Photo evidence that the experiment is working

Correct me if I'm wrong. I figured that this deserves it's own discussion topic.

More than 5 years ago I started doing age-reversal.

Couple of years back when I realized that it was working I decided I must document it with photo evidence.

I crossed my 61st birthday in April

The first photo:

The first photo is above

The July 4th 2021 photo below

Today's photo below:

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  • The general blood work does give some indications perhaps better than the epigenetic clocks.

    • Andrew P K Yap The blood values, however, are worth tracking to identify things like whether kidney function is improving or deteriorating.

      That is in part the reasoning behind the Levine algorithm.

      I did three blood tests last week with three separate labs so I could get some certainty as to how to compare the different results.

      I agree that functional tests are key (in the sense of how organs work and what people look like), but I do think it is worth giving some attention to the internal organs and basic things like blood pressure/resting heart rate/heart rate variability)

    • John Hemming it's like "what aging reversal?", "why talk about aging reversal?" " why dream of aging backwards?" if you are not even in perfect health in the first place, correct?

    • Andrew P K Yap We don't have to agree on everything.  My own personal view is that the health/age of a body is driven by the load of cells which are not functioning properly.  When it comes, for example, to cells in the kidney those which are senescent don't function properly.  Hence the kidney does not work as well as it could.  Hence if you are trying to improve that and to wind back the deterioration that normally occurs with the passing years then you need to measure how well the kidneys are functioning.  The same applies for all other cells not just skin cells and hair follicles.

      With the kidneys and other organs there is not a simple bi polar state as to whether it is healthy or not healthy, there is a scale of how well kidneys are functioning.  It is worth monitoring that and working to improve it.

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      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      John Hemming 

      What discrepancies did you find among the three labs?

      Like 1
    • Michael I posted the following elsewhere and repeat it here:

      I do weekly blood tests. I use a few labs for complex historical reasons and I wanted to run a test where a sample taken through the same needle was sent to three labs simultaneously. I think there are important lessons from this that are useful to people. Labs tend to have slightly different panels, but I have stuck to the default panel. I will not identify the labs. I had the blood taken at about 10.20am on 3rd November and I drove the sample to the first lab. I am not sure when they started the test, but I got the results at 5.15pm via my GP so they must have been sent out something like 5pm. The second sample went via a courier and I had the results on Friday 4th November at 17.10 again this was via my GP so they would have been produced a bit earlier. The third lab went via post and the results were available by 6.53pm today.

      I am not going to give all the results from all the tests. The units are UK units and I will generally give a result when I had a result from two or more labs.

      Haemoglobin g/L 144/144/145 - happy with this
      RBC count E12/L 4.49/4.55/4.59 - not as good but not too bad. Delays cause problems for blood cell values
      MCV fl 96.1/94.1/95.9 - I wonder if the labs with delay bodge their figures a bit for the delay. This varies a bit too much for my liking.
      MCH pg 32.1/31.6/31.6 - OK
      MCHC g/l 33.5/33.6/33 - OK
      RDW 12.8/12.9/12.9 - OK
      Platelets E9/L 173/190/178 - this is a bit varied
      WCC E9/L 2.83/2.95/3 - a bit varied
      Neutrophils 1.83/1.98/1.97 - a bit varied
      Lymphocytes 0.7/0.69/0.71 - OK
      Monocytes 0.25/0.26/0.28 -
      Eosinphils 0.01/0/0 - ok
      Basophils 0.02/0.02/0.02 - perfecto
      Na 136.8/140/? - not really happy with this as it is an ion
      K 4.8/4.7.? - ok
      Urea 4.39/4.6/4.9 - looks like this goes up with time before testing.
      Creatinine 73.43/83/93 - this is one that makes me really unhappy because it is clear that testing delays cause the variation.
      Bilirubin 6.73/7/6.5 - ok ish
      ALP 74.15/67/69
      AST 24.63/20/?
      ALT 22.73/19/18
      GGT 22.73/24/23
      Total protein 60.05/67/68
      Albumin 38.54/42/38.7
      Globulin ?/25/29.3 - too much variation
      Ca 2.28/2.3/? - ok
      Phosphate 1.26/1.12/? this metabolises
      Uric Acid 316.33/298/306
      Triglyceride 1.6/1.7/1.74
      Cholesterol 4.71/4.7/4.86
      HDL 1.73/1.7/2.95 - that last figure looks wrong
      LDL 3.01/2.2/2.42 - this also makes me uncomfortable as to the later two labs although it may be that the first is wrong. Still too much variation.
      Fe ?/14.9/14.3
      TIBC ?48/46.7
      Ferritin 176.7/298/291 - these do seem to be the same units and the variation is far too high. My guess is that this is intransit metabolism.
      I got an HbA1C from the third lab that is out of kilter with my other HbA1C values and I think is caused by in transit metabolism.
      Free Thyroxine 15.16/17.3/17.2
      25OHD 147.18/153/147

      In conclusion. This gives me a figure I can use to adjust prior values from the same labs to give an inter lab comparison. I knew there were problems with metabolism and Creatinine, but it appears there are other similar problems.

