Preparations for self-treating COVID-19

     The mortality rate of the aged population from COVID-19 is very high, around 20% for the over-80 group of which I and my wife are members.  Further, if medical facilities are limited and physicians are forced to make triage decisions, the 80+ will be last in line.  Therefore, it seems prudent to be prepared to self-medicate in case COVID-19 symptoms should appear.  How can this be done?

     A French group has done a rather limited study (LINK) of COVID-19 patients indicating that administering the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (dose:  200 mg, three/day) in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin (dose: 500 mg for day 1, then 250 mg/day for next 4 days) produces spectacular recoveries.   The graph below shows their results:

 On this basis, I have ordered 30 x 200 mg hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) tablets and 60 x 250 mg azithromycin (Zithromax) tablets from pharmacies in India.  I hope I never have to use them for me or my family, but it seems prudent to be prepared.

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          • Karl
          • Karl.1
          • 4 yrs agoThu. April 16, 2020 - 1:06 am
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          3 studies this week in France, China, and Brazil show no benefit from Hydroxychloroquine in treating Covid. Hopefully more studies to come.

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            • Steven Jacobs
            • Steven_Jacobs
            • 4 yrs agoSun. April 19, 2020 - 12:02 pm
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            Yes; that is good. 

            Wonder when and if some of the approaches to anti-aging will be investigated as preventive measures.  Logically, this virus isn't targeted for eradication and no clear leader is assigned with responsibility; e.g., it will likely be a sustained threat to human life. That observed; successful anti-aging is a key to survival from all diseases.

            The proposed NA2P would hasten remedy. COVID-19 isn't going to go poof. COVID-19  is with us until globally eradicated and there is no plan or apparent intent to globally eradicate it.

            The studies & clinical trials are good; but, I haven't seen the details to make a guess on how good. Some clinical trials are not worth the investment of time or money from the get go. Some are done with the intent of selling drugs vs wise use of zinc; etc.,; e.g., some trials may be being done with intent to disqualify use of zinc. Interestingly, many clinical trials were done to disqualify fish oil in order to sell drugs.

          • Steven Jacobs
          • Steven_Jacobs
          • 4 yrs agoFri. April 17, 2020 - 2:25 pm
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          In regard to zinc being needed:

          My research also indicates that the worst hit with the disease are low in zinc.

          It would aid individual researchers if there was a open public data file of COVID-19 case studies. Logically; such a file would be created and maintained as a task in the proposed National Anti-aging Plan (NA2P).

          The low zinc levels begs the questions: (1) should there be different levels of zinc by age group?"; (2) "Is the current minimum level too low?"; (3) "What is the proper amount to aid prevention of COVID-19?"; (4) "What is the proper amount when symptoms appear?"; (5) "What is the proper amount when COVID-19 fully infects and chest pain occurs?"

          Again: a NA2P case studies task could be created and would surely be of great use to all researchers seeking prepardations, prevention and cure of all diseases; not, just COVID-19.

          It would have to be a secure file and updated factually. That is policy, procedures and laws; etc. However; elimination of human diseases is mandatory to achieve the human life span goals of average and quality life spans of 100, 200, 300; etc., years.

          One of the biggest problems in achieving anti-aging is the lack of public access to a credible and easily searchable data base. Status of most of the data needed to really advance human life span increasing science is demonstrated by the lack of public assessable and organized data for independent analysis and science use. This situation can be remedied via a NA2P and a Manhattan like Project that can over arch and focus existing health improvement agencies toward making data available. There is a lot of case studies and data available; but, it is not accessible or well organized. As such, application and analysis programs are often useless.

          Funny. As US citizens, the law is that only a "drug" can cure disease. OK? Why? It makes no common sense to limit the extension of human life span to a "drug" approach. Other cultures use herbs as well as many other techniques; including yoga, Hanna Somatics, acupuncture, chiropreactic; etc. Prevention includes keeping organs healthy. As such; a serious data base of USA, all country, clinical trials and "other culture" demonstrations should be available for public use. 

