Paul's self experimentation

I inadvertently started on this 5 years ago when I started taking Metformin. Was diagnosed with a Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Docs didn't want to treat just monitor. Found that diabetics taking Metformin had a very low chance of dying from PC.


Just found this site after reading David Sinclairs book LifeSpan and put blood test results into Aging.AI and result was predicted age of 49. I'm 67.


I've suffered from TMJ for years and as a result don't eat a lot - kind of a caloric restriction, so I think that may have an impact on predicted age from what I've read.

My wife put her test results into Aging.AI and her predicted age was 59. She is 55.

We have an active lifestyle and bike, hike or walk every day. But she doesn't take MEtformin and she eats a lot more than me though she is quite fit.

I just started taking Rapamycin two weeks ago, so will be interesting to see if that has an effect

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    So you started the Metformin to treat the cancer, not because you’re diabetic?

    • Karl no, I'm not diabetic although my Dad was and one of my brothers are.

  • So I started taking 5 mg Rapamycin at the start of Dec. This week the morning after I woke up with unexplained anxiety which has gone away after a couple of days. One of the noted side effects

  • Took a dose of Dasatinab yesterday. Used Dasapro from the anti-aging store. $89 for 360 mg. Split in two will take a second dose next week. Experienced diarrhea and a slight headache at bedtime but nothing else 

    dosage 180 mg/ 60 kg plus 1500 mg quercetin

  • Update on blood work after 3 months on Rapamycin and one D & Q treatment.

    For about 5 years now I've been getting poor results on kidney functions - low eGfr and high creatine. My grandfather and aunt both died of kidney disease, so i figured that was hereditary.

    My eGfr increased from averaging 52 to 89 and my Creatine dropped from 1.41 to 0.88

    I am ecstatic about these results! Didn't exercise much over the last 3 months either due to winter, so maybe able to improve.

    Using the Levine spreadsheet provided by others on this forum my predicted DNAage dropped from 63.5 with last years blood work to 51.3. Hopefully there is some validity to this! Best part is my predicted mortality risk dropped from 16.6% to 5.8% over the next 10 years

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      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin great news and thanks for sharing.

      Like 1
  • I've had a second set of blood tests done in June to confirm Feb results and they were pretty close.

    Had high Total Cholesterol and LDL-c but my HDL was over 70  and my triglycerides were under 70.  My ratio of Tot C/HDL was good at 3.3 and Trig/HDL was 1.1 also good. LDL-p was quite low. I do a low carb/high fat diet so this was expected and despite my doctors insistence, I see no need for a statin.


    I started on a 30 M rapamycin skin cream about 30 days ago. Wrinkles look better but very hard to quantify.


    I also started on 150 pg of GDF11 this week.

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      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin Did you make your own Rapamycin cream?  If not where did you find it, please?

    • David H yes, made our own. Bought 1 gm of rapamycin from a provider on Alibaba (there are many) and then diluted ti

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin I bought mine also through Alibaba from a chemical company in Shanghai.  Did you verify that yours was 1 gm?  Did you cut it all at the same time to make into a skin cream?

    • David H yes, was 1 gram. put it in 4 oz of dsmo and have been taking small amounts of that and diluting to 25 molar in face cream

      Like 1
      1. Paul Beauchemin yeah, isn’t 25 molar the max you want to use for skin?
    • Fred Cloud maybe. Who knows? I suspect I could go higher. Getting skin ulcers would indicate dose is too high

      • Alex
      • Alex.2
      • 1 yr ago
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      Paul Beauchemin Hi, did you notice any changes to your skin or facial appearance when you were taking only oral rapamycin? And if so, how long after starting oral rapa did you notice any change? Thanks

  • Started my current experimentation 12/1/19

    Did a DNA methylation test and it matched my chronological age of 66. The Levine spreadsheet showed 63 from 2019 blood tests.


    After 7 months of weekly rapamycin and a one time D&Q treatment the Levine sheet showed my age as 53.2 (up from 513 in Feb - I took the D&Q in Jan)

    And my DNA methylation test nearly matched the LEvine blood test age - 52.2

    So, I must be doing something correct.

    Like 3
    • Paul Beauchemin Thank you  for the update. Do you or have you tried fisetin?

      Like 1
    • Peter H. Howe Yes, in January I took some with the Dasatinab.

      Never seemed to have any effect so I stopped after a second dose

      • yz
      • neon_ocean
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin That's awesome! Do you physically move and feel like 50 as well?

    • yz much younger than that. I mountain bike like a 30 year old :)

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      • yz
      • neon_ocean
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Paul Beauchemin Wow! That's the most incredible achievement I've seen in 7 months. Thanks for sharing!

    • Paul Beauchemin Paul, do you take Rejuvant/Alpha-Ketoglutarate, I know they claim to rewind the methylation clock.

    • Fred Cloud Not yet. Was thinking of doing that in the fall

    • Paul Beauchemin rapamycin alone has been shown to reverse methylation age.

      Like 1
    • Sally M
    • sally
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hi Paul- wondered where you were getting your Rapamycin from.  Thanks, Sally

    • sally maslon right now no where. The FDA has been seizing my shipments. and were previous sources

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