NAD+ Patches

I recently purchased NAD+ from the NAD treatment center in San Diego. I purchased the NAD+ patches, 6 each @ 400mg each. The patches are a electrophoresis type patch that uses a battery to drive the NAD+ into the skin. The six patches were $300.00. I spoke with Jennifer ( 944-623-7587 ext. 5) at the center who arranged telephone consultation with Dr. Milgram. The product was fulfilled by Archway Apothecary in Covington, La. I also purchased a NAD+ nasal spray which the Doc said goes directly to the brain. To date I have used three patches and continue to daily take NR. After completing the patches I will post my results/impressions.
David Michel
Call me skeptical, but is there even a hint of data in published literature that NAD+ gets across skin in quantities large enough to affect physiology, iontoporesis or not? I can find none on MEDLINE.
Just because somebody sells something, doesn't mean it works. You can (for example) buy B12 skin patches. They are garbage. You can buy B12 nasal gel, and sublingual B12, but there is no evidence that they work better than a pill, and some evidence in the case of sublingual that they work exactly as well as the same pill dose, since you eventually swallow the B12 (but you pay a LOT more money).
Heck, you can buy magnesium ion skin creme. There is one study that claims it works, but when the Israeli army tried to replicate it, they found what you would expect: nada.
Furthermore, for example I started testosterone therapy using a compounded gel. I haven't done my first blood test to I can verify it's working! Regardless it's got millions of men using it and FDA approval which requires clinical data so it does work.
So, you can rub a simple gel on your skin that dries in a minute and get a hormone infusion within a few minutes. So in practice skin application does work. I suspect it has to do with water solubility, carrier and molecule size. If it's water soluble you need an electric field to help it along. If the carrier is too viscous (e.g. magnesium skin cream) then it won't work. And if the molecule structures are too large (e.g. long chain polymer) that won't make it in either.
Friends: I'm on my last patch and yes there is enough left in the eye dropper for probably a couple more applications. NAD+ party anyone 😀 Just kidding, but it looks like they give you some extra.
I just ordered Nuchido's "Time" (nuchido.com) based on Andre Grases recommendation after he heard the CEOs talk at RAADFest. They claim "Time" (no ingredients given yet) raises NAD+ 4x as much as NR/NMN! Haven't gone through the ref.'s yet.
Thanks for that info David. Haven't heard of them before. Interesting however, as a test I clicked on Metformin Rx and PayPal payment came up. No, indication for physician contact. So, I'm uncertain about using them, although everything else seems in order. On another note, I'm somewhat disappointed to see a dearth of physicians that are on board age-reversal.net willing to engage the protocols. If anyone has a specific recommendation for one in California, please let me know.