
On Dr Kaufmann’s website, it states that sulfuraphane protects cells from apoptosis and senescence. This would seem to work against senolytics. Does anyone take sulfuraphane and if so do you stop taking it while doing a senolytic treatment?

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  •  Interesting question. I don't think there is a clear answer to it.


    I can say that some senolytic substances and the apoptosis they generate is depending on ROS (reactive oxidant species). And ROS acitivity is inhibited by antioxidants. So before a senolytic sessions I stay away from most supplements with strong antioxidant effect. With this reasoning anything that could stop apoptosis of senescent cells should be avoided.


    I guess we are left to trust our own guesswork (based on the procedural facts we know). which means that I probably should stay away from getting sulfuraphane into my cells during a senolytic treatment. 

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