Longevity Achieved

Recently received my results on my biological age. To my surprise, my biological age is 15. The process to get to this point was difficult. My formula has proven itself over and over. As a 51 year old man, it is interesting how many people have ignored and dismissed what I was seeking to accomplish. Longevity achieved. Age reversal with permanent effects. This process can be repeated and is one of a kind. Special thanks to all of my family members who supported me and those who took part in this accomplishment.

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  • At least give him the benefit of the doubt to prove his theory and conclusions as to age reversal. As he is the only one who can prove his method. The world may never know because you never gave him a chance. 

    • Jonette Brook Are you his wife? After reading Chuck stanleys post, we know it was all spam. The same exact day your husband posted "longevity achieved" he set up his Egabiotech website called "longevity achieved" that sells supplements. It was just a marketing pitch as everyone suspected and that is probably why he was blocked.

    • Fred Cloud Richard wasn't trying to sell our suppliment line on this forum. We thought that this forum was to share and discuss our accomplishments with the intent of intelligent feedback. Richard told me he is still unable to respond or interact on this website forum. It is our intent to share our methods with the age reversal and longevity community our accomplishments and interact with like minded people. Those of you who are responding with negative feedback are the ones who brought up our suppliment line on this forum. We don't need to push our supplements as we have a large customer base and the formulas sell themselves. Richard's results and accomplishments are the only thing he wants to discuss here. 

  • The Administrator told me that Richard had not been blocked.

      • Jimmy2
      • Jimmy2
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley My other account was blocked and Richard was not blocked?  

    • Jimmy2 I only asked about Richard Brook.

    • chuck stanley since you talk to the administrator, please ask administrator to look into Richard's account so he may continue with discussdiscussions free of any sales, marketing or slander. 

    • Jonette Brook you could send a message to Max Peto and ask for assistance with this.

    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    How did this story end?

    • Karl I saw a new post from Richard, so the story continues.

    • Juan Daw
    • saxxnviolins
    • 2 yrs ago
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      • Spasov
      • Spasov
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Juan Daw He is now only 15 years old ... He will share when he grows up :)

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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