Fisetin experimentation one year (reposted as topic for info purposes)

Hello everyone I wanted to make my first post here as I have been doing a fisetin routine for a year now just about and I have results that are not placebo and very profound. I honestly do not know if this is the senylotic effect or some kind of interaction with fisetin in other ways. 


To get it out of the way, I will give the fast and short version. I am taking Swanson’s Fisetin. I take around 2g a day for 3 days( now 2.5g). I repeat this for 3 or 4 times with varying intervals (I was trying to find optimal intervals).  


My my first regimen was 3 days treatment with a 2 week delay, then a 3 week delay, then a 4 week delay, then a 2 month delay. I am now convinced a 3 week delay is the minimal amount of time you want taking this the way I am, though I will continue with 4 week delay for safety sake and because of my own observations. 


So results. Well I feel like this must play on hormone levels in the short term. Immediately after starting a 3 day regimen, usually on day 2 or 3 I feel strong as hell. In particular my legs are tight and super strong. My muscles in general are firmer and overall strength is amazing. My mind is clear, thinking concise anddynamic. I feel more dominant, self confident, and aggressive. Libido is enhanced as well. This all led me to believe that this acts as a testosterone mimic or elevates testosterone in the blood which is why I cycle monthly and then take a few months off every so often. 


i can tell you that at the age of 43 this makes me legitimately remember what early 20s feels like. The effects of one 3 day regimen last strongly for 2 weeks and even on for 4 weeks. In particular during week one and two I was amazed at the amount of pure emotion and clarity of the world around me. I could hear and appreciate sounds and colors seemed more vibrant. Mentally I am on overdrive with super memory and crystal clear logical thinking. I remember the first time I took this I was shocked. I was in a cafe just looking at a coke I had bought in a glass amazed at how more real and present it looked. A small thing but it was profound just how the world seemed more alive. It literally felt like going back in time 20 years. 


So for long term effects. A stronger posture, better muscle tone, improved gum health, vastly more energy, in fact this has become all the norm after around 8 months of this. Many of the effects I described in the first two weeks following a 3 day regimen do taper off to an extent, but never completely. 


As far as side effects there has not been anything thus far. When you are taking the 3 day dose you might get amped up a little jittery but that gives way quickly after the last dosage and it normalizes into a even effect that is positive in nature. I was very concerned about hair loss as I could not believe how impactful this was. But I have noticed no hair loss at all. I cycle it with a 3 or 4 week break to ensure that there is no negative effect on hair or otherwise. With a two week interval I had some scalp itchiness. That was enough to back me off to to four week intervals.


I honestly think that most of what I experienced is not the senylotic effect. It’s way too fast and profound. But I have no ill effects and feel incredible. And overall I have a youthful vigor and look and feel younger. I think a senylotic evaluation, as far as a laymen just observing himself goes ,can only really be done after 2 years or so. However the initial results ( especially gum health) and from what else I can observe are overwhelmingly positive. 


I can tell you that this does have an affect and it is profound and noticeable. How much of this is hormone I do not know. But I have other improved health as well, however it’s always tricky to quantify this objectively yourself sometimes. 


Good luck on your experiments. Let me know if this has the same effect for you. I just bought Swanson’s with nouvestein. Nothing fancy. Cheap and on amazon. 

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    • David C
    • David_C
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Also even if Fisetin is muting signals a good deal it's still quite useful to give the body a non polluted environment to operate in so that it can restore tissue homeostasis. You turn off a large portion of senescent cell signaling for a week or even a few days then that gives the body some time to normalize and rejuvenate. Additionally like I said it must be taking some of the senescent cells out as well. I just don't see the downside to fisetin here. Other than cost.   

    Like 1
  • 1g of "maybe"-99% fisetin in the evening, dissolved in a cup of buttermilk. Then cup's walls became colorated with yellow hue. The compound was bitterly disgusting, but I washed it with drinking a sip of water after 2-3 sips of a compound.


