Fisetin experimentation one year (reposted as topic for info purposes)

Hello everyone I wanted to make my first post here as I have been doing a fisetin routine for a year now just about and I have results that are not placebo and very profound. I honestly do not know if this is the senylotic effect or some kind of interaction with fisetin in other ways. 


To get it out of the way, I will give the fast and short version. I am taking Swanson’s Fisetin. I take around 2g a day for 3 days( now 2.5g). I repeat this for 3 or 4 times with varying intervals (I was trying to find optimal intervals).  


My my first regimen was 3 days treatment with a 2 week delay, then a 3 week delay, then a 4 week delay, then a 2 month delay. I am now convinced a 3 week delay is the minimal amount of time you want taking this the way I am, though I will continue with 4 week delay for safety sake and because of my own observations. 


So results. Well I feel like this must play on hormone levels in the short term. Immediately after starting a 3 day regimen, usually on day 2 or 3 I feel strong as hell. In particular my legs are tight and super strong. My muscles in general are firmer and overall strength is amazing. My mind is clear, thinking concise anddynamic. I feel more dominant, self confident, and aggressive. Libido is enhanced as well. This all led me to believe that this acts as a testosterone mimic or elevates testosterone in the blood which is why I cycle monthly and then take a few months off every so often. 


i can tell you that at the age of 43 this makes me legitimately remember what early 20s feels like. The effects of one 3 day regimen last strongly for 2 weeks and even on for 4 weeks. In particular during week one and two I was amazed at the amount of pure emotion and clarity of the world around me. I could hear and appreciate sounds and colors seemed more vibrant. Mentally I am on overdrive with super memory and crystal clear logical thinking. I remember the first time I took this I was shocked. I was in a cafe just looking at a coke I had bought in a glass amazed at how more real and present it looked. A small thing but it was profound just how the world seemed more alive. It literally felt like going back in time 20 years. 


So for long term effects. A stronger posture, better muscle tone, improved gum health, vastly more energy, in fact this has become all the norm after around 8 months of this. Many of the effects I described in the first two weeks following a 3 day regimen do taper off to an extent, but never completely. 


As far as side effects there has not been anything thus far. When you are taking the 3 day dose you might get amped up a little jittery but that gives way quickly after the last dosage and it normalizes into a even effect that is positive in nature. I was very concerned about hair loss as I could not believe how impactful this was. But I have noticed no hair loss at all. I cycle it with a 3 or 4 week break to ensure that there is no negative effect on hair or otherwise. With a two week interval I had some scalp itchiness. That was enough to back me off to to four week intervals.


I honestly think that most of what I experienced is not the senylotic effect. It’s way too fast and profound. But I have no ill effects and feel incredible. And overall I have a youthful vigor and look and feel younger. I think a senylotic evaluation, as far as a laymen just observing himself goes ,can only really be done after 2 years or so. However the initial results ( especially gum health) and from what else I can observe are overwhelmingly positive. 


I can tell you that this does have an affect and it is profound and noticeable. How much of this is hormone I do not know. But I have other improved health as well, however it’s always tricky to quantify this objectively yourself sometimes. 


Good luck on your experiments. Let me know if this has the same effect for you. I just bought Swanson’s with nouvestein. Nothing fancy. Cheap and on amazon. 

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  • Thomas E Eliopulos said:
    100 mg – 200 mg of kaempferol

     If 50% extract, 200mg would give you 100mg of kaempferol   

  • Hi John. That dosage was on Pure Bulk's web page.

    The complete quote:
    Take 200 mg – 400 mg of kaempferol up to 3 times daily, preferably with food due to its fat solubility.
    Since this extract is 50%, this dose range yields 100 mg – 200 mg of kaempferol.
    I personally take 1500-2000mg mixed in with my smoothie. Scoop of vanilla flavored whey protein, generous handful of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries,  tablespoons olive oil, about 6 ounces of water. Every 2-3 or 4 days.
    • Thomas E Eliopulos What does it do for you? Anything noticeable?

  • John, I only started taking Kaempferol recently. At 59 yrs old, I have daily back pain  from 2 large disc herniations and severe degenerative arthritis (probably resulting from my 31 years as a chiropractor). With other painful joints, I realize that I have entered into that stage of chronic inflammation and the associated disease processes that my subsequently result. 

    Therefore, my use is to interrupt that process and the reverse some of the ravages of time, aging, and inflammation.

    Here is a smattering of the impressive evidence that has helped me in my decision. I am using Fisetin and other nutrition as well: Please look over the following, very exciting:

      Kaempferol - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

    • Thomas E Eliopulos Thanks for that, I'll look at it in more detail. Concerning Fisetin, are you doing the 3g/day for 3 days and a month off? I have some from a supplier that's supposed to be Fisetin but after 3 days, I didn't notice anything, maybe a 1-2 sec twitch in a leg. What's been your experience? I have Swanson's coming, 1 bottle per day for 3 days.

