
Anybody following Dr. Sandra Kaufmann's protocol?

I would like to hear about your experience.


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    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 4 yrs ago
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    sandra kaufmann I think you should consider adding spermidine supplement to your list.  Spermidine induces autophagy, suppresses tumors, modulates immune system, protects from cardiovascular diseases, protects brain from brain diseases, and improves stem cell function. It has been proven to lengthen the lives of mice,  One of the foods that contains spermidine, a polyamine, is natto.  Spermidine can be bought as a supplement.  I have found two USA supplement vendors that sell it.  A review summary  that I am current reading is titled "Spermidine in Health and Disease", DOI: 10.1126/science.aan2788.

    • David H  Can you mention spermidine sources you'd recommend, IE who you buy frrom for your personal experiments?  Is there a cost / dose logic possible like there is for fisetine where some source for spermidine maybe cheaper but less concentrated bu take more??   tnx

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Curtis Smith I am aware of three sources of spermidine for consumers in the USA.  I have tried two of them and have the third in our fridge which we will take when we finish the others.

      1. The first one that I found was from LZRLabs: https://lzrlabs.net/order-37061865

      LZRLabs is located in South Carolina - if you buy in quantity their spermidine has the lowest cost.  Instructions are to take 1 capsule per day.

      2. The second one we have tried is: https://spermidinelife.us/

      They are located in California but the manufacturing process is in Austria. (All three of them use natural spermidine from wheat germ.). This one is the most expensive of the three.  You take 2 capsules per day.

      3. The most recent one that we have is: https://www.primeadine.com/

      They named their product primeadine, I suspect because the name spermidine (which is the name given to the active ingredient which was originally discovered in human semen but later found to be in all the cells in our bodies) is controversial and even repugnant to some consumers.  They don't hide the fact that primeadine is spermidine.  As for me, I have heard a few dozen research papers on spermidine and the name doesn't bother me nor my wife.  (It seems to bother women more than men is my observation from reading posts online.)

      Primeadine is more expensive than LZRLabs' spermidine but less than SpermidineLife's spermidine.  You take 3 capsules of Primeadine each day.  (The amount of Spermidine in the 2nd and Primeadine I believe is the same.)

      We plan to use Primeadine mostly because I trust the founder of the company.  I have been on a zoom session with her and have corresponded with her by email quite a few times already.  Oxford University scientists are also involved with the company.

      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/primeadine/

      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/primeadine/

      Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dluDCZg87OA

      The founder has had her own health problems and she is very concerned and knowledgeable about health.  I have no financial arrangement with her or anyone else selling spermidine.

      I do believe that everyone should be taking spermidine.   My wife and I bought a 6 months supply of Primeadine for our adult son who recently suffered a concussion during an automobile accident.

      Finally, we take our spermidine with our evening meal.  It seems to us that it much improves our sleep quality after we changed to take it in the evening.

      Like 1
    • David H and to all,

      Thanks for that great getting started post above!!! Tnx

      Might folks comment on their efficacy / value of their spermidine sources?

      Other forums discuss fisetin sources and varying efficacy as well.   One here buys from alibaba / China which may have product variability (or not).  Tnx

    • sandra kaufmann Rhodiola : A Promising Anti-Aging Chinese Herb... Whether it's true or not... another agent to examine please Dr. Sandy.

      Like 1
    • Jennifer Klein I love rhodiola- there will be a chapter on it in the next bnook I can currently working on

      Like 3
    • sandra kaufmann Can't wait to read your second book.

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    • David H I find that spermidine makes me sleepy and that it improvs my sleep. So I take it with my evening meal. 

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Staffan Olsson One of our sons and his wife found that spermidine taken in the evening greatly aids their sleep.

    • David H This is very interesting.  Seeing from the Primeadine Facebook page that spermidine is a prime ingredient in soybeans, why not just make them a regular part of the diet as the Japanese do?  Certainly a lot less expensive.  

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Dorian Gray Leslie Kenny the owner of Oxford Health, the company that sells Primeadine, recently mentioned in a podcast that if you eat natto, you don't need Primeadine.  Her comment led me to researching the amount of spermidine in natto.  I eat 150gm of homemade natto daily and my wife eats 200gm daily.  I believe the amount of spermidine in this amount of natto is 20mg or more while the spermidine supplements have 1mg per daily serving.  So when our Primeadine supply is gone, we won't buy it again. If my memory is correct, and I don't know the reason, tofu has little or no spermidine.  Soybeans themselves have more spermidine themselves than natto by weight.  We will stick with natto for two reasons - 1. Unfermented cooked soybeans causes us to have intestinal distress 2. There are multiple nutritional advantageous changes to soybeans when they are fermented and become natto.

      The problem with natto for the general public is that most western people don't like the taste and texture of natto. My wife and I are willing to eat any nutritious vegan food so we don't care about the taste.  We have been eating it for one and 1/2 years and we both like it.  We do think that homemade natto tastes better than store bought previously frozen natto (which is mostly available in the USA).

      My wife's family is Chinese and I have convinced one of her sisters to try natto.  I explained that it would very difficult to find a food that is better than your health than natto.  Japanese children start eating it early, less than one year old per YouTube videos.

