Anyone actually experience marked increased energy from NMN?

It's been 2 years now - sublingual.

Nothing. I'm ready to throw it in the box with the resveratrol and rapamycin.


Please leave your experiences and types/doses as well as how you can differentiate if also using other 'compounds'.

Thank you

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  • I have particularly tested Melatonin on Gingivitis.  I often take it sublingually and the days I don't take it my gums are more inflamed.  My dental hygienist was really impressed by the changes melatonin caused.

    Hence I think there is a general dynamic on inflammation.  My guess is that if you take it on a chronic basis it will gradually reduce inflammation more generally.  You probably do need to take something like 30mg a night.   

    However, you need to be really careful on how to take it.  I am doing quite a bit of experimentation on that at the moment.

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Jared Yes. I saw that too. Thanks again

  • In the absence of published studies, I personally am inclined to be wary of the higher doses. But based on these encouraging individual reports I think its worth experimenting with very modest amounts in the middle of the night. I've already tried 3mg without effect, so I'll bump it up a little and see if I might be one who benefits.

    • JGC
    • Retired Professor of Physics
    • JGC
    • 2 yrs ago
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        Have a look at the discussion of Melatonin by CNN at this LINK.  It says that because of the lack of regulation, over-the-counter Melatonin pills may contain up to 478% of the dosage stated on the label and may also contain significant amounts of another hormone, Serotonin.   Serotonin had lots of unwanted side effects, which the article discusses.

    • JGC There is a good point in that quality control of supplements is variable.  It comes down to identifying brands which offer third party testing certificates, but that does not mean that Melatonin itself is harmful.   The body creates Melatonin from Seratonin. 

      • JGC
      • Retired Professor of Physics
      • JGC
      • 2 yrs ago
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      John Hemming 

          In that context, you might list the suppliers of Melatonin you know of that DO provide 3rd party lab tests of their product.

    • JGC It is possible, but I have not looked at this.  I use Eurovital which to me is reasonably consistent.

    • JGC I am not sure 5HT can cross the BBB, it could be 5HTP you are referring to, but even then you need to inhibit the AAAD enzyme to have neurological effects at a reasonable dose. Perhaps melatonin is made in the factory from 5HT. Anyways, it seems more might be better as it clears toxins from the brain during sleep… a lack of which could be the cause for dementia. 

      Like 1
    • Jay Orman
    • Jay_Orman
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Three years ago I tried NR for several months and noticed nothing.  I converted to 1 gram a day first thing in the morning of NMN mixed with an ounce or two of water. About 15 to 20 minutes after that I have my first coffee of the day and breakfast an hour later.  I notice an energy improvement that is evident for about 3 to 4 hours mostly for endurance activity like swimming non-stop laps for an hour to an hour and a half.  I notice no improvement in strength ability with weights.  I look for products that use Uthever NMN.  I've been using NMN for over two years.  

  • chuck stanley said:
    rapamycin powder supplier recommended by several people on this forum. 

    I wouldn't go for a Chinese supplier on this one. One of the other guys posted a link to an India supplier, "just go to and choose a vender, I have good experience with Niba Healthcare vender, use to transfer funds."

    That should solve your rapamycin needs or wants.

    As for AKG, check this out...

    I bought CA-AKG but it appears that it's just the AKG so you can get it on Amazon very inexpensively for Arginine-AKG.


  • are you dosing it with TMG ? wich you should. 

  • None on Niagen alone, but if I combine Niagen + parsley, MAYBE (will try more)

  • I have been taking NMN since early 2020 and can say, I almost immediately felt its benefits with increased energy and the downside of this trouble sleeping. Still, the sleep came under control after a few weeks, and I also took the dose straight away after waking up. 

    The other effects that I have noticed that were not so immediate were faster cut and wound healing and faster hair and nail growth. 

    At various times over the past three-plus years, I have stopped taking it, and while I don't notice much, when I go back onto NMN, I feel that increased energy. This is a good sign to me that it's having a continued positive effect on me. 

    Regarding you not experiencing any benefits, which brand are you using? Many that don't live up to their quality claims and even counterfeit brands are sold as legitimate brands, like ProHealth, DoNotAge and Renue by Science. 

    In regards to dosage, how much are you taking? In most cases, 1,000mg per day is overkill; David Sinclair quietly admitted he now takes 500mg per day, back in his book, page 304, he stated taking 1,000 mg per day. His new dosage is in line with a Japanese study that estimated the effective dosage of NMN translated to humans, I have created a calculator based on the study finding to calculate an effective dosage of NMN based on body weight; if you are in interested in trying here is a link to the NMN Dosage Calculator:

    Since your post was a year ago would be interested to hear if you have changed brands and how your experiences are now

    • Ben Hoffman interesting results. Any blood test improvements that you can share?

      I didnt know about the counterfeit brands. What is the source of that information? What brand have you been using?

    • Ben Hoffman Correction: I misread "even counterfeit brands are sold as legitimate brands, like ProHealth, DoNotAge and Renue by Science" to mean that those brands were counterfeit. 

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