Anyone actually experience marked increased energy from NMN?

It's been 2 years now - sublingual.

Nothing. I'm ready to throw it in the box with the resveratrol and rapamycin.


Please leave your experiences and types/doses as well as how you can differentiate if also using other 'compounds'.

Thank you

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    • Jared
    • Jared77
    • 2 yrs ago
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    My 1st purchase from NMN came from a company in Australia.  After that I sourced it myself from a company in China.  I have the powder shipped direct to me. 

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      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos one other thing that improved with NMN was my muscle knots.  I was riddled with knots in pretty much every muscle especially my back.  They are mostly gone and pretty much 100% pain free.  I feel like it restored my muscle health and function.  

    • Jared You mean cramps or knots a masseuse or chiropractor takes out? I think most of knots are caused by stress?  Are you taking enough magnesium? Have you had a fairly physical work life? We got to get you feeling like your 40! LOL

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos yes your typical knots. I think they are a mitochondrial issue.  A muscle dysfunction issue.  Nothing touched those knots except NMN. 

    • Jared any nocturnal leg cramps? If so, was that improved by NMN?

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley not for me unless I played sports that day. For me it was more chronic knotting and pain in my back, neck and limbs vs cramps.   

    • Jared How much Magnesium and type are you taking, it REALLY important for muscles.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos I took ZMA for a decade.  I don’t remember the dosage of Mg in that.  It made a little bit of a difference.  But nothing drastic. Now I don’t take any actually.  

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos now that you’ve got me thinking about it NMN has changed how I perceive stress.  So the same stresses with the same start and finish but it’s how I perceive it that has changed.  I tend not to dwell anymore.  I liken it to my kids who you can yell at for something and then 5 min later they’ve forgotten.  The stress happens and then I forget.  I don’t think about the office after I leave until the next day when I arrive.  No more Sunday blues etc.  that’s another change especially considering the last couple years where my colleagues have all been more stressed and I’ve been less.  At least I perceive it that way now.  

    • Jared Good for you, stress is one of the worst things for our overall health both physical and mental. Now...I'm going harp on you about magnesium, it's needed for almost all functions in the body. I found a good one and I suggest you take it, cheap too.  Source Naturals Magnesium Malate - 3750mg Per Serving - Essential Magnesium Malic Acid Supplement - 180 Tablets, you can get it in capsules but you need six of them. I really think it will make a difference in your situation. Take 3 fo get full %DV.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos alright alright I’ll grab some and put it back into my regime.  Can’t hurt.  

      Another thing that I just remembered was that prior to NMN I used to do a 20 min stretching session every single morning.  It helped with pain relief and to loosen things up.  Now I never stretch. It just doesn’t occur to me.  I used to use my therapro all the time too.  Now I almost never use it.  

      Also I don’t seem to suffer from the low light levels in the winter anymore.  Up here In Canada the light levels get pretty low in winter and every year I’d be starved for sunlight by January.  It seemed to get worse every year.  I’d take a sunny vacation every winter just to recover.    My guess is that the NMN reset the circadian photo sensor in my eyes.  I think as you age it becomes less sensitive and you require brighter light to trigger it. I’d have trouble sleeping in the winter because of it.  It was something that didn’t bother me as a child but highly affected me as an adult.   My eyes seem to be able to determine the time of day by the winter light levels again.  

      Like 1
    • Jared Sounds like NMN is a saviour for you, good. I also just a found a cheaper version of the same mag, Nature's Life Magnesium Malate -- 1300 mg - 250 Tablets
      SKU# 040647006874 2pcs for $39.98, it only 2 tablets/day for the same dose - On

    • Jared I got nailed by the posting review algorithm for the second magnesium post.  Couldn't do anything for a few days. The fixed it when I contacted them. 

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos no worries 

    • Jared Here, check this out, Longevity Supplements


      Magnesium Pills 2,300/mg of Magnesium Malate gives you 400mg of elemental Magnesium 98% DV

      ALA – caps 600mg/day

      Fucoidan caps 1g/day Sirt 6 activator

      Glycine powder 1/g/day now, upping to 2g when it arrives.

      Berberine Caps 1,200mg/day, trying to get metformin instead. Maybe someone else can help with this one.

