Has anyone tried Glycine/N-acetylcysteine?  It appears to have amazing effects on age reversal. 

Glycine and N‐acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) supplementation in older adults improves glutathione deficiency, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, insulin resistance, endothelial dysfunction, genotoxicity, muscle strength, and cognition: Results of a pilot clinical trial

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  • thanks Geoff and Brian for comments..I think I will pass on meds for now, but thanks for tip, for confounding issues...well it may well be ..I live in Italy and we drink wine at every meal could it be the alcohol. ?.. my brother tried glynac and he does NOT drink..first day had 600mg nac + 1 gr glycine...on day two he doubled the dose and said he felt quite sick...I believe due to interactions with some supplement..I had advised him to suspend all supplements with maybe there is a pre disposition of some sort in our family ??? 

    I have experienced two problems with glynac:

    1) I had negative interactions with all supplements including multivitamin, melatonin etc ...(I gave 2mg of melatonin to my father about 1 week ago he he was "crooked" the next morning)...prior to taking glynac he was taking melatonin every night with no problems

    2) Anhedonia..from mild to severe according the the dose for me. Instead two friends of mine (husband and wife, ...age late fifties) are also trying glynac ..they were not taking any supplements before starting glynac and have no issues and sleep better on glynac than before. One of the two friends that is taking higher doses is experiencing mild apathy. The same friend just got blood test results and blood sugar reading was notably reduced with glynac. They both experience  much softer and hydrated skin which I also noticed. 

    May be there are confounding variables. I did stay clear of nearly all supplements for nearly two months and did only glynac ...

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      • Garry S
      • scarymonster
      • 1 yr ago
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      martino lorenzon I have just started on GlyNac and so far all good but it's only been 3 or 4 days. :) I found a youtube video recently that mentions anhedonia, I am not sure about posting links here but just look for a video by  "Boost Your Biology" called "NAC Supplements Dangerous Side Effect You MUST Know!",  yes a nice dramatic title but that's YouTube for you. Personally if I were you I would rest for a few days then introduce your pre GlyNac supplaments perhaps slowly and hopefully all will be good.

    • Garry S Thanks I did see the video...there does not appear to be a solution..maybe someone will come up with one sooner or later...let us know how your GLYNAC supplementation works out..

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