    • Thomas E Eliopulos you should get EDTA iv treatments, 20-30 of them. il bet my life you suffer from metal toxticity. should do a chelation test

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Thomas E Eliopulos what is your source of Kaempferol?  Thanks 

      • David C
      • David_C
      • 3 yrs ago
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      John Ramos So twitch in the leg also occurs with me. Its interesting to me that you don't have a more pronounced effect. I look forward to my fisetin regimen every 3 weeks or so because I feel so spiffy the two weeks immediately following. I still think Fisetin acts to support hormonal health as well. It is interesting when people dont get the same effects. I try to be as objective as possible on these forums and I usually tend to only mention things I know I can substantiate in a non biased way. 

      I have taken up running here recently and I am having a much easier time at it now then when I was 37 years old. After I run I feel euphoric great even. 


      I would stick with it a few cycles and see how it goes. 

      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 3 yrs ago
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      David C Runners tend to get addicted to running because it brings on a flood of endorphins.  I was addicted to running and coffee for years.  One brings the endorphins and the other perks me up and brightens the day.  The running has now turned into walking mixed with a few high speed sprints (High Intensity Interval Training) or mountain hiking.  At my age this is less stressful to the joints, but still brings the endorphins.  The coffee?  I still drink lots of that!  

      By the way, did you say you were 47, but people say you look late 20s or early 30s?  That's impressive.  At age 72 I definitely look age 72 no matter what I do.  I would include some photos, but it's just too discouraging!  LOL!

      Like 1
      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jay Orman ditto for me with both running and coffee. Question. While I significantly thin out my face when doing lots of running and walking, I'm afraid it might also contribute to a faster aged look. What are your thoughts on that?

      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Michael I believe that is the case.  There is no extra fat to fill in the dips below the cheek bones and elsewhere on the  body, and, of course, the wrinkles.  So, I have more of a gaunt appearance.  

      Like 1
      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jay Orman As I also suspected. Thank you.

      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jay Orman I drink 10-15 cups of coffee daily.  Oddly, I only started drinking about 15 years ago (about age 60) after reading articles re benefits.  More & more info how overall mortality & mobidity improves with > 5 cups daily.  BTW, not due to the caffeine, as there are hundreds of chemicals in coffee.

      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos Fisetin frequency

      My wife & I took 1st round of F + Q.  I understand human studies are few, but repeat frequency seems to be 2 - 4 weeks, although some recommend 1-2 months.  Never have I seen that periodicity associated with age, health conditions, etc. 

      Assuming immune system can handle more regular dosing, I found below, early study, with D + Q, saying

      ... "senescent cell burden within 11 days..."


      Like 1
    • Michael_B I think we're about the same age(75 here) and on the same track so to speak. 

      As for coffee, I take 1 cup of coffee/day, it raises cortisol levels.

      "In short-term studies, caffeine has been shown to increase insulin levels, reduce insulin sensitivity, and increase cortisol levels." Insulin resistance?

      As far as I know, Fisetin and Quercetin(with bromelain?) do the same thing, I use Fisetin only, they both have low solubility and should be taken with a fat source, I mix it with full fat yogurt(Trader Joe's Full fat honey yogurt), makes anything mixed with it very palatable. From what I've researched, it's not good to completely remove all senescent cells continuously, evidently some are beneficial. That's why the break in between doses. 

      The link you included is for Dasatinib(hard to get prescribed, cancer drug) and Quercetin.  

      Don't forget Metformin(longevity), easier to get prescribed. I can't get it prescribed but I can buy it cheaply in a 1 Kilo amount.


      • Michael_123
      • A is A
      • Michael_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos I don 't know where you are located, but for years, although with Rx from holistic MDs, Publix pharmacies / at their supermarkets, provided Metformin free.  I've recently moved to GA, & Publix is here too, but I have not confirmed free Metformin is still available.

    • Michael_B I think it's prescription only now here, it is easy to get in other countries. Easy to get if you have diabetes 2

      "Metformin-containing medicines are available by prescription only and are used along with diet and exercise to treat type 2 diabetes. Metformin helps control blood sugar in a number of ways."



    • Michael_B If they both do this same thing with Fisetin being more potent, why not just stick to Fisetin? 


    • John Ramos Hypochondriac? LMAO 

      • Dean W.
      • Dean_W
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos Care to divulge where you get Metformin cheaply? Can you get it without a prescription?

    • Dean W. China, good source, I've been buying from 2 of them for years. It's where I got my Mag Threonate, Resveratrol, Alpha Ketoglutarate and some others. 

    • Dean W. Imported, yes.

  • I did start doing that regimen. I haven't really noticed anything yet. I am going to give it 6 months plus. I wish that I had easy access to doing biomarkers for aging. I used to do blood works years ago. I would have liked to test at the start and then out maybe 3months. I still need to get behind the science to the mayo protocol. I think it has something to do with clearing the senescent cells with a couple of high doses and then giving time for them to accumulate again. That, and apparently Fisetin can stimulate liver fibrosis. I think milk thistle is a necessary herb, on a daily basis.

  • I have been using pure bulk because it's cheaper. I am going to look into Swanson. They all probably obtain their product from the same source. That's how it works in nutrition, usually.

  • John Ramos One thing seems pretty clear and that is that fats may help with absorption....for both Fisetin and Kaempferol. For that reason, I make smoothies with  the powder with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I use vanilla flavored whey protein to make the shakes tastier and to get that protein... especially if I use it as a meal. My shakes are varieties of organic berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and red/black raspberries. Plus water, which helps with congealing 

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