Sources for inexpensive prescription Rapamycin
My understanding is that in the U.S. Rapamycin is expensive with prescription, but it can be purchased overseas for much cheaper. Recommendations for pharmacies (compounding or otherwise) that have websites where it can be purchased if you have a prescription? Canada would be ideal.
Alldaychemist.com has rapamycin in 1mg tabs. Super expensive though.
I heard that meta-analysis of randomized trials and cost evaluation model have shown renal transplant recipients maintained on tacrolimus have better outcomes than patients maintained on sirolimus. Here you can check manufacturers and suppliers of Tacrolimus: https://www.pipelinepharma.com/tacrolimus-manufacturers
Hi , I live in Canada and would like any advise on the easiest way to order Rapamycin. We do not have dr here that will prescribe it so I was going to order from antiaging but they are currently showing out of stock. Bonhoa did not come up and dropship does not ship to Canada. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks .......Murray
Said it could take 30 days = arrived in one week
30 1mg tabs = $117 (including WU fee)
Beware of counterfeit Biocon Rapamycin. I strongly suspect 'back-door' operations.
There are LARGE 'intermediaries' that work well on the phone, but have NO quality control... other then via 'feedback' from their customers; ie: "indiamart". (they shop around from Delhi, and buy low such that they can sell at street price for best profit).
I've used Biocon from other vendors... and this 'counterfeit version is EXQUISITE in using identical (same source) packaging: SAME box, SAME insert, Almost same pill-packaging. (where did it visually go off-track compared to genuine Rap?), the FOIL STAMPING pattern is not the same; it's much finer in it's grid pattern. Pill compression: identical.
The main give-away that it's fake? THE TASTE. It's just ALL excipient (calcium and/or magnesium stearate). Real 1mg. has a unique mild taste. (further: subsequent mild symptoms I'm used to with 'real' Biocon Rap 3 years experience... did NOT occur).
For inexpensive rapamycin, search for indiamart and register, then search for rapamycin. I have been paying 70 cents $US to $ 90 cents per 1 mg tablet , qty 90 or above. several sources will email you. the prices can be wildly different. avoid the guys selling biocon, people on the net seem wary of it.