Anyone actually experience marked increased energy from NMN?

It's been 2 years now - sublingual.

Nothing. I'm ready to throw it in the box with the resveratrol and rapamycin.


Please leave your experiences and types/doses as well as how you can differentiate if also using other 'compounds'.

Thank you

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  • Sublingual NMN doesn't seem to do anything for me.

    I could fool myself into thinking the 1g daily of oral capsules this past year have had some effect. I'm certainly performing very well athletically right now, but then I've fixed a few metabolic issues aside from the NMN topic.

    Much more convinced about the positive effects of Ca-AKG as a daily 300mg capsule improves my exercise resilience after 2-3 days and the effect disappears after 7 days without the supplement. I've tried that experiment twice, same results so AKG is a keeper (might up my dose to 900mg spread through the day). 

    Just to say because of the NAD+ salvage pathways vs de novo, I cycle a little what I take to boost it; sometimes 100mg Niacin instead of NMN, other days 500mg Nicotinamide etc. This is because e.g. excess Nicotinamide can block NAD+ production, or so I read... 

    Like 2
    • Jack Black You can look it up but the dosing is about 2g/day(I take) for CA-AKG or AKG, according to "The Skeeky Science Show" it the AKG that does the magic at least what I take. I wouldn't take Nicotinamide, useless. Doesn't do anything for NAD+ production.

    • Jack Black rapamycin, I wouldn't go for any of the Chinese suppliers unless you done business with them before. Here's info from another member "just go to and choose a vender, i have good experience with Niba Healthcare vender, use to transfer funds.

      AKG, yes, I bought CA-AKG but it appears it's just the AKG, watch this short video.

      Amazon... Nutricost Arginine AKG Powder 300 Grams (AAKG) - 3G Per Serving & 100 Servings - Pure Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate


    • John Ramos Hey John, I got my Rapa from Indiamart and also So far so good. Too early to spot any differences. AKG seems to be the thing that gave me extra energy when I'm exercising. I have ca-akg in only 300mg tabs, quite expensive, then Creatine-AKG in 1g tabs which was much more reasonable. The reason I avoid Arginine supplements is that this amino acid is used by the herpes virus to replicate. Though I don't have herpes per se, everyone has it somehow e.g. chickenpox so I am being cautious. 

    • Jack Black  Exactly. The possible side effects of arginine are something I would prefer to avoid. Never heard of Creatine-AKG...that sounds very good. Where do you obtain yours? And rapa is now pretty reasonable, especially if you use the grapefruit protocol.

    • Jack Black now if I could only find it in the U.S. 

    • Jack Black The "" for Rapa is expensive, you think you're getting enough bang for the buck? How much is it from India?

      I'm taking 2g of CA-AKG because i have it and that is supposed to be the dose.

      Speaking of Chickenpox, did you get the shingles vaccine? Don't know why you would get herpes...maybe a private thing?


    • John Ramos Chickenpox is a herpes virus, not a private matter at all. You're clearly asking me if I have the genital version, which I can happily deny.

      My concern with buying Rapa is getting something with the actual molecule and not fake stuff. The Indiamart stuff was slightly cheaper, exact price I don't remember.

      I'm also concerned about the chinese market for goods. Very much a buyer beware environment. As such I've ordered a bunch of Ca-AKG from DoNotAge using the Dr Brad Stansfield discount code. Expensive again, but cheaper per gram than Kirkman. 

    • Jack Black Jack, the only thing I know about Chickenpox is about shingles. I got the vaccine because I had chickenpox as a kid and had one episode of shingles, I didn't even know it is/was a herpes virus.

      I suspect that the "" is also a Indian enterprise, their Rapa is Made in India. To my way of thinking, I question is if anybody is getting enough bang for the buck. 

      I'm concerned about the Chinese market also, I have one I have purchased from since 2015, provides COA's, HPLC's and whatever else you want. They go to all the international shows and send me invites.

      I don't buy anything other than NMN from DoNotAge and Prohealth, they sell the same product, Uthever(Youth Ever). I don't like the NMN from AliveByScience, it was changed(clumpy and didn't mix right) and a salesperson tried to tell me it was the same...