          COVID-19 shuts down organs. Why is there no organ health and immunity counsel? $2+ trillion? Really? And no specific organ counsel?

          It takes a credible organization to verify, validate data and authenticate as well as to organize a data. This is no simple effort.  However; achieving a goal of doubling average life spans in 5 years requires its establishment. Oddly, countries spend more on fighting and how to kill and dominate; than, on how to achieve human anti-aging.

          Wow! The Singularity and global warming are progressing faster than planning and actions toward increasing human life spans. Have we collectively lost our good senses distracted by weak political theater and digital games? Shakespeare would write a whole series of plays. Got to laugh or cry. Whacko appears in vogue.

          Not fund WHO? Why? Who replaces WHO? WHO has the infrastructure. Eradication of COVID-19 is a huge task. Eradication is better: than, centuries of attrition. Should WHO recommend increasing zinc?  Who also should recommend increasing zinc?

          Say what? Are we collectively loco? This COVID-19 event brings to question if countries really value the aged or even the young more than the economy. No leader has yet to say: "Global "eradication" of COVID-19 is imperative." All leaders appear to have accepted remedy by attrition. In military terms; that policy includes acceptance of collateral kill of innocents as well as: soldiers (care givers, doctors, grand parents; children: etc.) in all fields and endeavors.

          Acceptance of a policy of attrition appears counter to quality of life and pro police state. Why agree with that restriction on freedom? Object must be "eradication" and true return to freedom. Sure; distancing is wise. COVID-19 plans are well thought out; but, true freedom from COVID-19 requires more strategy. It requires both prevention and eradication as well as some attrition in the initial phase we are in this day.

          Prevention and cure of diseases must be strategically planned. Obviously, in that sense; COVID-19 is a subtask in a NA2P.

          In more regard to zinc; what do other cultures eat and how they get it is of interest. Specifically; what should a person eat to prevent the disease and/or aid cure the disease? No one appears to be talking diet.

          Of course: that too could be in a data base searchable by disease.

          The military uses fault diagnosis trees to test and diagnose failures as well as low performance. Why isn't there a public fault tree available for COVID-19? $2+ trillion and no fault diagnosis tree? Outragious! No NA2P? Outragious! No organized public fault trees for other diseases? Outragious! No public available set, kit or outfit (SKO) or use instructions? Do we care more about machines than ourselves?

          Maybe I'm stupid and cannot smell; but, something stinks.

          Logically; a comprehensive data base task would be a required task in the the NA2P. The most current data for COVID-19 would be under the search for COVID-19 in a subtask therein.

          Maybe there needs to also be a General Services Administration (GSA) for ordering and issuing COVID-19 SKOs (zinc; etc., and instructions therein)?

          $2+ trillion and no answers to the above to the people and no NA2P? This is a management observation and question. Forget the politics.

          No one knows everything.

          If anyone knows the answers; please communicate and add to the conversation.


          Steven Jacobs

          • Paul Beauchemin
          • Paul_Beauchemin
          • 4 yrs agoFri. April 17, 2020 - 10:47 pm
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          Seafoods, like oysters, are high in zinc. Korean and Japanese diets are high in seafood and they both seem to have low death rates. Interesting correlation 

          • Steven Jacobs
          • Steven_Jacobs
          • 4 yrs agoSat. April 18, 2020 - 1:25 pm
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          Yes, Paul; I agree.

          Much of the challenge of preparedness is diet.  Sadly; recognizing that, in the USA; minimum standards are set to aid avoidance of "a" disease; but, they do not appear to be reset for new diseases.  The Vitamin C  level was set for scurvy avoidance. The FDA isn't very aggressive in setting new standards or particularly prompt in revisiting them.

          I've read a number of COVID-19 related articles that witness that MDs have given patients higher doses of zinc and Vitamin C. One would think. that there would be set a new minimum standard for the combination of zinc and Vitamin C  for COVID-19?

          Unfortunately; the FDA, nor any other government organization, appears to be issuing dietary data for COVID-19 in regard to: preparedness (stocking up), prevention, 1st phase of infection, or 2nd phase  of infection, or how much Vitamin C to take (or give by a MD) when sepsis occurs.

