The Conboy Plasma-Dilution Treatment is Available Now

    Recently, watching a video interview of Irina Conboy, I became aware that Conboy plasma-dilution for humans is available in San Francisco and Miami from the medical practice of Dobri Kiprov, MD, who works with and has published with Profs. Irina and Michael Conboy of UC Berkeley.  Here are links to videos and writeups about Dr. Kiprov's work on plasma dilution:

    I contacted Dr. Kiprov and had a Zoom call with him this morning.  Here's what I learned:

  • Kiprov's plasma-dilution protocol is slightly different from that described in the Conboy papers.  He adds some proprietary ingredients to the saline + albumin to suppress negative immune reactions.  I suspect that said reactions are caused by a stabilizer component that is in the albumin.
  • Treatment for one person involving two sessions of plasma dilution spaced 2 days apart costs $6,000.  There is a discount if a couple both have treatments at the same time.
  • Several patients have had Horvath-type DNAm bio-age tests before and after treatment.  The apparent epigenetic reset from the treatment is about 3-4 years.  Kiprov does not think the epigenetic reprogramming is "permanent".
  • The effects of the plasma dilution sessions are cumulative, and Kiprov recommends that they be done monthly for about 6 months, with semi-yearly or yearly treatments after that.
  • The observations of recipients are that there are immediate benefits from a plasma dilution session, but they are observed to diminish in a few weeks.  This motivates the repeated sessions.
  • There are plans to set up more centers to perform plasma-dilution treatments at other population centers around the USA.  No decisions yet about where.

    I am considering arranging one set of plasma-dilution sessions for my wife and me next December (for ~$10k), but I don't think we can afford a full 6-month series of them (~$60k).  Also, I am disappointed to learn that the apparent epigenetic reset of the Conboy treatment is only a few years.  According to the paper published with Steve Horvath, Harold Katcher's E-5 treatment on rats produced an epigenetic reset by about a factor of 2.

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  • Wow, thanks for posting this and your research on the details!

    But 3-4 years? AKG is supposed to give you an average of 8 years. Perhaps there is some rejuvenation that extends beyond being reflected in the epigenetic age.

  • Its interesting the effects only last a few weeks. It reminds me of when I was offered Ambrosia young blood plasma, the doc said you feel great for a few weeks and then it wears off. The cost was $8,000. So maybe the conboys are right in terms of adding or subtracting plasma gives the same effect. Katchers methylation treatment is supposed to be permanent and never wear off, but I also think it is working by a completely different process and cant be compared to parabiosis experiments even though they allude to it being similar since they call it a plasma fraction.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud 

          You said: "Katcher's methylation treatment is supposed to be permanent and never wear off, but I also think it is working by a completely different process".

          Yes, I think Harold Katcher has accidentally discovered the enzymes that tell young cells that they should have the appropriate "young" DNA methylation profile.  The Conboys are removing enzymes that tell cells they are old, and also harmful proteins that are expressed under the "old" DNA methylation profile.  It takes a while (~2 weeks) for those to build up again.  If you cannot reprogram the cells to the younger DNA methylation profile, you ultimately lose the ball game, even if cells are temporarily "rejuvenated".

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    •  It is likely that repeat treatments will be needed, but that is not a problem.  Our environment and habits will help with the need for repeated resets.

    • Winslow James Foster it will be very hard for everyone who dosent live close to the clinic that they are using, even if they set up shop all across the world.  to spend a 4-8w on a hotel to sleep and all the food you need to eat, just do do the first round of treatments. to then need to go back few months later and do it again n again n again. jesus christ that will cost millions in total

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Burgundy Summer 

          As I understand it from my conversation with Dr. Kiprov, one would come to San Francisco and have 2 plasma dilution sessions spaced with an off-day in bethween.  That's it for the month.  One would then come back the next month and do the same thing, and so on for 5-6 months.  After that, one would come back for the same procedure every 6 months.  That wouldn't cost millions of dollars, but it would cost perhaps a hundred thousand or so in total, not including the large time commitment

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    • JGC 6x6000 = 60 000 for one round, thats 600 000 in swedish sek, a double round is 1.2 millions in swedish. So 1.2 million to get a good effect, and 1-3 years later do it again 


      So yeah, its not for regular income people thats for sure

    • Burgundy Summer Mr Joules, you can do plasma donations for free using the same schedule, so it would cost you nothing.

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    • Fred Cloud still not sold on it vs blood :)

    • Burgundy Summer You are sold on plasma dilution but not plasma donation? What do you think plasma dilution is? Its the same thing.

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    • That's why I am searching for easier and cheaper treatments that  achieve similar goals.  I traveled from to San Diego to San Francisco 6 times.  The whole treatment is not cheap, but how much is liver regeneration worth? 

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    • Fred Cloud well im not sold anymore, what i read in this thread really made me wounder. it sounds so strange that so much dilution is needed - to only have lasting effect for a few weeks. there must be some kind of atp problem that people are left with, and thats why it dosent matter how much gunk they remove, if atp is depleated, it need to be supplemented.