    • Jared
    • Jared77
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I’ve been taking the Ca-AKG for about 4 months. I haven’t noticed anything so far but I’m curious to see in my biological age drop like has been reported. 
    NMN was a game changer for me.  Gave me my life back.  

    Like 3
    • Jared has had no effect on my epigenetic age

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    • Jared I notice Ca-AKG when I exercise. You call for the energy and it's there. In domestic life where I'm not needing the energy boost I don't notice much. First time I tried Creatine AKG I felt a boost too but I think I was probably just slightly deficient in creatine, there's no sense of energy boost at all when I eat grammes of that stuff.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Black Creatine and injectable l-carnitine provide me with a very nice energy boost, esp when lifting.

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      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jack Black yeah I got that effect with NMN so perhaps the addition of akg isn’t as noticeable for me.  Mostly for me the amount of rest between sets is minimal now.  Similar to how I felt as a teenager.  

      Like 1
    • Michael When I boosted my creatine [akg] dose to what they said on the bottle, 2g before and 2g after I noticed some exercise benefit. It's nice rushing up the hill past noticeably younger people who are panting away. :D  

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    • Jared
    • Jared77
    • 2 yrs ago
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    My 1st purchase from NMN came from a company in Australia.  After that I sourced it myself from a company in China.  I have the powder shipped direct to me. 

    Like 1
    • Jared How was the pricing from China which is I think the source for almost all of it. Alive by Science says on the package (100mg at a time) Made in USA. Did you have to buy a Kilo? I have 2 good sources but I have to buy a kilo at a time, so for NMN that is a $1,000 at a time and that's what it cost retail here now. Alive by Science, DoNotAge and Prohealth, the best sources.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos if I remember correctly my last order was about $700 US for a kilo.  You can buy smaller amounts but the price per gram increases.  

    • Jared That's actually cheap...It's basically $1,000 here. Alive by Science says on the package Made in the USA. Did you find them on Alibaba or Made in China or another?

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos I found them on alibaba.  I basically ordered a bunch of samples from different companies and determined which samples were legit.  NMN has a very distinctive taste with no flush.  Then I ordered a kilo from the company that I felt most comfortable with.  The NMN effect hasn’t dropped off since I’ve been supplementing it.  

    • Jared What effect did it have on you? You mind sharing which company you used? It does have a distinctive taste, sort of a citrus taste and very fine, fluffy. The last I got from ABS had a stronger citrus taste and dropped to the bottom a cup in a lump, had to agitate it to mix. Also, ABS said water degrades it which I found to be strange. They got huffy when I pointed that out.

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos for me the effect has been nothing short of miraculous.  Whatever issues I had prior, they were definitely NAD related.  The 1st thing I noticed was my gait improved.  My walking was faster and I was lifting my feet higher.  My chronic back pain disappeared, chronic fatigue vanished, clearer thinking, better focus, no after lunch lethargy, better mood and disposition, less fixation on stressful things, increased strength in both amount of weight and number of reps, better cold tolerance.  I basically don’t shiver anymore, and many more things I can’t think of off hand. 

      I forget the name of the company off hand. It’s a Chinese name. But here is my contacts email. Her name is Olive, email is

    • Jared WOW, all I can say is you had fantastics results, 1g per day or more? And thanks for the info...Another thing to look at is Fermented Wheat Germ Extract - Spermidine, inexpensive way to get it. Have a kilo of it, 1g/day.  If you look at Amazon, they want an arm, leg and those 2 other parts for it, crazy, they're making bank on it. Do you mind if I ask how old you are, I can tell you're really into in as I am. I'm 75, so time is of the essence. 

      • Jared
      • Jared77
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Ramos yes 1g per day.  I’m 44 and I felt like I was 60.  It was a strange situation because I look much younger but I felt much older.  It occurred to me one day that nobody else my age was feeling as bad as I did.  Just blind luck trying NMN, but I guessed right.  Yes I’ve been taking spermidine for a few months now and I haven’t really noticed anything.   Same with akg, urolithin a abd a bunch of others.  NMN was the 1st product I tried.  NR gave me a bit more energy boost on top of the NMN.  Otherwise nothing else has made a perceivable difference.  

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