rapamycin cream

Has anyone been using the cream on a regular basis and what are the results?  Are there better ways to make the cream besides vaseline?  What strength do you recommend?   Thank you.

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    • David H
    • David_Hanson
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I haven’t used it because I haven’t found a source for a cream.  There is a doctor who gave his recipe how to make a Rapamycin skin cream. It is somewhere in these forums.  I have 1000mg of rapamycin powder from China so I should try to make some.

    Like 2
      • Sally M
      • sally
      • 4 yrs ago
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      David H   wondered if you could provide a link or specific info as to the Doctors recipe for the Rapa cream. Thanks..

      Like 1
      • David H
      • David_Hanson
      • 4 yrs ago
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      @Sally M  The doctor's name is Mark Thimineur and here is the link:


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      • Sally M
      • sally
      • 3 yrs ago
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      David H Thank you! 

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    • curious
    • curious
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I would love to know your results.

    • curious
    • curious
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Has anyone noticed wrinkle reduction in systemic use of sirolimus?

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    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Curious, I made my own cream at home using the formula in the article at the link below.  I have used the cream for about 3 months, every second day.


    I should have taken before and after pictures but I did not. In my opinion it had very positive affects showing reduction of fine wrinkles, improved skin tone and colour.  




      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bruce B Thank you for doing the research and finding that link.  If you ever have time to provide your steps in sourcing Transcutol and Excipial Hydrocrème, please let me know.  And, of course, the details of your mixing process could save me a lot of time, too.  That pdf from that link seems to be the most efficient and safest way to proceed.   

    • Bruce B Would you mind telling us what parts of your body you use it on?  Face and hands, all over?


      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bruce B I read the pdf document from okina and noticed 

      Table 2 Composition of rapamycin cream.

      Component                    Quantity

      Rapamycin                          0.03 g

      Transcutol1                          1.5 g

      Excipial Hydrocrème1 QS   30 g 


      I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but my simple calculation from this table is

      0.03 g rapamycin / 31.5 g (transcutol1 + excipila hydrocreme qs) equals about 0.001 .  To me that means a 0.001% concentration of rapamycin in the cream, but the pdf document states that it is a 0.1% concentration.  If you have time do you have any thoughts on this.  Thanks.

      • Bruce B
      • Bruce_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Elizabeth  I was using it from the base of my neck all the way to my hairline, including face, and ears, also my hands. 

    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thanks for asking Jay, I can provide some simple mix directions when I again mix up a batch. But I have a lot now, and am now onto my own concoction that I believe to be better.  But anyone can figure it out and and come up with a pretty good product following the paper, I suggest use more rapamycin powder than they suggest as it’s readily dissolvable.

    This was the only place I was able to find the excipial cream, that was used in the paper. EXCIPIAL Hydro Cream 300 ml Cream


    They shipped to Canada no problem.

    For Transcutol  = (Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether)   

    I got mine from Lab Ally LLC


    I have to say once I had the cream and the transcutol, and after the positive rapamycin cream results.  I got inspired and came up with something that works better than the rapamycin cream, which I was very happy with. It’s a mix of GHK-CU peptides, carnosine, l-fucose, and magnesium. It’s something I am so happy with I would love to send some to someone if they were wanting to do some before and after pics.    

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      • David
      • Davin8r
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bruce B also, what about adding fisetin and giving the cream a potential senescent cell-clearing effect?  At least in theory, rapamycin+fisetin should be an amazing one-two punch.

      • David
      • Davin8r
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bruce B dissolved 6mg rapa (from capsules) into 10ml of transcutol (stirred x 1 hour in magnetic stirrer per the study), then mixed 5ml into each of two 4-ounce jars of Cerave lotion.  Mixed perfectly, feels/smells just like Cerave lotion, and is 25 micromolar, which is the same concentration as that used by Dr. Mark Thimineur, although he uses DMSO as his solvent.  Transcutol is cheaper, extremely effective as a rapamycin solvent, enhances penetration into the dermis, and doesn't come with possible safety issues since it is specifically made and proven safe as a solvent for lotions/creams.  I also worry that DMSO is more likely to carry the rapa *through* the skin, which we don't want for our purposes -- we want it to penetrate into the skin but then stay there.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bruce B as a fellow Canadian can you tell me what your rapamycin source is?  I can get the tablets but not the capsules to make a skin cream.  

    • Jared I used tablets for face cream, works fine.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud really?   Just grind them up with a pestle and mortar?

    • Jared Yes, exactly, just grind it up real fine and you should be ok.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Fred Cloud .  Great.  I’ll give it a go.  

      • Bruce B
      • Bruce_123
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jared  I was getting mine through Alibaba, before they blocked rapamycin sales on their website to certain counties.  That being said the the place that was supplying it to me through Alibaba is shown at the link below.


      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Bruce B ok interesting. I wonder if I switch my country on alibaba if I’ll be able to see those ads.  

      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 1 yr ago
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      Bruce B I am visiting this topic again.  Does the skin cream mixture you formulated (GHK-CU peptides, carnosine, l-fucose, magnesium) also include rapamycin?  And, whether it does or not, are you still happy with it more so than simple rapamycin cream?  Thanks.

    • David
    • Davin8r
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Thanks Bruce! I just ordered some transcutol from lotioncrafter.com for $20 for 8 ounces (including tax and priority mail shipping). Right now I'm using a rapamycin lotion I made by extracting 6mg rapa from capsules into 25ml of 95% ethanol, which I then mixed into 4 ounces of CeraVe lotion. It seems great, with a light wonderful texture and still quite moisturizing despite the ethanol, but I'm assuming the transcutol should be far more effective. Thanks for the reference to the paper! And I'd love to try out your Mega Cream!😁

  • Can anyone state if they've seen real results?

    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi David if you private message me your address I will mail you a small container of my concoction.  Keep it refrigerated when not in use.  

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