Fisetin experimentation one year (reposted as topic for info purposes)

Hello everyone I wanted to make my first post here as I have been doing a fisetin routine for a year now just about and I have results that are not placebo and very profound. I honestly do not know if this is the senylotic effect or some kind of interaction with fisetin in other ways. 


To get it out of the way, I will give the fast and short version. I am taking Swanson’s Fisetin. I take around 2g a day for 3 days( now 2.5g). I repeat this for 3 or 4 times with varying intervals (I was trying to find optimal intervals).  


My my first regimen was 3 days treatment with a 2 week delay, then a 3 week delay, then a 4 week delay, then a 2 month delay. I am now convinced a 3 week delay is the minimal amount of time you want taking this the way I am, though I will continue with 4 week delay for safety sake and because of my own observations. 


So results. Well I feel like this must play on hormone levels in the short term. Immediately after starting a 3 day regimen, usually on day 2 or 3 I feel strong as hell. In particular my legs are tight and super strong. My muscles in general are firmer and overall strength is amazing. My mind is clear, thinking concise anddynamic. I feel more dominant, self confident, and aggressive. Libido is enhanced as well. This all led me to believe that this acts as a testosterone mimic or elevates testosterone in the blood which is why I cycle monthly and then take a few months off every so often. 


i can tell you that at the age of 43 this makes me legitimately remember what early 20s feels like. The effects of one 3 day regimen last strongly for 2 weeks and even on for 4 weeks. In particular during week one and two I was amazed at the amount of pure emotion and clarity of the world around me. I could hear and appreciate sounds and colors seemed more vibrant. Mentally I am on overdrive with super memory and crystal clear logical thinking. I remember the first time I took this I was shocked. I was in a cafe just looking at a coke I had bought in a glass amazed at how more real and present it looked. A small thing but it was profound just how the world seemed more alive. It literally felt like going back in time 20 years. 


So for long term effects. A stronger posture, better muscle tone, improved gum health, vastly more energy, in fact this has become all the norm after around 8 months of this. Many of the effects I described in the first two weeks following a 3 day regimen do taper off to an extent, but never completely. 


As far as side effects there has not been anything thus far. When you are taking the 3 day dose you might get amped up a little jittery but that gives way quickly after the last dosage and it normalizes into a even effect that is positive in nature. I was very concerned about hair loss as I could not believe how impactful this was. But I have noticed no hair loss at all. I cycle it with a 3 or 4 week break to ensure that there is no negative effect on hair or otherwise. With a two week interval I had some scalp itchiness. That was enough to back me off to to four week intervals.


I honestly think that most of what I experienced is not the senylotic effect. It’s way too fast and profound. But I have no ill effects and feel incredible. And overall I have a youthful vigor and look and feel younger. I think a senylotic evaluation, as far as a laymen just observing himself goes ,can only really be done after 2 years or so. However the initial results ( especially gum health) and from what else I can observe are overwhelmingly positive. 


I can tell you that this does have an affect and it is profound and noticeable. How much of this is hormone I do not know. But I have other improved health as well, however it’s always tricky to quantify this objectively yourself sometimes. 


Good luck on your experiments. Let me know if this has the same effect for you. I just bought Swanson’s with nouvestein. Nothing fancy. Cheap and on amazon. 

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    • Van Moore
    • Van_Moore
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Started this regimen 5 days ago.  1 gram of nmn and resveratrol along with 3 grams of fisetin and 1 gram of quercetin daily.  Plan on dropping back to 500 mg fisetin and quercetin daily but continuing with the dosage of nmn and resveratrol.  I'm a very active 66 year old male in excellent shape, but have experienced a decrease in energy levels over the past several years.  I'm here to tell you, I felt and immediate reaction to taking these supplements, developed a weird muscle twitch in my left forearm that lasted for 3 days, and a tingling burning sensation on the bottom of my left foot!  On the plus side felt a sustained increase in energy, libido, and an overall sense of well being.  I do find it that I don't sleep as sound but maybe I don't need the sleep.  I had given up drinking cause it often left me feeling dehydrated the next morning, but even had a couple of beers the last few days and felt great!  

    • Van Moore I've been doing it just over a year for 1g/day but went for 1.5g/day for a couple of weeks. The eyesight change really blew my mind. Actually, I hope it's NMN, I take a lot  of longevity supplements, I'll list the good ones.

      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      John Ramos Please do.  Another thing is that I feel something I'm taking is boosting my T levels.  Had taken DHEA years ago, but gave it up cause felt aggressive and couldn't sleep well.  The feeling now is similar but not as strong..anyway feel that at 66 I need it!

    • Van Moore I remember reading about dhea and the trick being to take a very small amount. 

      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Robert Olin Probably so, I have recently taken pregnenolone which worked better for me.  Had my hormone levels checked and my testosterone are high for my age.

    • Van Moore I'm 71 and starting my 1st 72 hr fast on Monday.   This was proceeded by a 25 and 48 hr.   This time I'm adding fisetin and grape seed extract to help rev up the autophagy.     I noticed my back stopped aching after starting some Russian peptides for cartilage called Sigumir.   But its' only been a few days and there's always the placebos factor.

      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Robert Olin Not taking the NMN, Resveratrol protocol?  