          The lack of counsel is an indication that the organizations for our citizens health care and nutrition are profoundly fragmented and live in their own trees; so-to-speak. Communication lines still broke. The government structure and organization appear to exhibit failures in quick action to pandemic as well as failures in organization and communication, mission, function, resources and structure. Facilities inadequate, Testing and Verification, Validation, Certification, Authentication still broke for equipment and individual person by person disease status. Resource management appears classically broke not enough testing and not enough assurance that testing was. credibly accurate. 

          The recommendations of my writings are focused on remedy. No sane person wants more government; however, it is important to note that, in this case, government is broke. It is also important to fix that situation in a way that individual self-initiatives are legally allowed.

          Interestingly, the Department of Defense as well as the CIA have offered prize money for solutions to hard problems; like $ a million. However; the CARES Act hasn't moneyed up. any prize for an individual to come up with a. way to defeat this horrid. The $2+ trillion Cares Act hasn't poneyed a single penny to inspire individual research as a reward for solution to stop the COVID-19 threat to all humanity.

          Remember the large reward to discover the human genome mystery of DNA?

          Sure, huge amounts of money is being spent IAW the CARES Act. It; however, appears somewhat flippant and disoriented and without overall focus or delivery schedule. 

          Apparently; national policy is cure by survival of the fittest in the hope that some sort of immunity will eventually occur for the masses. Obviously; no counsel has been offered to citizens in regard the minimum amount of zinc or Vitamin C is needed in the various stages of a COVID-19 viral attack.

          The remedy being advocated herein is documenting what we can and continuing to do our own research; but, also insisting that our government establish a Marshal like Plan to achieve increases to the human life span. In the bigger vision of human survival; COVID-19 is just another disease of the collective diseases of aging. It is a subtask under a task called "New Viral Threats." Logically, government recommended minimum amounts of zinc and Vitamin C and whatever additional dietary counsel needed would be therein. That data would be updated as research continues. That data would be public. Maybe recipes as well. Yes; hospitals have dietitians. Looks like that credible dietary data would already be publicly available?

          Herein has been recommended a NA2P as a strategic management tool for pulling together and managing the Manhattan like Project to increase (say double it in 5 years) the human life span.

          Since none of this exist: situation--broke.

          Solution: Fix it.

          Since the fiscal, resource requirements are so far above the individual or corporate level and so many existing government agencies; etc., are involved; it is logical that, that human life span increase challenge requires mission assignment and an over-arching charter. Serious eventual government reorganization and connectivity to focus on mission achievement as laid out in a comprehensive and credible NA2P.

          Logically, in case of COVID-19; survival of the fittest isn't the best approach to immunity. Additionally, the vaccine solutions must be focused on global eradication; WHO and all nations action required. 

          Yes; zinc is apparently part and parcel to remedy.

          Situation: system broke.

          No effort herein to be political. This is management science and assessment of situation as is in present. A "call it like it is" situational awareness. 

          Our nation doesn't need more political theater; it needs a specific mission assignment to increase human life spans and achieve anti-aging. A NA2P is essential for strategic planning, assignments and accountability to the people. Very big challenge. Mandatory to human survival in the face of global warming (including many new viral and bio {possibly nuclear, chemical, nano machine; etc., enemy} threats) and the Singularity

          $2+ trillion (for one disease??) and no mission assigned or single non-political leader to achieve doubling the human life san in 5 years or manage or be held accountable? No Cabinet Member? Situation: Broke.

          Who "CARES Act" is flawed? We each and all should. That is a huge amount of tax payer dollars with no plan for "eradication" of COVID-19 or even counsel to the people on zinc level.

          Thanks for your response. Additional comments always welcome.

