Hair regrowth

I know nothing about it, and I'd like to not go bald. Any tips on drugs, shampoos, do plugs work, etc.??

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  • Time honored proven treatments are Finasteride 1mg per day and topical minoxidil 2% or 5%. I'm 58 and have strong family history and was seeing male pattern baldness by my mid 30's. This halted by simply taking finasteride 1mg daily and I have a full head of hair currently. A young man I know in his early 20's was going bald rapidly with crown and frontal balding. I directed him to the HIMS website where they make finasteride available without prescriptions and provide the topical minoxidil as well as various vitamins. Within 3 months had marked improvement and now 6 months later he has no noticeable balding. People respond differently to every treatment and generally the earlier the intervention the better. I cannot speak to the other treatments being talked about on this forum. After being on rapamycin and metformin regimens for about one year, I seem to be gaining back some color in my hair. Seeing the results of recent study with .001% rapamycin on skin aging made me mix up my own to try which has lead to obvious positive results. I've followed that with a .001% rapamycin/DMSO mixture to spray on scalp daily to look at any change in hair color and relative thickness of the hair shafts. Much to early to tell. Given the results on the recent study of this diluted rapamycin topical on skin aging (seems to reverse it) I would consider this unproven (but fascinating) option for balding as well.

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      • Joe smith
      • Joe_smith
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur microneedling is quite effective especially when combined with topical minoxidil. Should see new hair sprouting in a couple of months after commencing the regimen.

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      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Mark Thimineur hello Mark. I enjoy reading your threads. I'm a patient of dr greens myself. I do the fisetin and dastinib treatments as well as take rapa and many other supplements. I have mixed the rapa in a topical cream and started applying to my face 2.5 months ago. It's too soon to tell if it is working so far. I'm interested in your perspective on mixing dmso with the rapa. I get rapa from the pharmacy. When I google the ingredients it has all sorts of dyes and fillers. Would this be toxic to take with dmso? I use dsmo with hyaluronic acid and rose water but that is pretty clean.  

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    • JOHN  How do you get Dasatinib? Do you consider bonhoapharmacy a good source? Doctors around here that practice anti-aging medicine cost a fortune. One close by wants$440 just for an initial office call!!!

      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Chuck Frasher I'm seeing dr green in New York. He's not in it for the money. He was one of the first to prescribe rapamycin for longevity. Thankfully he writes me a script for everything I need and it goes through my insurance. My rapa costs less than 10 dollars a month and it's from Walgreens. The dastinib I get through a compounding pharmacy in the states for about 75 dollars a senolytic dose. My doc doesn't charge much for consults and scripts. I hope he's around for a long time. 

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    • JOHN  I wish he did consultations over the phone. I’m so happy for you though!

      • JOHN
      • JOHN.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Chuck Frasher you just need to see him in person once and then you can do phone consultations after that. He only changed us 350. It may have changed but that's not much money. He wrote me 4 scripts with refills to last a year.  The most expensive part was getting to New York and my hotel. Still much cheaper and safer than using an Indian pharmacy or seeing someone who is trying to capitalize on the trend. 

    • JOHN Thanks so much for the info!

  • Hi. I recommend you to try HGH. Human Growth Hormone or HGH can help prevent hair loss, reverse balding, and thicken hair — and it works well for many individuals. Have a good day! 

    • Daniel Williams  This has been on my anti-aging list for some time but have yet to try.  The question is which form of HGH, injectable or secretagogue.  And of course, finding an MD willing to prescribe it.  

      Like 2
    • Dorian Gray You're definitely right.

  • found this article case study  Hair repigmentation associated with the use of lenalidomide.

    graying may not be an irreversible process!


    We report the first case of progressive hair repigmentation associated with the use of lenalidomide in an elderly patient with multiple myeloma. The influence of lenalidomide on follicular melanogenesis may involve removing the inhibitory influences of some cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α. In addition, certain endocrine effects of lenalidomide on the hypophyseal-adrenal axis could explain its action on hair pigmentation. We further hypothesize that lenalidomide may be capable of stimulating migration and/or differentiation of melanocytes to promote repigmentation of gray hair follicles. Pending the clarification of how hair repigmentation occurs with lenalidomide, our observation materializes the concept that hair graying may not be an irreversible process, which opens avenues for targeted therapeutics in the fields of cosmetics and anti-aging medicine.

    • chad cooper from Wikipedia “It is a more potent molecular analog of thalidomide” 😮🤭 Yikes!

  • I don't know if this was mentioned before: Propecia 1mg (or buy 5gm and use a pill cutter to cut into 4, it's much cheaper). Scientifically proven to work for male pattern balding.

    • Jimmy
    • Jim_N
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I've tried everything to restore my hair, and I may have found something that works for me.  I see baby hairs sprouting at my hairline!  Propecia had too many side effects.  It did make me grow hair but my libido dropped like a rock, and it made my forehead really oily.  I am allergic to Rogaine.  Also, Rogaine ages your face since it is a strong chemical.  I've tried Saw Palmetto in addition to other herbal supplements, which seemed to reduce my hair falling out, but it did not regrow hair.  I've tried so many different types of shampoos, but nothing.

    What new thing did i do?  So I've tried these things at the same time and I can't figure out which is causing the baby hairs to grow on my hairline:

    1.) Red Light Therapy (Platinum LED BioMax

    2.) Rosemary Extract mixed with other oils (approx 10% Rosemary Oil from

    3.) 300-600 mcg of Melatonin supplement (for night time use Life Extension time release).  I bought this primarily to sleep.

    I put on rosemary extract daily for two weeks but didn't see anything.  I bought the red light and started taking melatonin at the same time in the third week.  Red light and melatonin has been shown in scientific studies to grow hair.  For the red light I just tilt my head so the top aims at the red light for about 4 min.  Then I tilt the back of my head towards the light for about 4 min.

