Turn-around in eosinophil counts after fisetin

Here is an update on my experience taking fisetin, but first some background. I have fibrosis in one knee, it's a chronic low-grade inflammatory condition that involves the formation of excessive internal scar tissue and makes standing and walking increasingly painful. I have been taking Metformin, 1 500 mg/day for over a year, which helps, and anti-inflammatory meds. I have regular whole blood count tests to keep an eye on how things are going, and at the end of last year I noticed that my eosinophil counts had gone well over the normal range (which is 0 to 0.5 cells/10^9/L).

As I understand it, eosinophils are an inflammatory cell that is elevated in conditions including allergies, asthma, cancer and infection. But so far as I know I don't have any of these conditions, so I was puzzled. On looking back at my blood test results, I saw that my eosinophils counts had been rising since 2016 from a base of 0 in 2012, and for the last year had been tracking along the normal limit, at 0.5, and then spiked over it to 0.7 last September. I'll attach a graph showing this.

In October last year (after the high blood test result) I started taking fisetin at 20mg/kg body weight, in milk or cream, 2 days per week. Since then there seems to have been a dramatic turn-around in my eosinophils counts, with a November blood test result of 0.4 and a test this month of 0.2. This is a very exciting result!

I have also been feeling better and have been able to do more on my feet, and had been commenting on this for some time. In addition, several more recent and disturbing symptoms that had persisted for about a year have almost gone. These were a blocked eustachian tube in one ear and coughing up clear mucous.

It is a little complicated because I started PEA, SAMe, magnesium and milk thistle a week before the high blood test result, and these may have helped despite the high reading afterwards. I have recently added quercetin to the fisetin at the same rate, and begun consuming ground broccoli seeds in water for the sulforaphane.

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    • Karl
    • Karl.1
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I assume the other elements of your blood count stayed the same?

      • Koo
      • Koo
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Karl Unfortunately my CRP hasn't been measured for many years - I know, it's weird! My last 3 blood tests for ESR were around the end of last year, there was a 4 year gap before this. The ESR was not over the normal range, but went from 2 readings of 9 mm/h when my eosinophils were high, to 5 in the last reading, so it seems to add up.

      • Karl
      • Karl.1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Koo I was more wondering if the remainder of your CBC stayed the same?

    • Koo
    • Koo
    • 5 yrs ago
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    My white cell count dropped from a high of 7.6 late last year (still within normal range) to 5.4 recently. My RC count didn't change.

  • I had severe sneezing problem and my doctor asked me to get my blood tested. She doubted that I have got Eosinophilia. Eosinophilia count was normal and I really don't know what is causing my sneezing problem. I am having guai-aid tablets and I doubt whether this is causing the trouble.

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