Rapamycin - progress so far

Hi all, 

About me: I'm 46 y.o. medical doctor based in Europe and started taking weekly rapamycin 4 months ago. I go to the gym regularly and am in average physical condition for a guy of my age. The last couple of years have brought the first negative signs of physical aging: aches and pains that don't go away, increasing belly fat, a decline in gym performance, wrinkles and increased pigmentation, grey hairs as well as slower wound healing. Am venturing on this rapamycin journey to see whether it can  slow down the inevitable age-related decline and see how it impacts my aging longer term.

Where I'm at now: I started rapamycin 4 months ago at 2mg once weekly and have been slowly increasing the weekly dose by 1mg each month. Now at 5mg per week. I intend to continue on this dose increase scheme until I reach the highest optimal dose, beyond which side effects become an issue.

Currently have experienced zero side effects, not even mouth ulcers.  I have noticed improvements already in body composition (slight reduction in body fat) starting at the 3mg/week dose and most recently increased gym performance (cardio vascular and muscle strength increase) since being on 5 mg/week.

Intend to progress to 6mg/week in September.

Will at some stage probably try topical rapamycin on wrinkle / pigmentation problem areas as well. In Europe a rapamycin solution (Pfizer) is easily available in pharmacies.

Body pictures from today are attached.

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  • Thank you all for sharing, it's all very interesting, and I read your messges only now. I've had to stop after three months in 2020 because of the lack of the medicine. Apparently it's possible to obtain it in parts of Europe. If that holds true, that might change my perspective considerably. Best regards to all

  • Hi George, it's good that now quite a few doctors are in the network. It's a pity that the conference we were waiting for, an opportunity to physically meet in EU, hasn't taken place yet and all we have is zoom meetings - e.g. the HEALES meeting. I was the first to say we should have some physical meetup some time - just before COVID.. Longecity had them for years - when I wasn't even aware of these developments we talk about here. Until I read of the RAADfest of 2019. I've been away from the Forum for a while, just trying to find another country where to be able to use these medicines, while waiting for COVID to allow some travel. But having come back today I can see many good changes! I hope meeting becomes an option some time soon. I even spotted an Age Reversal doctor in Spain on the Age Rev. Doctors'list! Unfortunately on this site nothing is encrypted, not even the site's email (I left the social networks and I have only encrypted mail, Signal and  Mastodon). I had seen dr.Green-  that was to get started with the steps suggested as the first ones in the RAAD protocol of 2019. Only problem has been the EU, so I had to stop. Just sent a message to Peter, he says now it's possible to get Rapamycin in Europe - that would make things so much better. Still we can't be completeley on track with the testing to take part in the Netwrok's studies here. Thanks to you too for sharing your experience.

    Like 1
  • Besides reducing rapa dosage at the point you experience side effects, or adding days between doses there may be a third option to reach the maximum dosage without side effects. 

    Recall that Fahy showed in his TRIIM studies that growth hormone regenerates the thymus, which is pretty much gone by age 40. Most people don’t have access to growth hormone but if you did, what if you were to take a once a week dose of HGH? That is not enough to regenerate the thymus, which requires 3 doses per week, but it may be enough to retard thymus involution and have cumulative beneficial effects as well over time. 

    This is pure speculation, but I did discuss with Fahy, that since HGH is a TOR, if you take rapa on Sunday and HGH the following Saturday night, the small amount of rapa that is left in the system is effectively offset by HGH, thus dis-inhibiting TOR for a brief period until the next day's rapa dose. To the extent that is true, then you might be able to tolerate a larger dose of rapa. Anyway, I just started cycling sirolimus with growth hormone. I'll see how it goes.  Maybe it will be beneficial. Maybe not.   

    Like 1
    • chuck stanley keep me updated on this, I have low IGF for my age. I took semorlin for a month and lab tests doubled, but I did not feel the effects. I am told by a hormone doctor, it can take 3-6 months to feel those effects. Anyways, I dumped the semorlin for MK-677

    • @Arizona Kid.  Will do.  I should have lab results in late October. 

    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Just read through last several months of Dr. Blagosklonny's Twitter tweets.  
    1. He wrote that it's best to take as much as you without side effects.
    2. He showed a video of him taking 20mg Rapamycin. I didn't find the time between doses.
    3. Someone else reported that they corresponded with Dr.Green by email and he written that he was taking 20mg every 2 weeks.(this is different than what he said in a more recent interview in which he said 12mg).
    After reading this, I plan to to slowly increase my dose. I do eat a whole grapefruit 30 minutes before I take 7.5mg weekly. 
    I admit I was skeptical.about the higher doses.  Thank you to the members who posted about the higher doses.

    PS These are not my recommendations for anyone else. I suggest people should always do their own research.  I always feel better about dosing when I read original documentation directly from the Rapamycin experts.

    • David H An interview with Dr Green. About dosing.


      Rapamycin: Practical Dosage & Benefits | Dr Alan Green Episode 4 - YouTube

    • David H I'm seriously considering starting Rapamycin now.  Can you say, David, you feel better, healthier since you have been on it for a while? 

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Dorian Gray I feel the same with rapamycin but I am not that concerned about how I feel. My biological age per the Levine epigenetic clock for aging and life expectancy is 19 years less than my chronological age(70). But I don't know what that clock calculation was before I started rapamycin.