      I have not tried to research Ferritin metabolism, but it strikes me that there may be an issue there.

      The cholesterol figures are particularly concerning particularly that people get quite excited about this figure. I wonder if it gets metabolised away in transit, but the variation is too big. Looking at the total cholesterol, however, is appears to be a question of deciding what is LDL and what is not.

      I have reviewed the history of my HbA1c tests and correlated this to the delays in testing. I estimate that one day’s delay in testing results in the % going up by about 0.5. My lowest HbA1c result this year was 4.18% equivalent to 22 mmol/mol. This was one where I took the sample to the lab and it was tested within an hour or two.

      The highest was the one where the test took a few days and was 5.3% 34 mmol/mol. This sort of thing worries me (as does creatinine) because people rely on this data to identify whether or not they have T2 diabetes (or CKD) and it could clearly produce false positives.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      John Hemming Very interesting. Thank you

    • John Hemming Instead of "monitoring" and "working to improve", I am "working to improve" regardless of whether I am "monitoring" or "not monitoring".

      Don't get me wrong, I am not saying "do not monitor" or that "monitoring" serves no purposes.

      I am saying that I do not "monitor" because "monitoring" or "not monitoring" I will be "working to improve" my own body anyway.



    Disappearing Nasolabial folds

    They are creases in your skin extending from both sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth. The creases can become prominent and permanent as you age 18 May 2022

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Andrew P K Yap So how did you get rid of the folds?

    • Michael It's not that I set out to get rid of the folds. The folds disappearing is a consequence of "aging reversal". Skin texture, fats and muscles composition, skin tautness as well as elasticity, all contribute to the folds disappearing.

      It's not that I set out to "sculpture" my body so that the proportions of muscles and fats is just right. It's that aging reversal allows your body to become what your genes intended.

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    • Juan Daw
    • saxxnviolins
    • 1 yr ago
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    Looks good - re nasolabial folds. Too bad all of it is in Instagram; not viewable by non-members like me - no facebook, no instagram, no twitter.

  • 26 Nov 2022

    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 

    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 

    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging

    Like 1
    • Andrew P K Yap Thank you for publicly documenting your journey with pictures. I wonder how you would describe your experience with words? What are the biological and psychological differences you have observed when comparing the  “old you” in the first picture and the “present you” in the last picture?

    • Staffan Olsson I would say first of all I will never stop what I have been doing. 

      I transformed from an old fatigue constantly in a bad mood person to a cheerful alert enthusiastic for life and looking forward to the future person.

      Just the thought of going back to the past (before the first photo) frightens me.

      I am now a highly motivated person.

      It's not just psychological. It's physical as well. For example, fasting no longer takes huge effort. I can now easily remain in a fasting state without feeling awful. I put that down to fat-adaptation.

      So what happened? Metabolism rejuvenation. Mitochondria biogenesis. Neuronal biogenesis (brain and nervous system). Vascular biogenesis. Rejuvenation of the microbiome. Boosting AMPK and suppressing MTOR. Activating autophagy. Clearing of senescent cells. 

      I know it seems as if I'm just listing down all the technical jargon. Except that it is happening (the list above) actually happening in my body.

      My physical body (profile) is back to when I was in my 30s. Beer belly gone. Visceral fat gone. Muscle to fats ratio back to when I was much younger.

      Microbiome in excellent shape.

      All the aches and pains have disappeared. 

      I can actually say that I feel better than when I was in my late 30s onwards. But I was drinking almost everyday, then.

      So now I just feel that "Yes, this is how people should feel. Both physically and mentally."

      I put it down to mental (brain and nervous system) and physical (health and function of organs) rejuvenation. 

      If I haven't been working at it, I would be seriously shocked at the transformation that I underwent. It would be like magic, a miracle.

      Because I have been working at it and putting in so much effort I know the reasons for the transformation and I know exactly how to get back to my present rejuvenated (I would gladly say perfect) state, if something goes even a little off.

      Let me say that again. I know exactly how I got to this "perfect" state and when something goes wrong and even slightly wrong I can get back to my present perfect state all because I got where I am today by myself (through self experimentation, and so I have now good and effective experience of what works).

      Sorry I hope I didn't bore you with this long discourse to a simple question.

      Like 1
      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Andrew P K Yap 

      Congratulations brother.

