Rapamycin self-experimentation
I've just begun a 10 week self-experimentation with RapaPro rapamycin. I'll be taking 5 mg once a week, which is roughly the dose that Dr. Alan Green recommends on the high side and seems to be about what Dr. Attia supports/recommends.
I'm a 48-year-old male in generally excellent health. I've been following longevity science for a decade now and in the last couple of years have gotten more serious about it and also in trying new things that seem to have good data to back them up. I've been taking NR for a couple of years, as well as resveratrol and phosphatidyl choline.
After my first dose a couple of days ago I had some mild body euphoria that seemed to result from reduced inflammation. I felt less creaky overall and hummed with pleasure. I'm not measuring any biomarkers quantitatively, but will report my results in terms of reduced cold symptoms (I've had a mild sniffle for months now due, I think, to an ongoing tooth infection and the fact that I work out pretty hard a few times a week, leaving less bodily resources to kick my sniffles), increased/decreased energy, feeling of wellbeing, etc.
Dr. Green convinced me that there is real potential here when he talks about going from feeling very old at 70, unable to even walk his dog without suffering, to biking 40 miles and feeling great after.
I'd be curious to hear others' experience with rapamycin or comments on my dosing and schedule.
I've been on Rapamycin and Metformin since January of 2017. Maybe a general feeling of wellness but not profound. A definite decrease in my weight setpoint. About 8 pounds lower or about 4-5% less. I was normal weight before and now I'm even lower. (21.5 BMI) Better blood numbers especially triglycerides. I dose at 4 mg a week and run for three weeks and take one week off. My prescription from Dr Green is for 3 mg a week so I bumped it up to 4 mg and take a week off. When I see him again next year I will ask him to bump it up to 6mg a week. 58 years old and overall excellent health. My primary care physician is always asking me to improve something like upper body strength saw me recently and after 20 years finally congratulated me and said I was in perfect health and told me to "keep doing whatever I was doing". He orders an unusually large amount of blood and urine tests every year (for a family doctor). He noted in his charts what I'm on but made no comment pro or con. I've had one minor cold 6 weeks after starting rapa but no colds or flu since then.
I tried my first dose of D&Q on April 28, 200mg/2000mg. It's still early but so far the effects are all positive and not subtle. I am very excited about synolytics and I believe they are more important than anything else I've taken.
Update on my ten week self-experiment with rapamycin. I made it to week seven and then discontinued. I hadn't noticed much of anything in terms of positive effects (measured by workout data like run times, weight training, as well as sleep monitoring, weight, etc), and I did find a pretty serious downside which seems to have been caused by the rapamycin: a loss of libido. It was starting to get in the way of my relationship with my gf so I've discontinued for now. We have been having sexual issues lately already so this just exacerbated those issues and I couldn't deal with it at this time. May try another trial down the road if more data comes in showing positive effects from low dose rapa.
Hi all, I wanted to chime in on this Dr. Alan Green thread. My wife (51yo) and me (54yo) spent 5 hours with Dr. Green yesterday. My wife is a very healthy 51yo. Low BMI, fantastic blood markers, good genes (negative E4). She does have thyroid issues (Hashimoto’s) and has some osteoarthritis. Dr. Green placed her on 1-3 mg Rapa weekly primarily to see if it will help the early arthritis in her hips and feet. I’m a 54yo with a poor family history, one allele of E4, diagnosed low-count Monoclonal B-Cell Lymphocytosis. I have a tendency to put on weight. We both follow a primarily plant-based diet. I do have some history of hypertension as well and currently my BP runs 135/85.
Dr. Green put me on 6mg Rapa weekly, ARBII BP 16mg daily, Cialis 5mg daily, Doxy daily, and wants me to try one dose of D&Q for senolytics.
I have been taking 5mg Rapamycin for the past two years. Recently had a lesion on my forehead that turned out to be Squamous Cell Carcinoma. My Derm who is a young guy and a Mohs surgeon, said he though that the squamous cell may be related to Rapamycin. He said that when he was a resident they saw a number of folks taking Rapamycin for transplant and they had a large number of Squamous Cell Carcinomas. He did say they were taking Rapamycin daily and they had a "lot of Leisons". He said to be careful as he surmised that Rapamycin may slow the immune system down ever so slightly and any propensity to developing skin cancer may be aggravated. Has anyone run into any potential immune problems?