      Ca-AKG powder 2G/DAY

      Fermented Wheat Germ Extract 1g/day, I bought a Kilo, check the prices on Amazon, Hahaha

      TMG powder 1.5g/day

      Trans-Resveratrol powder 1g/day

      NAC 2G/day, I have this in 1g tablets

      NMN powder 1 – 1.5g/day I think 1.5 is more appropriate, you need to take a NAD+ test ($200) to determine, if you taking enough NMN, Richard (Modern Healthspan) took the test and upped his to 1.5g/day, I suspect I would also test the same.

      Fisetin, Caps 20mg/kilo of body weight, 2 days in a row, with a 3-month break, you don’t want to completely clear out senescent cells, having some is beneficial and anti-cancer 

      Apigenin, this is one I’m really conflicted about, 16g of dried parsley is a daily dose, but that’s too hard to take. I can’t figure out a low-cost method of taking this in adequate amounts, maybe some else has a solution?

      Most of the loose powders I take with Trader Joes full fat Honey yogurt  

      All of these have been heavily researched, I’m taking these amounts because of that fact. I hope I’ve covered everything.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos nice list you’ve got there.   Metformin, apigenin and fisetin you can get from the source I posted in one of my previous replies if you want.  

      In regards to akg I was listening to an interview with the one of the researchers looking at this compound and he was saying a better method of Delivery may be by dissolving it in your water and drinking it over the day.   That a continuous source of it through the day may be more beneficial than taking it all at once.  

    • Jared You mean India mart? I think I have 1 kilo of Metformin from a Chinese drug company for $15 fob... waiting for payment link.


      It may be more beneficial taking AKG over time but I'm just trying to keeps it simple, it supposed to add a spectacular amount of lifespan 20%?

    • John Ramos Hi, where do you get the 20% figure for AKG life extension? The info I've seen was 5% for male mice. Also, where do you source your Ca-AKG from? I've been buying the Kirkland stuff but it's relatively expensive. 

    • Jack Black First of all, how old are you just for a reference...

      Here is one great video, from "The Sheekey Science Show", you should subscribe, she is a researcher and sometimes a little too complicated...but easier to understand on this one. I've watched and read a bunch and a few of them actually said about 20%, a lot of bang for the buck on this one.

      And I purchased CA-AKG from my Chinese supplier I've been buying from since 2015.

      I think it was about $80/Kilo, she also says it's the AKG, doesn't need to be CA-AKG but I've got CA-AKG so that's what I'm taking.

      Hope this helps...


    • @John Ramos As reported in the forum,  I and others were cheated by a Chinese rapamycin powder supplier recommended by several people on this forum. Being a slow learner, I tried bargain hunting again with a different Chinese is what happened: (from my recent post on the AKG thread):

      "I was given a very good price on Ca-AKG powder from Xi'an Biohorlden Industry&Trade Co.,Ltd.  After a convincing correspondence with their rep and having received a thorough and impressive COA on their stationery showing high purity, I was ready to buy a kg for $120 plus shipping.  

      Fortunately, I decided to take one final closer look at the COA. Although the CAS number was correct for Ca-AKG, the chemical formula and molecular weight were wrong. They were for Calcium Acetate Lactate! The Certificate had obviously been partially altered.

      Worse than losing some money on a useless product is that I would have lost the years of benefit I would have obtained from AKG."

      We are all tempted by the great prices on Chinese powders, but you take a great risk unless you are willing to have the product tested. 

      Like 1
    • John Ramos I'm 50. Thanks for the link above, I am a fan of Eleanor. 80 bucks a kilo sounds like a great price.

  • Initially I bought NMN Max which according to tests has no NMN in it.   Now I am taking some real NMN I have noticed a bit of an ache in my muscles that I think links to it, but I think my energy levels are higher anyway.

    I think the NAD depletion is primarily as a result of chronic inflammation and if you deal with the chronic inflammation then NAD levels come back up anyway, but I have no evidence base for this.

    • John Hemming yes inflammation is raising CD38 levels which is destroying NAD+. The science isn't clear why but it could even be a defense mechanism by the body; high NAD+ levels in inflamed tissue might help cancer form. Tackling the inflammation for example by reducing unhealthy body fat would be a good way forward. You can also limit CD38 with apigenin rich foods like parsley.

    • John Hemming 

      Alive by Science, DoNotAge and Prohealth, the best sources.

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  • My personal experience inclines me to the view that Melatonin assists in reducing inflammation.

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    • John Hemming Lot of research suggesting high dose melatonin helps fight cancer - which may be an inflammatory response. Recently upped my dosage to 120 mg a night. Really changed my deep sleep pattern. Will be interested in measuring inflammatory markers in January

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