      You are right, natto is much less expensive.  We pay about about $40 for a 20 lb bag of small soybeans (small is best for natto).  We buy it direct from a North Dakota soybean farmer who has told us that she doesn't use chemical sprays on the soybeans and the soybeans are not GMO.

    • David H Great that you and your wife don't mind putting in a bit of effort and thinking to achieve such a positive thing. It's a rare thing today in the age of "packaged" everything. While I don't eat it on a daily basis, I do consume it frequently. My wife is Japanese so we have been eating the healthy aspects of that culture for forty years now. We have Japanese markets close by so it is easy for us a lot of the things that aren't in regular stores. For natto, we usually get this brand: https://www.meguminatto.com Although she has made it herself often as well as Kimchi which we have regularly also.

      • J Man
      • J_Man
      • 3 yrs ago
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      sandra kaufmann On the page from https://kaufmannprotocol.com/a-note-from-sandy you mentioned that your vision improved. I have read about astaxanthin and carnosine, but I'm interested in what you did if you don't mind telling me more. Thanks.

    • Jay Orman In addition to the astaxanthin and oral carnosine, I use visomitin (SKQ1) eye drops and NAC eye drops daily. I'm sure the other 50 agents are probably helping a bit as well! 

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      • J Man
      • J_Man
      • 3 yrs ago
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      sandra kaufmann I am now investigating SKQ1. It may be a viable option. My experience with Can-C for about a year is negative for what my opthalmologist calls a baby cataract in one eye. I researched Can-C (N-alpha-acetylcarnosine eye drops) thoroughly with pubmed documents before trying it and afterward. This simple article seems to sum up my thoughts of Can-C at this time : https://www.eyenews.uk.com/education/the-truth-behind-the-headlines/post/the-truth-behind-the-headlines-aprmay-2018 . The SKQ1 route looks interesting.

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jay Orman My wife and I have been using a 4% NAC product from the UK for the last 16 months.  I haven't seen an ophthalmologist nor optometrist during that time.  But my cataracts were worsening my vision so that I needed a new prescription every six months for the year before I started with the NAC.  My vision, as far as I can tell, has not changed during the last 15 months.



      That's the link for them - but I have been ordering it on ebay.

      • J Man
      • J_Man
      • 3 yrs ago
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      David H Do you have time to explain your process for making homemade natto?

    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Just started it. Every pill. Loads of energy! Pretty amazing.

    Like 1
    • Michael Fantastic!!!!

  • For those who have problems with too many pills;  I suggest getting a personal blender.  I use a Tribest.   Theres a bullet blender...    Try the tribest pb-250 for $69.   


    Add a few inches of water, your pills, blend and drink.  

    I agree no sense dealing with a hundred pills 2x a day.  Tribest comes with lids you can pack a lunch time mix in your lunch bag...

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Curtis Smith I found the easiest way to get it over with - in three gulps - is to make an avocado banana yogurt smoothie (to which I also add my Collagen). Might shoot absorption to hell but literally, three piles of pills along with three smoothie gulps; done.

    • Michael I'm envious!!!!  I have a tolerable form of hietal hernia, which prevents easily swallowing even one pill.  I have to open or grind into a smoothie every pill.  The personal blender is both convenient and effective for my mountain of morning and evening nutricals.   The tribest blender is good little work horse.  Just $70 per base and holders.  I go through one every year or 2.  I have at least one on the shelf as backup since I'm dead in the water without one.  Take care with your gulps!   :) :)

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Curtis Smith LOL Thank you, my brother. Last week I DID ask Dr. Kaufmann about removing the contents from those in capsule form to add directly to a smoothie and she was kind enough to email back saying "There is no reason you cannot put the agents in a smoothie, but some of them taste terrible and you might not enjoy it. As well, you can only do the ones that are water soluble." So, I paid my Daughter to empty the contents of every bottle into sixty individual baggies. My morning routine consists of digesting a bag with a smoothie in 3 gulps and hitting the treadmill for two hours.

    • Michael Excellent use of your children!!!  well done!

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      sandra kaufmann 


      I still need to get back in touch with you for consulting.

      As an aside, I was considering Viome.  Any experience with them?

  • Hello

    new to the group, i have been following the protocol for about 5 months, i don't know if i am just not sensitive, i tried a couple of weeks not to take anything, not even my magnesium at night and then i started again the next week and i don't feel a difference.  I am taking the recommended dosage.   but i won't stop anyways, it may take longer for me, who knows.   

    My question is about taking them with and without food.  I take NAC first thing with EGCG and NAD at waking time and go to workout.  when i come back i have my first meal with creatine and whey protein and the supplements listed in panacea plus some other ones like saw palmetto for hair growth. BTW I am a woman, almost 53 years old. i look and feel younger, no pains or aches, lift weights and some cardio.   

    in the book, Dr Kaufmann only lists ALA to take without food, i used to take it before workout, but then i moved it to in between bfast and lunch, but since i still want to put it as far as i can from food, i put it at 7:00pm, my last meal is usually between 3 to 4pm  to increase its benefits with the fasting time while i sleep for autophagy, what do you think about that?   

    lastly, what about fisetin?  when it is best to take it?


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