      The drinking part is still with me and even though I do tons of exercise, I can feel an see its negative effects.  

    • Michael Wishing you all the best, bro. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 1 yr ago
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      Andrew P K Yap 

      And you, Brother!

  • 24 Dec 2022

    You might be trying to stay healthy. To Reverse Aging, we do not just keep healthy but we do cellular rejuvenation of the cells in our own bodies.

    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 

    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 

    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging

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    16 Dec 2022


    You might be trying to stay fit healthy. To Reverse Aging, we do not just keep healthy but we do cellular rejuvenation of the cells in our own bodies.

  • 7 Mar 2023


    Can you imagine an old man looking like this?


    When you are young and healthy your body has a certain healthy "shape" and "look". 


    1. The muscles and fats are in the right proportion. 

    2. The muscles and fats are correctly distributed. 

    3. The muscles and fats are of the correct mass (amount) and density.

    4. Your skin and body parts are tight and not loose and sagging. 


    This is why people admire young and healthy bodies. This is why young and healthy bodies look good.


    If you reverse your age successfully there will come a time when your body starts to look young and healthy. This is because you HAVE become young and healthy. You have gone back to the days when you were young and healthy. You have gone back to the days when your body looks young and healthy.


    It is good to, and it is a lot more accurate doing biological age tests (to check what your biological age is) using techniques like epigenome analysis.


    While doing methylation of the epigenome is a lot more objective and accurate, just by simply looking at your own body (comparing the past and present), comparing how you look, how your body looks in the past and how your body looks at the present... you can have a good indication of whether you have achieved *Aging Reversal*.


    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 


    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 


    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging

    Like 1
  • 15 Mar 2023






    Your gut health is immensely important.


    It is as immensely important as your metabolic health, for example and mental health for instance.



    Food you eat can be good or bad for your gut health.



    The food you eat interacting with the types of bacteria living in your gut will determine your gut health.



    The food you eat interacting with the types of bacteria living in your gut will create (yes bacteria in your gut is manufacturing essential nutrients) POST BIOTICS that is essential for good health.


    Aging causes (the causes of aging) include poor POST BIOTICS.




    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 


    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 


    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging


  • 16 Mar 2023


    You take medicines for chronic conditions


    Medicine for diabetes

    Medicine for high blood pressure

    Medicine for high cholesterol

    Many different types of medicines for many different types of chronic conditions.


    Why not take medicines for aging?


    Think about it.


    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 


    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 


    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging


  • 29 Mar 2023




    What are your strategic plans for Aging Reversal?


    For the important things in life. For the important goals in life. For future success and to continue to be successful.


    Remember that:




    So start setting up a Strategic Plan for your own Aging Reversal like I have setup a Strategic Plan for my Aging Reversal.


    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 


    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 


    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging

  • 11 April 2023


    Get Smart 


    It's not about what you know. It's about what you do not know.


    It's not about what you understand. It's about what you do not understand.


    When a little kid argues with an adult what is wrong with that? What is wrong is that kids lack knowledge (ignorant) and lack understanding. Everybody knows and understands that.


    So if you lack knowledge and understanding (in areas you are not an expert) and you argue with an expert in the field, when you argue with experts with lots of experience, you are like the little kid arguing with an adult.


    So remember, it's not what you know. It's about what you do not know and ask yourself constantly...




    That's the key to "real" intelligence and wisdom.


    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 


    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 


    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging


  • 28 April 2023


    Are you in perfect health?


    So what is perfect health?


    1. No chronic diseases.

    2. At an ideal weight for your height.

    3. Not harming yourself by smoking and drinking alcohol and other bad substances.

    4. Not stressing yourself with heavy responsibilities and facing constant problems.

    5. Have good distribution of fats and muscles in your body.

    6. Have good muscle mass and muscle strength.

    7. You are sleeping well and peacefully every night.

    8. Living in a clean environment with no air, water and other pollution (the cleaner the better).

    9. You are happy and you know how to stay happy.

    10. You are mentally strong and alert (as opposed to fatigued and foggy mentally).


    So is perfect health enough and what is aging reversal?


    Even if you are in perfect health you continue to age.


    As you continue to age, your health will suffer and soon you will no longer be in perfect health.


    That's where reverse aging comes into the picture.


    It is to slow and if possible reverse the aging process. 


    Again, otherwise, as you age, your health will deteriorate.


    If you do not try to reverse the aging process, you will soon no longer be in perfect health even if you are in perfect health at the moment.


    Follow my incredible Aging Reversal journey 


    Successfully Aging Backwards starting from 2015

    (DOB 1960) 


    #agingbackwards #antiaging #aging #aginggracefully #healthyaging


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