    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    At 70 I have watched generations of people and I can say alcohol causes you to age faster. 

    Like 2
      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Joe F Agree, I've gone for over a year and not had a drink.  I'm talking about a couple of beers a week on special occasions!

      Like 1
    • Joe F Depends on where you get the alcohol and how much. Mileage may vary with your genetics:

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    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    My statement is just an unscientific observation. I look at the people my age and those who consumed alcohol have far more wrinkles on their faces and more intense medical problems. Of course the devil is in the details, how much and how often one consumes. Alcohol converts to sugar in your body. Over the course of 50 years that has got to take its toll. The hinges on your front door might last 200 years but if you abuse it you will never attain that maximum. Your hangover is a warning sign that bad things are happening within your body. The bad effects of a greasy bacon cheeseburger can't be negated with a Diet Coke or supplements. 

    My two cents. 

    Like 1
      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Joe F Agree totally, I only mean that before taking my current regimen having 2 glasses of wine and I'd feel like crap the next morning, so I quit.  Now I feel fine, so something is countering the harmful effects of the alcohol.  Not saying I'm going to start drinking again, but simply that I can.

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    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Interesting. As you age you can tolerate less alcohol, a few glasses of wine can give a noticable hangover whereas when you were younger it did not bother you.  I do feel a bit more invigorated after a few days of fisetin. I truly believe fisetin does possess rejuvenating properties.  I can feel it. Vision is a bit more colorful. Perhaps more noticeable at the age of 70. 

    Like 1
    • Joe F There is, of course, an interesting question which is whether improving the health of cells at a cellular level leads to a greater tolerance of alcohol.  I think for me (age 61) that is the case.

    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Make sure you get  PSA and DRE. Early detection is critical.  

    • Joe F Had my PSA done, --> .45

    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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        .45 is good.  Mine was good until 67 then it went way up. Annual after 60 seems to be the way to go. Don't forget the digital rectal exam as a few forms of prostate cancer  don't show up on a PSA test. 

    • Joe F I have some cancer that's giving me a high AFP, 3000 at last test. Getting another PET scan the 18th. Have has CT's, MRI's but the PET scan may find it. They can all find different things. And in these scans, anything that lights up would be cancer for the most part. PSA is the least of my worries and since it's .45, I shall not worry. 

    • Joe F
    • Joe_F
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Does fisetin help? It does mine but each cancer is very different.  

    • Joe F I wouldn't have any idea if it helps. I've taken Fenbendazole, for humans it Mebendazole. I suspect that Fenben helped.

  • Van Moore said:
    Another thing is that I feel something I'm taking is boosting my T levels.  Had taken DHEA years ago, but gave it up cause felt aggressive and couldn't sleep well.  The feeling now is similar but not as strong..anyway feel that at 66 I need it!

     What are you taking for T levels?  What does this mean? The feeling now is similar but not as strong..anyway feel that at 66 I need it!, need what? DHEA?

    I got a list, I just need to massage it a bit.

      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      John Ramos Yes took DHEA for awhile back in my 40's to raise testosterone levels.  It did, but I didn't feel good at all.  Don't know if the resveratrol, mnm, or fisetin is responsible for raising my levels this time?  Haven't had any blood or saliva tests, but just saying definitely have more energy, and it "feels" like I felt when I took DHEA, but this time not nearly as wired...more of a calm energy.

    • Van Moore Here is the list I promised...Longevity Supplements

      Magnesium Pills 2,300/mg of Magnesium Malate gives you 400mg of elemental Magnesium 98% DV

       ALA – caps 600mg/day

      Fucoidan caps 1g/day Sirt 6 activator

      Glycine powder 1/g/day now, upping to 2g when it arrives.

      Berberine Caps 1,200mg/day, trying to get metformin instead. Maybe someone else can help with this one.

      Ca-AKG powder 2G/DAY

      Fermented Wheat Germ Extract 1g/day, I bought a Kilo, check the prices on Amazon, Hahaha

      TMG powder 1.5g/day

      Trans-Resveratrol powder 1g/day

      NAC 2G/day, I have this in 1g tablets

      NMN powder 1 – 1.5g/day I think 1.5 is more appropriate, you need to take a NAD+ test ($200) to determine, if you taking enough NMN, Richard (Modern Healthspan) took the test and upped his to 1.5g/day, I suspect I would also test the same.

      Fisetin, Caps 20mg/kilo of body weight, 2 days in a row, with a 3-month break, you don’t want to completely clear out senescent cells, having some is beneficial and anti-cancer 

      Apigenin, this is one I’m really conflicted about, 16g of dried parsley is a daily dose, but that’s too hard to take. I can’t figure out a low-cost method of taking this in adequate amounts, maybe some else has a solution?
      Most of the loose powders I take with Trader Joes full fat Honey yogurt  

      All of these have been heavily researched, I’m taking these amounts because of that fact. I hope I’ve covered everything.

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      • Van Moore
      • Van_Moore
      • 3 yrs ago
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      John Ramos Thanks!  I'm taking everything but the magnesium, fucoidan, Ca-AKG, wheat germ, and Apigenin.  Will look at those, but was so impressed with glycine that I just ordered.

    • Van Moore I just bought it on eBay 2 lbs for $20.69 for 928 grams from Poland. 


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