.

  • My highly reputable doctor who specializes in peptide therapy and intercellular healing recommends celltrient: cellular strength 

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    • Alyssa Brook Schulze is this a product?

    • Alyssa Brook Schulze 

      how should I take these?

      empty stomach or after a meal? 
      thank you 

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