Would be nice if I could actually buy rapamycin

Can't source it anywhere. Been trying for months - years on and off if you count the time when I just gave up and turned to other things in my life. If anybody has any or knows of a CURRENT source please feel free to message me. I'm growing very disillusioned. I would love to start a self experimentation chronicle on here for all of you to benefit from but I cannot exactly do that if I don't have the actual drug. I've run myself ragged and nearly broke trying to find a doctor to prescribe it off label (don't even ask about dasatinib, same dead ends there too). Please spare me any more wastes of my time sending sources either unless you have verified for yourself that they actually have these things in stock AND are willing to sell to me. I am in the USA. No I cannot spare the time to fly across the country either. Sorry if I sound so brusque. There has been nothing but frustration here on my end over this.

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  • Did  you   notice  any   extra  energy first time?   as  if U  drank  way  too  much  coffee?   Perhaps  without  the Jitters?

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    • Brin Chikovski Dr  Green  Recommended  10mg/week now, I was Reading yesterday  a study that  implied  Rapa might  increase  your Cholesterol, have  you noticed anything from  that?  Triglycerides?   "(GSK-3) inhibitor lithium act additively to increase longevity in Drosophila" 

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    • Ross Barker I will be going in for blood work very soon - so I can't answer your question right now. What I have read is that all the side effects that rapamycin can cause, got away when you stop taking it . Additionally, researchers like Matt Kaeberlein and Blagosklonny suggest that the side effects on insulin sensitivity and lipids may be a key part of now the rapamycin is helping you - they see the same types of "side effects" in fasting, and low calorie diets. Here are some resources: https://twitter.com/Blagosklonny/status/1297880274286649345?s=20



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    • Ross Barker here are my labs


        rapamycin no rapamycin
      Cholestrerol, Total 241 256
      Cholesterol/HDL raito 3.3 3.3
      LDL 147 169
      HDL 72 71
      Triglyceride 109 81
      Like 4
    • Paul Beauchemin Are  you doing something to compensate for the Rapa  Paul?  IE,  different  Diet, Statins,  lithium?

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    • Ross Barker no changes in diet between these two lab tests

      Wouldn't take statins again - took for years and caused severe muscle pain. Think the science on their effect is pretty thin now

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    • Paul Beauchemin  Are you taking a lot of fish oil to keep your triglycerides that low?

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    • Peter H. Howe i do take fish oil - about a gram a day when these labs were taken. I have doubled that since then as evidence seems to show a significant anti-inflammatory effect

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  • Fred  are  you taking  the DropShipMD  or the Varun  one?

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    • Ross Barker not sure what those places sell, I dont buy from them, I take rapacan and Zydus brand.

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  • Just ordered 100  tablets from  www.varunmedicals.com

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  • How many people here are getting lab tests done on their purchases from India to validate / evaluate the purity, dosage, and contaminants? I've done the Valisure.com HPLC analysis on my shipments. (Sadly they've recently stopped doing these customer medicine tests - but may start up again). The Biocon sirolimus I purchased had some unknown impurities in the lab tests, while other vendors (at least the specific batches I had tested) did not. So I think people may want to avoid the Biocon sirolimus - but I still recommend testing on all purchases (I purchase a year's requirements or so at a time, and do sample buys first (and test on those) before I buy the main/bulk purchase. So far, no issues at all from customs (even though they have obviously opened the product and its clearly and accurately labeled) - 7 orders so far. What are other people's experiences with lab tests on their products?

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  • I was Reading yesterday  a study that  implied  Rapa might  increase  your Cholesterol, have  you noticed anything from  that?  Triglycerides?   "(GSK-3) inhibitor lithium act additively to increase longevity in Drosophila" Has anybody seen a Rise in Lipids? https://www.pnas.org/content/116/42/20817?fbclid=IwAR31-ornQUs7AFJ9BRXDN1wWaTPjzs7iy9Bp2DYhPbQmUSYZdt3kNTofRmU

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