      I recently increased my NMN daily intake to 1.5gr/day from 1.0gr/day.That has made me feel more energetic and clear minded starting the next day. That makes NMN the only supplement that that I feel. I am going to try to raise my rapamycin dose from 7.5mg/week to 10mg/week(matching the dose that Dr. Alan Green uses for himself before he changed to 20mg every other week). Dr. Green does a senolytic treatment with dasatinib and fisetin during the weeks he doesn't take rapamycin. Dr. Blagosklonny, a well known rapamycin expert, also takes 20mg every 2 weeks per his tweet which includes a video.

    • David H Is there a rationale you know of that suggests it is better not to take D&F the same week as rapamycin? I cant think of any benefit. I alternate D&F but I take rapa weekly. 

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley Look at the Modern Healthspan channel on youtube. Today this channel posted a video in which Dr. Alan Green gave longevity protocol.  His rational is that D/Q's purpose is to kill senescent cells while rapamycin increases autophagy as one of its effects. Autophagy is a cell renewel process. It is Dr. Green's view that these should not occur at the same time. Dr. Green's voice is a little difficult to understand because of poor quality as audio equipment IMHO.  
      I highly recommend the Modern Healthspan channel. The owner has interviewed many longevity experts.

      Like 3
    • David H Yes, I did see that. I respect his opinion but dont know the rationale. 

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley From the video, I understand that Dr. Green believes that the Rapamycin would or could keep senolytic cells from being eliminated by the D/Q if both are taken about the same time. He thought one week apart would be ok.

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley It has been reported that Dr. Green often follows what Dr. Blagosklonny does.  Here are some tweets that Dr. Blagosklonny made this year:


      Mikhail Blagosklonny



      Jun 11

      Next week, I may try a new schedule: 20 mg rapamycin once per 10-12 days. High peak blood concentration is important to affect the brain due to blood-brain barrier I never had side effects so did not reach optimal dose yet

      Quote Tweet


      Mikhail Blagosklonny


      · Mar 2

      Yesterday. Rapamycin (10 mg/week), very low carb/high animal fat diet, daily exercise Rapamycin-based anti-aging formula includes non-prescription: vitamin B3 (Nad+ booster), DHEA, L-ornithine, lithium, aspirin Cannot reveal prescription drugs now

    • David H 

      Okay, that explains Dr Green’s reasons for moving to biweekly dosage. I just cant find any scientific basis for cycling the timing of D&F to coincide with a low blood level of rapa. Maybe there is a study or a correspondence we don’t know about. I cant find anything in Blagosklonny to suggest that taking senolytics during rapamycin therapy is contraindicated. My impression is that Blagaklonny thinks senolytics may be explained in part by inhibiting mTOR.  If that is the case, then senolytics and rapamycin are complementary rather than antagonistic, not just because they are both geroprotective but because they both are inhibiting TOR.  

      If anything I would expect that taking them together might be beneficial, maybe synergistic in that inhibition of mTOR is increased without the side effects of a higher dose of rapamycin.

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      chuck stanley It seems that Dr. Blagosklonny doesn't believe in senolytics. I downloaded his recent paper on senolytics but have only read the abstract. Paper title is Anti-aging: senolytics or gerostatics (unconventional view)

      Like 1
    • David H Well thats odd because rapamycin acts on senescent cells too and contributes to some of the antiaging effect of rapamycin. It doesnt kill them like a senolytic, instead it acts as a senomorphic which means it puts the senescent cells to sleep for a couple of weeks, like fisetin does.


    • David H if grafefruit juice can enhance the uptake if serlimus in +- 350%, if you taje 7.5 mg  with grapefruit, this would be equivalent to 26 mg of pure rapamycin, usn' t it?

      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Albert L. Barkema Dr. Mark Thimineur used 3 as the multiplier. As of about 2 years ago, he said he ate one grapefruit in the evening and another in the morning before taking rapamycin. YMMV. Personally I eat 2 small or medium grapefruit  30 minutes before rapamycin. 

    • Van
    • Van
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi, I live in Spain.  Can you give me the name of the topical rapamycin solution available in pharmacy.  Tried looking for it and could not find.  i'm sure it has a brand name.  Thanks again

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      • Mary Holt
      • Mary_Holt
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Van If you find a pharmacy/clinic that has rapamycin topical, please let me know.  Thanks!

  • Hey George.

    Not sure if you've done this already - but it's definitely worth (also) measuring your weight circumference. Which is the point just above your hip bones.

    It fluctuates a bit based on time of day - certainly post meal it'll be wider. Morning, before eating or drinking much may be the best measurement to use.

    You'll like notice a change on this measurement before you notice much change in the mirror.

    It's something I'm doing personally anyhow.

    • rapa_experimenter Edit: I appreciate there are such things as weighing scales :) But the reason for mentioning waist circumference, is that if you're a gym go-er, it's a cheap and easy way to avoid conflating loss/gain of muscle that affects your overall weight.

      Changes in waist circumference are almost exclusively related to changes in fat storage.

    • Michael
    • Michael.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Increase the cardio to lower body fat %. Maybe add a trt dose of test (then increase the cardio even more from the resultant bloat). Dump the rapamycin. It's fools gold.

    • Michael This seems more like your personal experience? He just told you his benefits, why would he toss it ? 

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