    I see hairs growing now so I guess I will continue with these three methods since I have no idea which one is causing it.  BTW, I'm in my early 40s but people think I'm in my late 20s, early 30s.

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    • Jim N  The red light offers both spectrums at a decent price. 

    • Paul
    • pink_airplane
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Umbilical Stem cell injections worked for the top of my head but not so much for the receding hairline.  I did it along with the use of the red light laser cap.  Not sure that helped.  I will follow up with the dr and update this if anyone cares. 

    Like 1
    • Paul how much did your stem cell treatment cost?

  • Can you provide any "randomized double-blind placebo studies"?

  • I found this 

    who does hair treatment for hair regrowth. I hope this helps. 

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      • Joe smith
      • Joe_smith
      • 4 yrs ago
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      samantha scott So are you saying that the hair treatment described in the article:  combination of the hair transplant followed by PRP+ acell is the way to go?

      Like 1
    • Joe smith Check this video


    • Direwolf
    • Direwolf
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Im 18 years old and last 2 months i was using a shampoo plus conditioner unknowingly and i started to notice hair fall on the up side of my head. I started oil treatments and such but it hasnt been much help. I want to know if my hair can be regrown or not cause hair loss at this age is really hard ./ If there's anyone who knows how to treat this using shampoos oils or other treatments Help me TT.. My email is much appreciated if anyone of u can help me regain my youth,.//_-)

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    • Direwolf  the first thing you need to do is to start taking an alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasteride 5 mg ( not propecia 1 mg). Or take dutasterude. This blocks DHT inside of the hair follicle. Some people use saw palmetto for this but the last study that I saw showed that while SP did lower scalp DHT, it did NOT lower DHT inside of the hair follicle where it’s needed. When you ask your Dr for 5mg proscar he may want to give you 1mg. Tell him that studies showing hair counts work better with 5mg. Tell him that you can buy it over the internet but you’d rather get it from a doctor. This usually works.

      Many years ago when I was in my 20’s I decided to try Dr Proctor’s regrowth shampoo. It contains an ingredient called Nano which boosts nitric oxide in the scalp. The NO in miNOxidil stands for nitric oxide. So I used the shampoo, leaving it in for a couple of minutes everyday. My hair was longer then and there was always a gob of hair on the screen over the drain after each shower.  I collected it after every shower and threw it away. After about 5 weeks using this shampoo, and nothing else, there was almost NOTHING in the drain!!  Maybe 3 or 4 hairs. And my scalp had more feeling in it again.

      so I kept using it until I ran out and in about 3 or 4 weeks I started getting those gobs of hair in the drain again. It was out of laziness that I procrastinated ordering it but it turned out to be a very valuable experiment.  I ordered more and sure enough got the same results. So this happened about 4 times. I used it, it worked, and when I stopped it I started losing a lot of hair again.

      so proscar (finsteride 5 mg) is an alpha reductase inhibitor that blocks DHT. And nano is a hair growth stimulant that boosts nitric oxide in the scalp. Minoxidil boosts NO as well as maybe some other growth factors. 

      Dr proctor also makes a topical formula that I use before applying minoxidil at night. It contains more nano plus lipid solvable vit. C, other antioxidants and a copper binding peptide.  He holds the original patent on copper peptides that ended up being used on burn victims to promote healing. 

      Water, propyleneglycol, allantoin, ascorbate, ascorbyl palmitate, arginine, BHT, 3-carboxypyridine-N-Oxide, CU/ZN-binding peptides (from CU/ZN sulfates), EDTA, superoxide dismutases.

      U.S. Patents: 5,352,442, 5,470,876, 5,472,687, 5,723,502, 5,728,714, 5,714,482, 6,150,405

      Inflammation is another very important factor in hair loss. And Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) cause inflammation and damage to all of the tissues in your body. So eating a diet low in AGEs with lots of vegetables, fruit, berries, nuts and seeds etc with help every tissue and organ in your body. Stay away from cakes, cookies, refined flour, chips, and added sugar etc.

      I try to follow Dr Greger’s 12 daily dozen but I do add some low mercury wild caught fish and clean chicken here and there. But small amounts and not often.

      there is also a handy app (I have an iPhone)

      So here are the basics which I KNOW are helpful. Keep in mind it’s a lot easier to keep what you have than to regrow what you’ve lost, so do put it off. 

      I take dutasterude (or finasteride 5mg), I use Dr Proctor’s Regrowth shampoo and at night I apply his topical formula and then I apply minoxidil foam over that. I’ve been around the hair loss forums for many years and I can tell you this is your best bet. The only other thing I will mention is that there are some peptides that are now available either from a compounding pharmacy with a prescription or through a trusted overseas supplier. I’m still doing some research on these various peptides because some of them look vary promising for all kings of tissue regeneration and repair. Regards, Chuck

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    • JOHN
    • JOHN.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I can tell you what has definitely worked for me. I am almost 52, no hair loss or gray hair but have noticed thinning before starting my regimen. Use Nioxin 1 cleanser to keep the follicles clear of any buildup. Follow this up with Nizoral which will block DHT from forming on your scalp. In addition to this you can add Minoxidil to your scalp about once a day for maintenance. This has definitely worked for me. I used to take a lot of testosterone and everyone knows testosterone will cause hair to fall out. This was the combo body builders use to keep hair. I no longer take high doses of test but I made it through those years with very little loss and continue to keep my hair into my 50's.

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      JOHN Thanks for sharing, John. I'm following this thread and forwarding info to my 20 year old son. Hopefully, he's taking time to check in once and a while :)

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