Glutathione Restoration Improves Hallmarks Of Aging in Older Adults

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    • Allen
    • Allen_Rosenberg
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Just wondering if there's a lower, maintenance dose that would make this program more palatable.  

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    • Bernie
    • Bernie_Singer
    • 3 yrs ago
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    The video at 3:22 indicates that the study used .1gram per kg of body weight for glycine and .13 grams of NAC per kg of body weight per day. For a 155 pound person this is approximately 7 grams of glycine (7 1,000 mg pills per day) and 9.3 grams per day for NAC (about 9 1,000 mg pills per day) . That is 16 pills per day which seems like way too much. What am I missing here??? Anybody taking this much??

    • Bernie 

      I think that there is another interesting way to increase or maintain  Glutathione.


      There are substantial research indicating that Fisetin might be a useful candidate for keeping the level of intracellular Glutathione stable.

       Section 5.2 in:

      Fisetin Acts on Multiple Pathways to Reduce the Impact of Age and Disease on CNS Function (


      Since Fisetin, besides the possible effect of glutathione levels in humans, has other beneficial effects on the human health span/lifespan I think it is relevant to mention fisetin in this context. 

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    • Bernie I agree that it's a lot of pills. Another weakness of their 2 studies is supplementation in only 16 subjects, so whether this is an isolated effect, or widely applicable is unknown. 

  • I take 1g of glycine 3 times a week so I'm probably missing a trick. :) Led to this by the Sheeky Science show which pointed me to an Interventions Testing Program study that found it genuinely extended mice lifespan, with no idea on the actual action in play.

    • Al m
    • Al_m
    • 3 yrs ago
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    There is gamma-glutamylcysteine that can increase intracellular GSH.

  • That protocol is similar to Dr Greens. You can buy bulk powder for both but why not just supplement with straight Glutathione?

  • I've researched an interesting platform offering a new delivery method for Glutathione. 

      • Jeff B
      • Jeff_B
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Just make your own suppositories with anything you like, almost 100% absorption.

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