Sleep Quality DSIP

For those struggling with sleep quality, particularly waking up around midnight and being unable to return to deep sleep until early morning, I'd like to share my experience. I faced this issue, finding the nights long and tedious, and tried various remedies without success.

For the past couple years I have been using a peptide called deep-sleep-inducing-peptide (DSIP). Its a sub-q injection, and for me it has been remarkably effective.

Since using DSIP, I sleep through the night, only waking briefly for bathroom breaks before quickly falling back asleep. I've also noticed I'm dreaming nightly.

If you're experiencing similar sleep disruptions, you might consider DSIP as a potential solution. It's been a game-changer for my sleep quality

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    • Brian Valerie
    • Semi-Retired Health Education Teacher
    • Brian_Valerie
    • 4 days ago
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    Thanks for sharing this, Bruce.  DSIP (Delta sleep-inducing peptide) has been studied for more than 40 years and is not commonly prescribed, but if your doctor approves and it works for you, that's great.

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    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 3 days ago
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    Brian when I first saw mention of it, I read on the web many folks found it did not work so I was a bit sceptical ,I decided why not its a molecule the body makes . I also tried a DSIP fragment it worked as well.

    If i run out or miss a dose, I am back to waking up at midnight no respite.

    Anyhow if that helps anyone out I would  be happy.

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      • Van
      • Van
      • 3 days ago
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      Bruce B   Do you have to do daily injections?  Dosage?   Thanks

  • I combine DSIP with ipamorlan with CJC (search on youtube where peptide info is available.   I buy dry peptide viles off the research sites;   core peptides, limitless peptides,  polaris peptides.   learn off youtube how to reconstitude with whats called Bac water, buy pet needles off amazon.  Cheapest and more effective to inject.  But some peptides can be used nasally and you can buy those off these same sites ready to use but often 5x or more for a given month.

    The Ipamorlan an HGH secretion nudging peptide seems to aid sleep and rest.  I agree that DSIP is not knock out and some nights doesn't work. BUT further study;  DSIP helps with brain garbage collection, lower inflammation.  I will take DSIP forever along with other brain peptides: SEMAX with a touch of SELANK.  Search in youtube.   As a whole antiinflammation protocol that includes brain benefits the experts will add 2-3x/week BPC-157+TB-500.    We are newer to peptides.  There are cost limits and self injection frequency limits.  This is a forever protocol like rapa but with a much higher month/yr cost AND hassel factor with daily, weekly injections.  Its possible to runn out of cash on a burn rate basis and abililty to keep doing the injections.  FWIW

    i combine with 600mg Mg Glycinate and 1g of Glycine and some melatonin (your dose).

    I also use this PEMF device for healing on knee/back and set to lower power and different frequency with paddles under my pillow:  Flex Pulse G2.

    === side topic; muscle building, retention.  Keeping this short

    I(we) whole heartedly recommend the kaatsu C4 (or the newer model) for muscle growth/retention with at worst zero effort, just sit there work from home, driving even, doing computer work.  I'm doing my legs as I type.  Search on youtube;  kaatsu C4 muscle growth.   IMHO one of our best purchases.  we are both stronger noticably at 71yo.  I'm back to high school 40 pushups and hope to get back to HS 50.   I wear the legs especially on the vibration plate which is in front of the head to toe LED panels.  Kaatsu allows the ultimate multi tasking IMHO.  I'm toooo lazy to go the Y, treadmill, weight lift for just lifting purpose.  No way.

    good luck, curt  

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    • Curtis Smith 

      Doses at night before bed;

      DSIP 160mcg

      Ipamorlan/CJC 300mcg


      Upon rising;

      Semax 300mcg + selank 100mcg

      Use this handy dilution, injection ml calculator;

      Buy;  the peptide viles off above sites,  BAC water off amazon,  needles off amazon.  For the back water its easiest to buy a few 3ml needles (big).   For injecting peptides we have a range of 0.20 ml needles and 0.5ml.   In a pinch I use 1.0ml needles.

      Its a multi month learning curve.   This is the BEST channel on youtube for peptide knowledge:   Hunter Williams.  Peptide Buddy

      good luck, curt

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