      I can do all EDTA iv, but i dont think that will help my damaged mitochondria. i need atp, u get my pont

      but hey, maby whats important is to see if the organ rejuvination was legit, and for how many years it lasts. it would be very strange if you can do this treatment for a year, and then the rejuvination on organs only last 1-3 years

    • Winslow James Foster im doing LLLT on my liver, thyroid, thymus. i think this is the future for organ repair. If LLLT is hit on the bone marrow, stem cells goes straight to the heart if damaged.

      I combine LLLT on organs and then ad nad boosters n such one hour later

    • Fred Cloud The difference is volume. A plasma donation is 660-800 mL, whereas TPE replaces 3 liters of plasma with saline/albumin. The hypothesis is that there's a threshold effect; you have to drive the progeronic soluble factors below some level and keep them down for some period of time in order for organismal remodeling to occur. Would be great if plasma donation itself were sufficient but probably not the case.

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    • Lou Hawthorne Can you point me to your source that Dr Kiprov doing Conboy therapy takes out 3 liters of plasma at a time?

    • Fred Cloud – I've sat through 4 TPE treatments and watched them change the bottles each time. Pretty sure it's in the May Conboy publication too; you can look that up yourself.

      Like 1
    • Lou Hawthorne 4 TPE treatments with Dobri Kiprov?

    • Lou Hawthorne I looked up the Conboy protocol and there is no defined amount, it just says they are diluting half the plasma and replacing it.

      So average person has 5 liters of blood

      half of that is rbc half is plasma=2.5 liters plasma

      dilute half the plasma=1.25 liters removed

      average plasma if you go to donation center gives 1 liter removed

      So it is approx the same amount.

      Now, normal TPE for other various immune diseases replaces all of the plasma, so now you are up to the 2.5- 3 liters you are talking about, but that is not the conboy protocol of diluting half the plasma.

    • Fred Cloud Yes that's correct. My wife also had 4 treatments. That was enough to put her into remission from an autoimmune condition she's had for 10 years. Her last treatment was 2.5 months ago. Results stable so far.

    •  Fred Cloud Not exactly. First, plasma volume in the average person is 3L (see link below). Second, there is a difference between diluting and exchanging. If you could magically pull all the plasma out of a person at once, then when you exchange it for saline/albumin, the dilution of the components of that patient's plasma would be 100%. But you can't pull all the plasma out at once or the patient would die. During TPE, 3L of plasma is removed at the SAME time as 3L of saline/albumin is added. There's mixing of old and exchanged plasma going on throughout the process. The net effect is dilution of 55-60% of the components of the old plasma, which is what the Conboys mean when they speak of diluting roughly half of a study subject's plasma. You have to exchange 3L of solution to achieve that level of dilution.

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    • PS. 60% dilution effectively removes 1.8L of plasma components. Compared with 660mL to 800 mL of plasma removed in a single plasma donation, Kiprov is removing 2.25x to 2.7x as much of the plasma components as get removed in a plasma donation. He also adds back i.v. IgG to replace lost antibodies and enhance immune competence. Personally I think plasma donation is a good idea; but for those who can afford it, the Kiprov/Conboy protocol is better. 

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    • Lou Hawthorne ok, I follow you now, that makes sense, thank you for bringing clarity to this. Well if donation is not equal, I think it does offer some degree of benefit and should be considered as an alternative if you cant or dont want to spend the $60k for the full series. I looked into plasma donation and you can repeat the treatment twice in a period of 7 days, so that does close the gap a bit further into how much plasma you are removing. Since this is an elective procedure and not medically needed like someone treating a disease like your wifes, you can do plasma donation and whatever benefit you get is what you get, its at least better than nothing.

      I guess it comes down to how much money you want to spend versus your age and how much aging you have to overcome. If you are old and in bad shape and have alot of money then go for the full series. Perhaps one could combine the two approaches, get an initial TPE from Kiprov for $6,000 and then follow up with plasma donations. Maybe that would be an option for JGC since he said he can afford the $6k but not the $60k.  Glad to hear your wifes condition went into remission.

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud 

          Problem:  The plasma donation folks will not accept donations from a potential donor over 65 or so.  Therefore, plasma donation is not an option for my wife and I.

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    • Lou Hawthorne Not sure if you saw the story of the russians who diluted their plasma, they basically donated twice.

      "We have a lot of interesting results, but the procedure only works if you replace at least 50% of the plasma. So, if you weigh 70 kilos, you need to do it at least twice, remove 700 ml of plasma each time, and inject around 70 mg of 20% albumin solution. That's it, I just told you the whole thing."

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud 

      I remember discussing the amount of plasma replaced per session with Dr. Kiprov, and as I recall it was about a liter.  However, this was to be done on three successive days, so the net dilution factor is larger.

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