    After 30 minutes I felt very calm and warm, relaxed, but energetic. After about an hour a need emerged to take some deep breaths and an urge to yawn heavily. Like you want to yawn every minute, but could not finish it. Then several full successful yawns happened. I went to sleep.


    In the morning felt just perfect, fine tuned after a good night's rest. Perfect mood and a boost of energy. No ill effects after the disgusting bitter compound.

  • A clinical dose of 20mg/kilo of body weight for 2 days and give it a rest, not sure of the rest period, 4 months?

    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Does fisetin work?


    I experience the visual effect.

    As a high-grade prostate cancer patient it has pushed my PSA into the undetectable zone. This is a miracle drug, absolutely lifespan increasing for me. For how long I will remain undetectable is the big question now. Note, I don't have a prostate gland so when my PSA is detectable it represents metastatic cancer being present. Fisetin either kills off the cancer or puts it to "sleep". 

    500mg, 3X a day for 2 days every 2 weeks. After 2 months PSA test then results. 


    This suggests those in their 60s should run a course of fisetin as it might avoid or at least delay the onset of prostate cancer. The main factor contributing to the development of this cancer is age, not what you consume or lifestyle. Exposure to dioxin and other chemical agents are the exception to this.

    Like 3
      • Jimmy2
      • Jimmy2
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Joe F How did you figure out this dosage?  I am taking 1500mg of fisetin 5 days in a row once a month.  I didn't feel any major side effects.

      Like 1
      • Joe F
      • Joe_F
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jimmy2 Jimmy2  I figured the dose from reading about studies that have been done.  For my body weight 500 mg 3X a day for 2 days and it worked, as evidenced by the drop in my PSA. 5 days might be excessive but no harm done. Un-seen good might have been done. 

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      • Jimmy2
      • Jimmy2
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Joe F I am following Dr. Alan Green's protocol (if only fisetin is take and not dastinib.)

      Like 1
      • Jimmy2
      • Jimmy2
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Joe F I just took 100mg of Dasatinib and 2000mg of Fisetin for two days.  The first day I felt a slight headache that lasted for about three hours.  The second day I didn't get a headache but feel a little light headed.  I am now going to go to a bar to get some drinks. 😆

      Like 2
    • J Man
    • J_Man
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Joe F. You mentioned prostate cancer.  You're likely very familiar with alternative treatments, but in case you're not I'll provide two links of possible interest.  Both are related to Joe Tippens.  I've investigated his story and it appears to be very true.  Whether or not his protocol was truly effective or not, I can not say.  But, it sounds like it was.


    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thank you for the info.  Prostate cancer cells, and many other cancers too, are, from person to person, different. Within a person's own body many variants of the cancer exist. This is why what works for one person does not for another and a single therapy usually does not kill off all of the cells. By trial, error and accident I have found Fisetin,  turmeric and cannabis have driven my PSA into undetectable. This is remarkable. Other things might work but for now I will keep using what works. These cancer cells have a strange ability to adapt so how long this will keep the cancer from progressing is unknown. The cannabis is taken rectally to avoid the high while gaining the cancer suppressing quality. Personally, I hate the high and makes you terribly forgetful making you somewhat of an idiot while the effects last at the high levels it must be ingested to have effect. 

    Like 1
    • Joe F Is there some suppository form of cannabis?  Do you feel any physical effects without the mental high?  I too don't care for mentally numbing effects of the plant.

    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I grew my own. Take a quart jar of high THC buds, fill to 1/3rd full with Everclear, shake and mash the buds about for ~4 hours. Filter the green fluid through a coffee filter, boil off the alcohol in an insta-pot then heat the remains to 170F for an hour. 45 minutes into it add a tablespoon of coconut oil. After cool take a bamboo spear tip and dip it into the black oil to obtain a TINY drop of it and place it in a 00 gel-cap. Place just inside the anus, about one kunckle in. Take at night. You will sleep like a rock. Do 2X a week. The "high" is very slight and you sleep through it. The oil can be obtained commercially but is quite pricy. Taking it orally gets you high and if you smoke it the coconut oil will rip your lungs out. 