          Steven Jacobs

            • BobM
            • BobM
            • 4 yrs agoWed. April 22, 2020 - 12:16 am
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            Steven Jacobs 

          • Paul Beauchemin
          • Paul_Beauchemin
          • 4 yrs agoWed. April 29, 2020 - 2:26 am
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          • Florin
          • Florin
          • 4 yrs agoWed. May 13, 2020 - 11:07 pm
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          The revenge of the HCQ(+Z) hype train has begun.

          Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc vs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone: outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

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            • Karl
            • Karl.1
            • 4 yrs agoSun. May 17, 2020 - 12:14 am
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            Florin now we need a double blind prospective study. Would be nice if one arm of the study did not include Azithromycin.

            • Florin
            • Florin
            • 4 yrs agoSun. May 17, 2020 - 12:54 am
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            Karl Of course. An RCT could still crash the hype train.

          • Steven Jacobs
          • Steven_Jacobs
          • 4 yrs agoFri. May 15, 2020 - 4:37 am
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          Thanks greatly for the e-site info.

          From a management perspective; it is looking like some real top managers are now mission appointed by Trump.

          For those interested in organization, mission and functions; it finally looks like Trump is turning the COVID-19 over to Commander of the US Army Materiel Command (AMC) in Huntsville AL and a drug company leader. There is a US Army Medical Research and Development Materiel Command (AMRDMC) in Maryland under AMC. That implies serous leadership that knows how to manage big & complex jobs.  Yes; finally there will be credible planning; etc. Looking forward to the establishment of a Manhattan like Project. One can only watch for now.

          Logically, the US AMC and US AMRDMC are capable of thinking Sets, Kits and Outfits (SKO"s) for soldiers. Soldiers are deployed globally. Interestingly; one could imagine every soldier getting COVID-19 shots and every command location getting a COVID-19 SKO's as required for the soldiers and all personnel as required. That would include necessary preparedness for all on base(s). That is real preparedness.

          At any rate; some good news. Looks like the COVID-19 challenge has finally been passed on to real professionals. AMC is very well networked and highly competent.

          These folks are professionals in getting stuff done. AMC has a global structure by nature of US defense against all threats. Good decision.

          Best everyone hope the mission assignment is over-arching across: FDA: NIH: CDC; and many others as appropriate and wise. Real assignments, planning and milestones; etc., may finally happen. 

          Finally, real organized management progress & assignment to people that know how to accomplish really big and complex jobs.

          Looks like AMC in Huntsville, AL and AMRDMC in Maryland will be connection places.

          Nothing herein negative to the COVID-19 scientist leading to date. AMC is a global, as well as national, leader in complex mission accomplishment. It appears that this assignment is a better fit to achieve mission; including distribution as well as coordinated and led R&D and production; etc.

          Maybe some day a COVID-19 Preparedness SKO will be available?

          Thanks again for the info.

          Steven Jacobs

          • albedo
          • albedo
          • 3 yrs agoFri. January 22, 2021 - 6:32 pm
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          So long for HQC+AZ? From the same team who has been introducing it to the World and after re-analysis of data:


          "...We agree with colleagues that clinical outcomes are also key elements to consider when assessing the effect of hydroxychloroquine-azythromycin (HCQ-AZ) combination [1]. To this end, we reanalyzed our data on all patients enrolled in our study (n=42) and, in addition to viral clearance over time, we analyzed clinical outcomes, including the need for oxygen therapy, transfer to intensive care unit (ICU), death and length of stay at hospital. Requirement for oxygen therapy, transfer to ICU and death did not significantly differ between groups. Length of stay at hospital and viral persistence were significantly shorter in the treated patients group, compared to the control group..."

          "...We agree that the HCQ-AZ combination may potentially lead to drug-drug interactions. We paid a rigorous attention to avoiding this combination in patients with cardiac diseases, abnormal EKG, dyskalemia or the routine use of other interacting medications..."

          Also note the comment at the end: let's watch also our magnesium level (I would say RBC magnesium, IMHO)

          • ssny. sotero
          • Marketing and Visual Impact Display Specialist
          • sandra_sotero
          • 3 yrs agoThu. October 7, 2021 - 9:43 pm
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          I agree with you.  Can you share where you purchased them? 

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