    This helped me gain control of my rising PSA. 

    Like 1
    • Joe F Thanks, Joe.  I know some that could benefit from your discovery also.  

  • Hello David, I am grateful for your posting. As a chiropractor who has been interested in nutrition and anti-aging for 30 yrs, I am very excited to have stumbled upon senolytics, as compared to telomere lengthening. I am currently experimenting with fisetin and kaempferol. Everything that I have read shows that absorption is enhanced with nano-emulsification. Currently, I am making shakes with strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry, 1500-2000 mgs of fiestin, 1500-2000mgs of kaempferol, protein powder, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. This all goes into a bullet mixer. The olive oil is for emulsification. Are you emulsifying? If so with what? 

    By the way, my experience so far is great energy and improved sense of physical well-being.


    Tom E

      • David C
      • David_C
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thomas E Eliopulos Well good luck with what you are doing. I am genuinely curious if trying to enhance absorption will be beneficial. I imagine it must. My philosophy is stick the the laboratory data that we have, but theoretically and logically enhancing absorption should be better.

      The thing about fisetin is it is well tolerated even at higher amounts. So you can take larger amounts (within reason) if you feel not enough is being absorbed. However I am not familiar with how its enhancing absorption. I tend to stick with whatever works and be thankful with that.

      I think that Fisetin (and likely other safe senolytics) is a real game changer. Currently I do a cycle every 3 weeks more or less. Around 20 days or so. Still doing 3g a day for three days for each cycle.

    • David C Good to see you're alive and kicking, we need to wake this group up. 

      Still doing 3 - 3 with Fisetin?

  • I have read much on fisetin and kaempferol, as many of you have. Look at the peer--reviewed journal information, per pub-med, nih, etc. All glowing for fisetin and kaempfreol. That is a significant change for those traditional medical giants, who have traditionally poo-pooed nutraceuticals.

    In addition, Dasatinib may be associated with with pulmonary hypertension, which is a death sentence


    Dasatinib induces lung vascular toxicity and predisposes to pulmonary hypertension - PubMed (

      • BobM
      • BobM
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thomas E Eliopulos 

      Hi Thomas - just my 2 cents:

      That Dasatinib study seems flawed in a couple ways.
      1. They are doing “chronic” dosing by injection: daily doses by injection. Periodic dosing was not looked at.

      2. No control group with nothing administered.

      I do not know, but think that dosing 2X/year by ingesting along with quercertain, may be something totally different.  This is something that needs to be studied further.

      Like 1
    • BobM I don't Bob. My understanding is that Fisetin seems to be equally good a senolytic as Dasatinib without, as yet, the potential drawbacks

    • garland
    • garland
    • 3 yrs ago
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    This is the first I have heard of kaempferol..... does anyone know what is the protocol for using it effectively as a senolytic? Bad news about Dasatinib. I have noticed a tightness in my chest when I use it which maybe one of the symptoms of PH.... What are new standards of treatment and are people still using Dasatinib? 

    • garland I am not sure if Kaempferol is considered a senolytic, actually. I am taken by much of the research showing as strong disease preventative with strong anti-cancer properties through it's impact on many biochemical pathways and disruption of messenger proteins. Same for it's effects on inflammatory and chronic disorders in general. Still researching the dosing, of which I have yet to find anything satisfying

      Kaempferol Supplement — Health Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects |

  • garland  This all I have and it's from Pure Bulk. Not a scientifically determined dosage. I have read studies using 5,10,and 15 mgs/kg

    Extract Dosage and Instructions

    Take 200 mg – 400 mg of kaempferol up to 3 times daily, preferably with food due to its fat solubility.

    Since this extract is 50%, this dose range yields 100 mg – 200 mg of kaempferol.

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